The Watercooler -- Impressions, philosophical discussion and general banter. Index on first page. All welcome.
Jan 30, 2024 at 2:23 AM Post #80,161 of 91,487
Very sorry to hear this Alex. It will usually go away in a few days or so, but the Eply Maneuver can cure it, or if not cure it, make it better till it goes away. I have not had it personally, but my wife had a knee operation and subsequently had Vertigo some time later.

Your doctor is correct in that you have inner ear crystals that your ear uses for balance. If they get dislodged, everything starts spinning ( your body’s way of getting you off of your feet as your balance is gone ). There is no medicine that cures it. There is a med to help with the nausea, but that is really all it does. The Eply Maneuver was invented by a doctor to get the crystals back in place and help you to get your balance back. Typically a doctor or a PT ( physical therapist ) can take you through the maneuver and guide you in how to do the maneuver yourself. I am not a big fan of ENTs myself, they seem to not be as good as other doctors ( just my opinion), but needed for the ear obviously.

Below is some background about the Eply Maneuver. Get better!

BPPV ( Vertigo ) is caused by a problem in your inner ear. Your semicircular canals are found inside your ear. They detect motion and send this information to your brain. The utricle is a nearby part of the ear. It contains calcium crystals (canaliths) that help it detect movement.

Sometimes these crystals detach from the utricle and end up inside the semicircular canals. When these crystals move inside the canals, they may send incorrect signals to your brain about your position. This can make you feel like the world is spinning. This is called vertigo.

Dr. John Epley designed a series of movements to dislodge the crystals from the semicircular canals. These movements bring the crystals back to the utricle, where they belong. This treats the symptoms of vertigo.
Funny that the only time I do Epley maneuver is when I'm at the doctor. Never do it myself and all I did is taking the meds for one or two days and it's gone. Those spinning feeling only happen when I lay down though. Not when I get up 🤔
Jan 30, 2024 at 2:25 AM Post #80,162 of 91,487
Sorry to prolong the medical detour but this raises a question. My ears get cleaned every few years using warm water injected with some pressure. That happens to be the prevailing method where I live. Does that method entail the risk of dislodging those crystals? I haven’t had an issue with that so far, but it would be good to know.
Jan 30, 2024 at 3:02 AM Post #80,163 of 91,487
Unsure it is related to the current discussion, but after seeing this thread "Suddenly prone to ear infections since turning 40"

And realising that I am ageing terrifically and will turn 40 one day, I started using "Audiclean Ear Cleansing Wash" every week:

Amazon link is for convenience only, can basically buy it anywhere. If you know what you are doing then could also look into using an 'ear wax curette' at home.

If seeing an audiologist or ENT then follow their advice about ear wax removal / ear health maintenance, not my suggestions (and I cannot stress that enough :relaxed:)
Last edited:
Jan 30, 2024 at 3:03 AM Post #80,164 of 91,487
Sorry to prolong the medical detour but this raises a question. My ears get cleaned every few years using warm water injected with some pressure. That happens to be the prevailing method where I live. Does that method entail the risk of dislodging those crystals? I haven’t had an issue with that so far, but it would be good to know.
I am no doctor, but I would not worry about it. Everyone is different. I had my ears done with suction and no issue other than it is pretty harsh.
Jan 30, 2024 at 3:22 AM Post #80,165 of 91,487
Sorry to prolong the medical detour but this raises a question. My ears get cleaned every few years using warm water injected with some pressure. That happens to be the prevailing method where I live. Does that method entail the risk of dislodging those crystals? I haven’t had an issue with that so far, but it would be good to know.
It’s an acceptable but outdated method.

Micro suction is cleaner. Quick. And effective.

There is a small risk of issues with eardrum perforation with the water method.

