The Watercooler -- Impressions, philosophical discussion and general banter. Index on first page. All welcome.
Jan 21, 2024 at 6:23 PM Post #79,248 of 90,405
Really digging Ear Audio’s latest ARC line of cables. Love, love, love it with the Jewel and the Perpetua. Yet to try this cable with other IEMs.


The build quality is way, way more premium than their $275-$300 price point. The cable is thick but light and ergonomic.


The above cable in the black and white colorway I got for the Perpetua, naturally.


The red and black one below is an extra cable I got I’ll use with IEMs coming my way soon.


These cables, sonically, trade blows with far, far higher-end cables. Their party trick is a natural dynamism and flair they add to the music, which works really well with the Jewel and the Perpetua. Drums hit harder and the overall presentation sounds livelier.

Quick specs (copy pasted from Ear Audio):

  • Gauge: 26 AWG UPOCC+ V3
  • Strands: 0.06mm X 49
  • Diameter: 1.2mm
  • Litz: Type 6 with Concentric Structure
  • Insulation: PU
  • Purity: 7N+ Type 4 litz
  • Jacket: Nylon + Cotton sleeve

He is currently selling these cables for $275. They are cheap enough that you may want to try one for yourself without remorse.

His insta:

Thanks! I like these non-summit fi price cable reviews and coming from someone whose heard the best it's actually valuable. So often people who say cables make no difference or X product is audiophile woo haven't acutally heard any of the gears they are dismissing.
Jan 21, 2024 at 6:25 PM Post #79,249 of 90,405

Following post has had my eustress levels on the rise for a while now.

I have become a 500+ headfier, so let's make the 501st post something special.

Last week was my 27th birthday. Nothing special in itself. But I've been working on something quite special for a while and I am dying to share the outcome.

It took some courage to man up, seek professional guidance, and record in the first place, but arguably even more courage to post here among you, audiophiles with sharpest of ears and greatest of gears.

The song is well-known no matter where you're from and what you listen to preferentially - it's Frank Sinatra's My Way which starts off soft and rather uneventful, but it gets going at about halfway, so please bear with me. It also needs to carry a powerful message throughout. I recommend you use your best set for piano & male vocal.

I would very much appreciate any support and feedback. Positive or not. I welcome everyone to reach out to me privately and express their (preferrably somewhat constructive) criticism too! Turns out it's incredibly difficult to judge yourself, both positively or negatively, since it sounds tremendously odd to hear your own voice replayed.

This is also my very first semi-professional endeavour thanks to my guiding mentor and one of my small country's greatest female vocalists - Neisha. I welcome you to check out her work.

I sincerely hope at least some of you find it enjoyable!

Without further ado ...

Great job, you have a great voice. Love these sort of posts. Interested to see what you can do with your talent in the future. Sounds awesome on Hugo2 + Jewel, very natural, elegant and highly resolved.
Last edited:
Jan 21, 2024 at 6:52 PM Post #79,250 of 90,405
Guys, can you help me to remember the name of the eartips?

For the S size they have thick yellow bore with black almost fully mate silicone tip itself.
Can’t recall what brand and model this could be.

Only one that comes to mind is JVC SpiralDots++ or Eletech Baroques but those are L size.

Eletech Baroque (L)


JVC SpiralDots ++ (ML)

Other than these two, you may browse thread gallery to where you might had seen them. Click on "See full thread gallery"

Here's the IEM tips thread:

Screenshot 2024-01-21 at 6.49.33 PM.png
Jan 21, 2024 at 6:53 PM Post #79,251 of 90,405
Did you hear the Susvara with the Zahl yesterday? It was really good, one of the best pairings I’ve heard
Oh, that's one of my miss, I did not try that since my mind is primarily focused on IEMs.
Jan 21, 2024 at 7:31 PM Post #79,253 of 90,405
If this is the case, that NGAudio’s “strategy” was to rely on distributors and retailers to market their expensive products, that seems naive and poorly considered for developers of such sophisticated gear. Andrew @MusicTeck can only do so much (though his NGAudio and Erebus pages could provide a lot more insights than the virtually zero in English that they currently do). And Andrew and others like him rely heavily on consumers like us to do the marketing for them.

NGAudio is like a new high-end watchmaker trying to compete with Rolex and leaving their unfinanced marketing and sales in half the world to the random whims of the watch market. That strategy seems unlikely in that industry. This is another sign that the IEM industry is still an immature one, kind of like the Wild West in the US in the 19th century. It means there is opportunity for lucky and crafty IEM manufacturers to suddenly become the next Rolex without needing millions in marketing access to get there. It also means audiophiles like us don’t get to hear a lot of ground-breaking gear that is out there.
That does not sound like marketing. It sounds like a receptor for disaster. There are some like the Anni and the Canpur that have good tuning. Andrew from MusicTeck tried to get me to purchase the NG flagship (the purple one) Eberus (spelling), but I was not willing to blind but a 4 k iem with out any information on it.

