The Watercooler -- Impressions, philosophical discussion and general banter. Index on first page. All welcome.
Mar 2, 2024 at 3:26 PM Post #82,711 of 93,307
I've found BCD tohave an effect across the FR not just Bass and yea, it is the future and a clear upgrade in every case I've heard it.
Depends on the tuning of the BCD, the Spartacus has targeted non full FR BCD
Mar 2, 2024 at 3:58 PM Post #82,712 of 93,307
Forgive me for this utterly shameless plug!
To my own pleasant surprise I’ll be making it to our European meetup in Amsterdam, plan to be there during March 22-24, also visiting Milan for a few days prior to it.

Willing to sell my like-new Aura which didn’t fit my left ear bought in HK - really mint except for left stock filter that I glued back to not use spare ones during my extensive tip rolling.
And also the mighty Traillii bought through Musicteck few years ago and reshelled to completely new IEM bodies by Oriolus last summer - here cable hardware like splitter and terminations are washed out during usage.
Feel free to PM me for photos or details and suggest a price which would be comfortable for you to pay.
Thanks and looking forward to meet all the guys in person!
Mar 2, 2024 at 4:05 PM Post #82,713 of 93,307
Stoked for NYC next week, but I have little interest in even demoing anything new at this point. YMMV, and all that.
Speaking my language, my dude. I'm keen to see friends and actually spend time with people off the screen, but that's about it. That's the problem with endgame. Once you've hit that wall, it does tend to put a damper on actively shopping.
Mar 2, 2024 at 4:28 PM Post #82,715 of 93,307
Mar 2, 2024 at 6:29 PM Post #82,716 of 93,307
Best part of Audio, everyone likes something a little different and hears something a little differently. Hopefully you like the Volurs. Try the m12 and m15 module.

Love the Volürs. Found the fit perfect with W1 SS tips. End game for me - sound is where I want it to be! Time to jump off the forums and save some money now, lol.


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Mar 2, 2024 at 6:47 PM Post #82,717 of 93,307
Forgive me for this utterly shameless plug!
To my own pleasant surprise I’ll be making it to our European meetup in Amsterdam, plan to be there during March 22-24, also visiting Milan for a few days prior to it.

Willing to sell my like-new Aura which didn’t fit my left ear bought in HK - really mint except for left stock filter that I glued back to not use spare ones during my extensive tip rolling.
And also the mighty Traillii bought through Musicteck few years ago and reshelled to completely new IEM bodies by Oriolus last summer - here cable hardware like splitter and terminations are washed out during usage.
Feel free to PM me for photos or details and suggest a price which would be comfortable for you to pay.
Thanks and looking forward to meet all the guys in person!
2 legendary iems right here !👀🔥
Mar 2, 2024 at 6:47 PM Post #82,718 of 93,307
I'm on an airplane, jewels are out for repair using A18ts. Trying to EQ some DD like slam into the BA bass, it's impossible. Tried everything. Don't know how you guys with no DD do it, and I have heard good BA bass, not close. I cant get the subbass to jump out at me like it does with Jewel.

This is what makes it sound best, most smooth analog, jewel like with better bass:
You need a better EQ app.
Mar 2, 2024 at 6:53 PM Post #82,719 of 93,307
I'm on an airplane, jewels are out for repair using A18ts. Trying to EQ some DD like slam into the BA bass, it's impossible. Tried everything. Don't know how you guys with no DD do it, and I have heard good BA bass, not close. I cant get the subbass to jump out at me like it does with Jewel.

This is what makes it sound best, most smooth analog, jewel like with better bass:
I would just appreciate other aspects of the music if it’s not giving you that good bass ,maybe zone in on instruments /vocals /air /sparkle/ separation and let the bass be an after thought :)
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Mar 2, 2024 at 6:54 PM Post #82,720 of 93,307
Mar 2, 2024 at 6:57 PM Post #82,721 of 93,307
I'm on an airplane, jewels are out for repair using A18ts. Trying to EQ some DD like slam into the BA bass, it's impossible. Tried everything. Don't know how you guys with no DD do it, and I have heard good BA bass, not close. I cant get the subbass to jump out at me like it does with Jewel.

This is what makes it sound best, most smooth analog, jewel like with better bass:
I've heard some good BA bass but you can always tell it's missing something. I suppose if I only listened to certain genres of music, I could live with that. But not for me personally, but plenty of people seem to like it so more power to them. However adding a BCD in seems like it could change the game. But all BA bass does not work for most of my music. It will never have bass as good as a good DD, there will always be that physicality missing.
Mar 2, 2024 at 7:35 PM Post #82,723 of 93,307
Gonna let the world in an insider tip that the industry doesn’t want you to know. The cheapest, most effective way to upgrade your entire audio experience for next to nothing…..drum roll… is called psilocybin.
Mar 2, 2024 at 7:40 PM Post #82,724 of 93,307
Watched Spaceman tonight and ended up almost having an argument with my wife as a result! - an incredibly divisive movie that will have those that love and those that hate, I fell firmly into the former - brilliant movie that will leave me pondering the content for quite a while, and definitely watch again alone in the coming days. Excellent soundtrack too by Max Richter.

The critics slated it, and I suspect will sit in a lower rating score overall unfortunately.

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Mar 2, 2024 at 7:43 PM Post #82,725 of 93,307
Gonna let the world in an insider tip that the industry doesn’t want you to know. The cheapest, most effective way to upgrade your entire audio experience for next to nothing…..drum roll… is called psilocybin.
When you are on mushroom, you don't even need an IEM to enjoy music, it is playing inside your head.

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