And with suction you can wear your IEM’s right away!
Jan 30, 2024 at 3:35 AM Post #80,166 of 91,487
Cross post from the DX260 thread:

Dropped by Jaben SG this afternoon after my weekly medical appointment and @Uncle Wilson and Claire had a nice surprise for me. 🤗

I will say that the DX260 is a nifty little player. Just setting it up all the apps for it right now. Just sharing the unboxing photos first. :)








Jan 30, 2024 at 3:37 AM Post #80,167 of 91,487


Monarch MKII stock cables
Unique Melody MEXT stock cables
Effect Audio Cleopatra II OCTA (Pentaconn OFC and TermX versions)
Acoustune HS1750CU stock cables

Thieaudio Monarch MkII
Unique Melody MEXT
Acoustune HS1750CU

A&K SE100
Fiio M15
A&K SP2000

PW Audio SP2000 adapters
a portable amp + cables

TermX vs Pentaconn OFC cables
Pentaconn OFC has improved sound. It's easy to differentiate the two and even my friend was able to blind test and identify the correct cables.

ThieAudio Monarch MKII
My personal unit. Neutral. It is very clean sounding but needs something to make it more fun. Bass is actually decent on this unit but wouldn't hurt to have a bit more, so I was curious if upgrading the cables and changing tips would improve the sound. I was lent an Erua Tawa cable and although I like the sound coming from it, the cable makes too much sound when moved or touched. After 40+ hours of research I ended up with a EA Cleo II Octa TermX cables... someone else offered me a very good price on the Pentaconn OFC version so bought that one too and will return the TermX in a few days before my 30 day return period expires. The Cleo provides that extra bass and bonus improvement in treble region (violin sounds more realistic with high pitch tone) without sacrificing the nice clean mids.

Unique Melody MEXT
I had a very interesting experience with this IEM. MEXT is already bassy with the stock cable, so with the Cleo it sounded very wrong like a child got a hold of the EQ and randomly dragged the bars up in the bass region resulting in very unnatural bassy sound that bled into the mids and drowned out microdetails. Now I understand that a high end cable is not a one-stop upgrade for all IEMs. I tried the Monarch MKII stock cables right after and, to my relief, that cable provided an overall improvement vs the MEXT stock cables. After checking the price, I personally would not recommend the MEXT.

Acoustune HS1750CU
Sounds like a younger sibling of the MMKII. More similar than different though MMKII pulls ahead in some areas. I hear a bit more details with the MMKII. Since MMKII is considered neutral, I would also consider the 1750 leaning towards neutral. When I asked my friend the model name and price I was pleasantly surprised. For half the MSRP, I'd say this is a solid IEM for the price. Even more surprising that it's a 1DD IEM. My other IEM is the Beyerdynamic Xelento which is also a 1DD. Between the two, I'd easily pick this Acoustune. Unfortunately, it doesnt use 2 pin or mmcx so I can't try my other cables with it.

A&K SE100
I only tried this DAP for 10 mins. It's a significant downgrade compared to the M15 and SP2000. I have limited time with the SP2000 so I would rather spend time testing it than the SE100.

Fiio M15
My personal unit and my first DAP. I also have the Sony WM1AM2 which my friend is currently borrowing while I try his SP2000. Fiio M15 is warmer sounding compared to both the Sony and SP2000. WM1AM2 sounds very clean but almost too clean to a fault that I don't have fun listening to it.

A&K SP2000
Interestingly, this shares the same dual AK4499EQ as the M15. The overall sound is similar but SP2000 hands down win in terms of separation and clarity. Very refined sound. It's exactly the sound upgrade I'm looking for. It's like combining the fun of the M15 and the cleanliness of the WM1AM2. I'm just slightly annoyed that it doesn't have 4.4mm output. I also haven't tried installing or reading about Tidal compatibility but it might be an issue. SP3000 would solve both those issues but I'm not sure about spending more than double the price of the SP2000 (used prices). SP3000 is also 100g heavier and to me it feels that SP2000's weight and size is already the max I would tolerate. It's already not pleasant holding it out for a long time and it's ~100g heavier than the M15 but in reality it feels almost 2x heavier. There's a 4.4mm mod by someone in UK but that will cost 400GBP plus shipping.