You've thougtfully raised a seldom spoken but very real dark side to this hobby-- addiction to "the chase" which can often lead people to seek out stuff they don't need, spend money they don't have...all for the sake of the next "fix" of experiencing something new, or keep that constant feeling of excitement going. Many of us have been there and it's an affliction whose potential we should all be cognizent of. Stay safe out there indeed fam.
Really digging Ear Audio’s latest ARC line of cables. Love, love, love it with the Jewel and the Perpetua. Yet to try this cable with other IEMs.

The build quality is way, way more premium than their $275-$300 price point. The cable is thick but light and ergonomic.

The above cable in the black and white colorway I got for the Perpetua, naturally.

The red and black one below is an extra cable I got I’ll use with IEMs coming my way soon.

These cables, sonically, trade blows with far, far higher-end cables. Their party trick is a natural dynamism and flair they add to the music, which works really well with the Jewel and the Perpetua. Drums hit harder and the overall presentation sounds livelier.

Quick specs (copy pasted from Ear Audio):

  • Gauge: 26 AWG UPOCC+ V3
  • Strands: 0.06mm X 49
  • Diameter: 1.2mm
  • Litz: Type 6 with Concentric Structure
  • Insulation: PU
  • Purity: 7N+ Type 4 litz
  • Jacket: Nylon + Cotton sleeve

He is currently selling these cables for $275. They are cheap enough that you may want to try one for yourself without remorse.

His insta:
Thank you for the recommendation for the cable with the Jewel. Will check it out. Nice to have cables that are under 1k.
I know this isn't directed to me, but EXT fits my ears well.

I've settled SS Final E tips as the EXT requires quite a deep fit. My canals are wide at the opening that narrow down quite quickly. That wide opening is where the infamous nozzle bulge sits, then the nozzle with tips get shoved in as deep as they can go. Though I have to wear them at different angles as the deeper part of my ears match the EXT's nozzles shape though at drastically different angles lol, one is close to horizontal while the other is about a 45 degree angle.

I actually had a worse fit with the Solaris OG/SE. The base of the nozzle just stuck out too much and was digging into my ear.
Our ears must be different then. I had a better fit with the Solaris SE. I could not get the EXT to fit my ears. Usually my ears can accomodate the chonker iems as long as the insertion depth is medium depth. Anything with a deep insertion depth produces great sound, but it always seems to cause comfort issues after a while. If it has a deep insertion depth usually I can wear them for about 2.5 hours before the fatigue sets in.
Jan 21, 2024 at 8:08 PM Post #79,254 of 90,405
I’ve owned both (UIEM). For me it came down to fit - GM has a very long and wide nozzle which was not only uncomfortable but painful, no matter the tip. It’s too bad because I really loved its sound. Others have had universal GM fit issues as well. Rn6 is more comfortable, though unfortunately for me, still not enough, which is why I am selling mine. I get a pinch in my ear canals with all 3 Fir Frontiers, no matter the tip. But I am an outlier for Fir fit problems.

Fit aside, I would probably pick GM thanks to its more unique, summit-fi bass. Both IEMs have unique customizations to flex their SQ but GM’s bass is the most outstanding feature between the two.
Have you considered getting a custom GM?
Jan 21, 2024 at 9:04 PM Post #79,256 of 90,405

Following post has had my eustress levels on the rise for a while now.

I have become a 500+ headfier, so let's make the 501st post something special.

Last week was my 27th birthday. Nothing special in itself. But I've been working on something quite special for a while and I am dying to share the outcome.

It took some courage to man up, seek professional guidance, and record in the first place, but arguably even more courage to post here among you, audiophiles with sharpest of ears and greatest of gears.

The song is well-known no matter where you're from and what you listen to preferentially - it's Frank Sinatra's My Way which starts off soft and rather uneventful, but it gets going at about halfway, so please bear with me. It also needs to carry a powerful message throughout. I recommend you use your best set for piano & male vocal.

I would very much appreciate any support and feedback. Positive or not. I welcome everyone to reach out to me privately and express their (preferrably somewhat constructive) criticism too! Turns out it's incredibly difficult to judge yourself, both positively or negatively, since it sounds tremendously odd to hear your own voice replayed.

This is also my very first semi-professional endeavour thanks to my guiding mentor and one of my small country's greatest female vocalists - Neisha. I welcome you to check out her work.

I sincerely hope at least some of you find it enjoyable!

Without further ado ...

Looking and sounding good. Keep it up! 🍺
Jan 21, 2024 at 9:54 PM Post #79,257 of 90,405
Hope you folks don’t mind my sharing a bit more art. I am on a creative bender so far this year.
Jan 22, 2024 at 12:18 AM Post #79,258 of 90,405
I was getting all touchy feeling with a stainless steel fridge at Ikea (Hey, it said it designed to be fingerprint resistant!)

After I spend a few minutes trying to my get my body oils on it and failing spectacularly my brain naturally made the jump to iems.

If a 3.8K fridge (All figures in CAD) could manage to keep fingerprints off, how come a 4.5K iem with just stainless steel faceplates can't.

Anyhow, explains probably why Raven Boogaloo resulted in the faceplates being swapped out.
Jan 22, 2024 at 2:18 AM Post #79,260 of 90,405

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