PW Audio Adapters for SP2000
Thanks to my TermX cable, I can properly test the 2.5mm output vs the 4.4mm adapters. The 1960's version is night/day better than the other adapter. It also makes the sound warmer in exchange of very slight decrease in clarity so I'm losing out on some microdetails. I find using the adapter better for longer listening session and when I'm not focused on the music. The SP2000 can be very revealing and punishing on poorly recorded tracks. Having a warmer and more fun sound helps with those tracks. With the adapter though I'm not hearing the full capability of the SP2000. The adapter also adds physical stability to the cable connection. 2.5mm feels like it would break in a small accident, which is a real concern for me because I move around often.

Portable amp that I havent tried yet plus cables to connect to the DAPs.


My end game?
I am leaning towards getting the SP2000 and then call it a day with Monarch MK2, Cleo II OCTA cables, and SpinFit W1 tips then hide for the next 3 years. This website is dangerous and full of temptations haha. If I'm obsessed about getting the best sound then I would have to mail my Cleo to Singapore to reterminate to 2.5mm and also a dedicated 2 pin instead of ConX (some claim that it will also improve sound) though I'm concerned if those "improvements" could potentially push the treble region to become too piercing to my ears. I suppose I can go back to the M15's warmer and less revealing sound for long listening session then move to SP2000 if I want to hear everything. It's the 'I already enjoy the sound' vs 'can I push this further?' dilemma. I have to be careful not to get deeper down the rabbit hole though I wouldn't have gotten this far if I didn't bother pushing my gear further. But perhaps I would've just been just as happy if I stopped at my Xelento IEM. But then I wouldn't have found out all these extra sounds in my favorite tracks.

Many thanks to @main character for lending me equipment. My wallet hates him though. I told him I don't want to try cables... also told him I don't want to try other DAPs. Here I am with Cleo cables and now I may end up getting an SP2000 or even SP3000.
Jan 30, 2024 at 4:05 AM Post #80,168 of 91,487
You can do so much better than U6T for its price, i.e. TOTL deserving sound on a brand new IEM at U6T's SRP
That really depends on what you are after. To be perfectly honest if I want true TOTL sound and performance, I’d rather buy an actual TOTL IEM like Xe6 or Annihilator.

But then sometimes all I want is U6t’s lovely slightly warm take on neutral, with perfectly spherical stage, punchy dynamics, and well-above average detail retrieval for its price point. It’s killer feature, however, is that it’s the only IEM I have that I can and do use for 12+ hours straight with Zero ear fatigue, for example on long-haul flights. I could probably do the same with A12t, but I don’t want to sleep with that one.

At this point U6t has a near-permanent place in my collection.

On a completely different topic, gotta ask fellow Watercoolers if anybody experienced the same problem...

Last week, on Thursday, I went to see ENT doctor. Turns out the periodic pressure I have been feeling in my left ear is probably caused by my TMJ. And while being at the office, the doc checked my ears and asked me if I want him to clean my earwax build up. I have done it in the past when they used one of those scoopers, but never a suction vac. Agreed to go for it (the vac), but then later that day felt a bit dizzy. I thought maybe I was dehydrated. The same on Friday, a bit dizzy, but in general I was still feeling OK. Later that day on Friday after a workout, I started to feel more dizzy, and by Saturday morning it turned into a full blown vertigo condition :frowning2:

Now, 3 days later, I have been feeling like a zombie with room spinning around until I sit down, and feeling dizzy as I'm walking around. Called ENT doctor, going to see him tomorrow morning, but they mentioned something about my inner ear crystals being out of place. Anybody experienced anything like that? Especially after getting your ears "vacuumed"? And for those who did, was it related to "crystals" and how did it get fixed?
Wow, that’s really scary, I hope it clears up for you soon. I’ve not heard of that treatment before, I guess I’ll take this as a warning…
Unsure it is related to the current discussion, but after seeing this thread "Suddenly prone to ear infections since turning 40"

And realising that I am ageing terrifically and will turn 40 one day, I started using "Audiclean Ear Cleansing Wash" every week:

Amazon link is for convenience only, can basically buy it anywhere. If you know what you are doing then could also look into using an 'ear wax curette' at home.

If seeing an audiologist or ENT then follow their advice about ear wax removal / ear health maintenance, not my suggestions (and I cannot stress that enough :relaxed:)
I’ve not tried those type of drops before, but this kind of thing has worked pretty well for me, seems to melt away any buildup and it just drains out slowly over a couple hours.–-aids-easy-removal-of-ear-wax
Jan 30, 2024 at 4:23 AM Post #80,169 of 91,487
On a completely different topic, gotta ask fellow Watercoolers if anybody experienced the same problem...

Last week, on Thursday, I went to see ENT doctor. Turns out the periodic pressure I have been feeling in my left ear is probably caused by my TMJ. And while being at the office, the doc checked my ears and asked me if I want him to clean my earwax build up. I have done it in the past when they used one of those scoopers, but never a suction vac. Agreed to go for it (the vac), but then later that day felt a bit dizzy. I thought maybe I was dehydrated. The same on Friday, a bit dizzy, but in general I was still feeling OK. Later that day on Friday after a workout, I started to feel more dizzy, and by Saturday morning it turned into a full blown vertigo condition :frowning2:

Now, 3 days later, I have been feeling like a zombie with room spinning around until I sit down, and feeling dizzy as I'm walking around. Called ENT doctor, going to see him tomorrow morning, but they mentioned something about my inner ear crystals being out of place. Anybody experienced anything like that? Especially after getting your ears "vacuumed"? And for those who did, was it related to "crystals" and how did it get fixed?
I am sorry for your situation. If that Crystal Ball has misaligned, they will need to fix it. I wish you a speedy recovery as Vertigo sucks big time.

In India l, ear cleaning can be done on the streets for $1 - $2 and these guys are good. I have tried it when I was child. They sit on the street with a small wooden box and take the wax out with a long and tiny spoon like thing in a few minutes and you are good to go.

Maybe visit India sometime for a ear and dental job on the street .....🫢
Last edited:
Jan 30, 2024 at 4:29 AM Post #80,170 of 91,487


Monarch MKII stock cables
Unique Melody MEXT stock cables
Effect Audio Cleopatra II OCTA (Pentaconn OFC and TermX versions)
Acoustune HS1750CU stock cables

Thieaudio Monarch MkII
Unique Melody MEXT
Acoustune HS1750CU

A&K SE100
Fiio M15
A&K SP2000

PW Audio SP2000 adapters
a portable amp + cables

TermX vs Pentaconn OFC cables
Pentaconn OFC has improved sound. It's easy to differentiate the two and even my friend was able to blind test and identify the correct cables.

ThieAudio Monarch MKII
My personal unit. Neutral. It is very clean sounding but needs something to make it more fun. Bass is actually decent on this unit but wouldn't hurt to have a bit more, so I was curious if upgrading the cables and changing tips would improve the sound. I was lent an Erua Tawa cable and although I like the sound coming from it, the cable makes too much sound when moved or touched. After 40+ hours of research I ended up with a EA Cleo II Octa TermX cables... someone else offered me a very good price on the Pentaconn OFC version so bought that one too and will return the TermX in a few days before my 30 day return period expires. The Cleo provides that extra bass and bonus improvement in treble region (violin sounds more realistic with high pitch tone) without sacrificing the nice clean mids.

Unique Melody MEXT
I had a very interesting experience with this IEM. MEXT is already bassy with the stock cable, so with the Cleo it sounded very wrong like a child got a hold of the EQ and randomly dragged the bars up in the bass region resulting in very unnatural bassy sound that bled into the mids and drowned out microdetails. Now I understand that a high end cable is not a one-stop upgrade for all IEMs. I tried the Monarch MKII stock cables right after and, to my relief, that cable provided an overall improvement vs the MEXT stock cables. After checking the price, I personally would not recommend the MEXT.

Acoustune HS1750CU
Sounds like a younger sibling of the MMKII. More similar than different though MMKII pulls ahead in some areas. I hear a bit more details with the MMKII. Since MMKII is considered neutral, I would also consider the 1750 leaning towards neutral. When I asked my friend the model name and price I was pleasantly surprised. For half the MSRP, I'd say this is a solid IEM for the price. Even more surprising that it's a 1DD IEM. My other IEM is the Beyerdynamic Xelento which is also a 1DD. Between the two, I'd easily pick this Acoustune. Unfortunately, it doesnt use 2 pin or mmcx so I can't try my other cables with it.

A&K SE100
I only tried this DAP for 10 mins. It's a significant downgrade compared to the M15 and SP2000. I have limited time with the SP2000 so I would rather spend time testing it than the SE100.

Fiio M15
My personal unit and my first DAP. I also have the Sony WM1AM2 which my friend is currently borrowing while I try his SP2000. Fiio M15 is warmer sounding compared to both the Sony and SP2000. WM1AM2 sounds very clean but almost too clean to a fault that I don't have fun listening to it.

A&K SP2000
Interestingly, this shares the same dual AK4499EQ as the M15. The overall sound is similar but SP2000 hands down win in terms of separation and clarity. Very refined sound. It's exactly the sound upgrade I'm looking for. It's like combining the fun of the M15 and the cleanliness of the WM1AM2. I'm just slightly annoyed that it doesn't have 4.4mm output. I also haven't tried installing or reading about Tidal compatibility but it might be an issue. SP3000 would solve both those issues but I'm not sure about spending more than double the price of the SP2000 (used prices). SP3000 is also 100g heavier and to me it feels that SP2000's weight and size is already the max I would tolerate. It's already not pleasant holding it out for a long time and it's ~100g heavier than the M15 but in reality it feels almost 2x heavier. There's a 4.4mm mod by someone in UK but that will cost 400GBP plus shipping.

PW Audio Adapters for SP2000
Thanks to my TermX cable, I can properly test the 2.5mm output vs the 4.4mm adapters. The 1960's version is night/day better than the other adapter. It also makes the sound warmer in exchange of very slight decrease in clarity so I'm losing out on some microdetails. I find using the adapter better for longer listening session and when I'm not focused on the music. The SP2000 can be very revealing and punishing on poorly recorded tracks. Having a warmer and more fun sound helps with those tracks. With the adapter though I'm not hearing the full capability of the SP2000. The adapter also adds physical stability to the cable connection. 2.5mm feels like it would break in a small accident, which is a real concern for me because I move around often.

Portable amp that I havent tried yet plus cables to connect to the DAPs.


My end game?
I am leaning towards getting the SP2000 and then call it a day with Monarch MK2, Cleo II OCTA cables, and SpinFit W1 tips then hide for the next 3 years. This website is dangerous and full of temptations haha. If I'm obsessed about getting the best sound then I would have to mail my Cleo to Singapore to reterminate to 2.5mm and also a dedicated 2 pin instead of ConX (some claim that it will also improve sound) though I'm concerned if those "improvements" could potentially push the treble region to become too piercing to my ears. I suppose I can go back to the M15's warmer and less revealing sound for long listening session then move to SP2000 if I want to hear everything. It's the 'I already enjoy the sound' vs 'can I push this further?' dilemma. I have to be careful not to get deeper down the rabbit hole though I wouldn't have gotten this far if I didn't bother pushing my gear further. But perhaps I would've just been just as happy if I stopped at my Xelento IEM. But then I wouldn't have found out all these extra sounds in my favorite tracks.

Many thanks to @main character for lending me equipment. My wallet hates him though. I told him I don't want to try cables... also told him I don't want to try other DAPs. Here I am with Cleo cables and now I may end up getting an SP2000 or even SP3000.
I enjoy the Monarch MK2 with Cadmus 8 Wire and Mext with Eros S 8 Wire.

I do feel like buying the Acoustune HS 2000 MK 2 or 3. Such a gorgeous looking IEM.

I am still enjoying Quattro, 634 Ears Prototype 3 and Nightjar Singularity for DD and am hopeful that I can own the Acoustune sometime this year.

Your collection is well thought out as Monarch MK2 is a perfect IEM for endless hours of listening.
Jan 30, 2024 at 4:29 AM Post #80,171 of 91,487
I am sorry for your situation. If that Crystal Ball has misaligned, they will need to fix it. I wish you a speedy recovery as Vertigo sucks big time.

In India l, ear cleaning can be done on the streets for $1 - $2 and these guys are good. I have tried it when I was child. They sit on the street with a small wooden box and take the wax out with a long and tiny spoon like thing in a few minutes and you are good to go.

Maybe visit India sometime for a ear ear and dental job on the street .....🫢

(video not for squeamish)

I've no doubt they may be experienced but I wouldn't let them near my eardrums.
Jan 30, 2024 at 4:38 AM Post #80,172 of 91,487
Sorry to prolong the medical detour but this raises a question. My ears get cleaned every few years using warm water injected with some pressure. That happens to be the prevailing method where I live. Does that method entail the risk of dislodging those crystals? I haven’t had an issue with that so far, but it would be good to know.
The easiest way to destroy your ears or any other parts for that matter is to ask for and follow the advice on the internet.
Jan 30, 2024 at 4:39 AM Post #80,173 of 91,487


Monarch MKII stock cables
Unique Melody MEXT stock cables
Effect Audio Cleopatra II OCTA (Pentaconn OFC and TermX versions)
Acoustune HS1750CU stock cables

Thieaudio Monarch MkII
Unique Melody MEXT
Acoustune HS1750CU

A&K SE100
Fiio M15
A&K SP2000

PW Audio SP2000 adapters
a portable amp + cables

TermX vs Pentaconn OFC cables
Pentaconn OFC has improved sound. It's easy to differentiate the two and even my friend was able to blind test and identify the correct cables.

ThieAudio Monarch MKII
My personal unit. Neutral. It is very clean sounding but needs something to make it more fun. Bass is actually decent on this unit but wouldn't hurt to have a bit more, so I was curious if upgrading the cables and changing tips would improve the sound. I was lent an Erua Tawa cable and although I like the sound coming from it, the cable makes too much sound when moved or touched. After 40+ hours of research I ended up with a EA Cleo II Octa TermX cables... someone else offered me a very good price on the Pentaconn OFC version so bought that one too and will return the TermX in a few days before my 30 day return period expires. The Cleo provides that extra bass and bonus improvement in treble region (violin sounds more realistic with high pitch tone) without sacrificing the nice clean mids.

Unique Melody MEXT
I had a very interesting experience with this IEM. MEXT is already bassy with the stock cable, so with the Cleo it sounded very wrong like a child got a hold of the EQ and randomly dragged the bars up in the bass region resulting in very unnatural bassy sound that bled into the mids and drowned out microdetails. Now I understand that a high end cable is not a one-stop upgrade for all IEMs. I tried the Monarch MKII stock cables right after and, to my relief, that cable provided an overall improvement vs the MEXT stock cables. After checking the price, I personally would not recommend the MEXT.

Acoustune HS1750CU
Sounds like a younger sibling of the MMKII. More similar than different though MMKII pulls ahead in some areas. I hear a bit more details with the MMKII. Since MMKII is considered neutral, I would also consider the 1750 leaning towards neutral. When I asked my friend the model name and price I was pleasantly surprised. For half the MSRP, I'd say this is a solid IEM for the price. Even more surprising that it's a 1DD IEM. My other IEM is the Beyerdynamic Xelento which is also a 1DD. Between the two, I'd easily pick this Acoustune. Unfortunately, it doesnt use 2 pin or mmcx so I can't try my other cables with it.

A&K SE100
I only tried this DAP for 10 mins. It's a significant downgrade compared to the M15 and SP2000. I have limited time with the SP2000 so I would rather spend time testing it than the SE100.

Fiio M15
My personal unit and my first DAP. I also have the Sony WM1AM2 which my friend is currently borrowing while I try his SP2000. Fiio M15 is warmer sounding compared to both the Sony and SP2000. WM1AM2 sounds very clean but almost too clean to a fault that I don't have fun listening to it.

A&K SP2000
Interestingly, this shares the same dual AK4499EQ as the M15. The overall sound is similar but SP2000 hands down win in terms of separation and clarity. Very refined sound. It's exactly the sound upgrade I'm looking for. It's like combining the fun of the M15 and the cleanliness of the WM1AM2. I'm just slightly annoyed that it doesn't have 4.4mm output. I also haven't tried installing or reading about Tidal compatibility but it might be an issue. SP3000 would solve both those issues but I'm not sure about spending more than double the price of the SP2000 (used prices). SP3000 is also 100g heavier and to me it feels that SP2000's weight and size is already the max I would tolerate. It's already not pleasant holding it out for a long time and it's ~100g heavier than the M15 but in reality it feels almost 2x heavier. There's a 4.4mm mod by someone in UK but that will cost 400GBP plus shipping.

PW Audio Adapters for SP2000
Thanks to my TermX cable, I can properly test the 2.5mm output vs the 4.4mm adapters. The 1960's version is night/day better than the other adapter. It also makes the sound warmer in exchange of very slight decrease in clarity so I'm losing out on some microdetails. I find using the adapter better for longer listening session and when I'm not focused on the music. The SP2000 can be very revealing and punishing on poorly recorded tracks. Having a warmer and more fun sound helps with those tracks. With the adapter though I'm not hearing the full capability of the SP2000. The adapter also adds physical stability to the cable connection. 2.5mm feels like it would break in a small accident, which is a real concern for me because I move around often.

Portable amp that I havent tried yet plus cables to connect to the DAPs.


My end game?
I am leaning towards getting the SP2000 and then call it a day with Monarch MK2, Cleo II OCTA cables, and SpinFit W1 tips then hide for the next 3 years. This website is dangerous and full of temptations haha. If I'm obsessed about getting the best sound then I would have to mail my Cleo to Singapore to reterminate to 2.5mm and also a dedicated 2 pin instead of ConX (some claim that it will also improve sound) though I'm concerned if those "improvements" could potentially push the treble region to become too piercing to my ears. I suppose I can go back to the M15's warmer and less revealing sound for long listening session then move to SP2000 if I want to hear everything. It's the 'I already enjoy the sound' vs 'can I push this further?' dilemma. I have to be careful not to get deeper down the rabbit hole though I wouldn't have gotten this far if I didn't bother pushing my gear further. But perhaps I would've just been just as happy if I stopped at my Xelento IEM. But then I wouldn't have found out all these extra sounds in my favorite tracks.

Many thanks to @main character for lending me equipment. My wallet hates him though. I told him I don't want to try cables... also told him I don't want to try other DAPs. Here I am with Cleo cables and now I may end up getting an SP2000 or even SP3000.
I enjoy the Monarch MK2 with Cadmus 8 Wire and Mext with Eros S 8 Wire.

I do feel like buying the Acoustune HS 2000 MK 2 or 3. Such a gorgeous looking IEM.

I am still enjoying Quattro, 634 Ears Prototype 3 and Nightjar Singularity for DD and am hopeful that I can own the Acoustune sometime this year.

Your collection is well thought out as Monarch MK2 is a perfect IEM for endless hours

(video not for squeamish)

I've no doubt they may be experienced but I wouldn't let them near my eardrums.

Jan 30, 2024 at 4:40 AM Post #80,174 of 91,487
Sorry to prolong the medical detour but this raises a question. My ears get cleaned every few years using warm water injected with some pressure. That happens to be the prevailing method where I live. Does that method entail the risk of dislodging those crystals? I haven’t had an issue with that so far, but it would be good to know.
I tend to flush my ears out with warm water - just in passing - while I’m washing my hair, and that tends to work. Every few weeks, I’ll go in there with one of those spoon-like tools to get a good clean. I have a Bebird one with a silicone end and a camera, so I can really see what I’m doing. I’ve done that for years, and it seems to be working fine. An ENT I went to advised me not to go to a doctor for an ear cleaning unless I’m actually experiencing issues, as it’s not typically necessary.
Jan 30, 2024 at 4:50 AM Post #80,175 of 91,487
Sorry to prolong the medical detour but this raises a question. My ears get cleaned every few years using warm water injected with some pressure. That happens to be the prevailing method where I live. Does that method entail the risk of dislodging those crystals? I haven’t had an issue with that so far, but it would be good to know.
This is the method the doctor did to me too last time I checked my hearing. I don't think it has the chance to dislodged the crystal unless the water pressure is too much maybe?

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