The Watercooler -- Impressions, philosophical discussion and general banter. Index on first page. All welcome.
Jan 14, 2024 at 11:21 AM Post #78,391 of 91,344
Why not Anni 2023? This IEM is (with a proper amp!) simply magnificent exactly for what you wrote, among other things. Viking Ragnar is risky because quite fatiguing.
You're right, that is a better recommendation. It's just that I think of Ragnar when I read the word treble... šŸ˜
Based on the flurry of posts stressing the importance of music library in providing perspective on how well an IEM may or may not work for you, Iā€™ve updated my profile to include that info. Also added my age (yes Iā€™m freakin 60, been a loooooong time in this hobby) as that may be helpful. Most importantly, added Trifecta cause that is staying with me for the foreseeable future. :)
Very good. Maybe we should all do this. If you want it to be seen though, I think you'll have to put it in your signature. Nobody looks where you put it, at least for me it was the first time looking up the 'About' section.
Jan 14, 2024 at 11:21 AM Post #78,392 of 91,344
Unless we decide to pull off a Euro meet around mid March? Or wouldn't that help?

Thank you for your kind suggestion, @drftr . That's really nice of you. But I think that you guys can't take me into consideration and wait for me, especially since I haven't been able to coordinate all appointments with the doctors yet. At the moment the last date will take place towards the end of April.
Jan 14, 2024 at 11:38 AM Post #78,393 of 91,344
Apparently CFA does not get much love here, besides some outliers who swear by the sound of CFA.

After reading some impressions about Trifecta, i must say kudos to CFA for playing the underdog when it comes to the technicalities and sound presentation and staying true to their believes.

It is certainly not the IEM for everyone but it can mean the world to someone. It is certainly a olympic athlete with certain genres of music but also a gimp with other genres.

I hope sometimes to get the chance to try it and to get a glimpse of its capabilities.
Jan 14, 2024 at 11:50 AM Post #78,394 of 91,344
Apparently CFA does not get much love here, besides some outliers who swear by the sound of CFA.

After reading some impressions about Trifecta, i must say kudos to CFA for playing the underdog when it comes to the technicalities and sound presentation and staying true to their believes.

It is certainly not the IEM for everyone but it can mean the world to someone. It is certainly a olympic athlete with certain genres of music but also a gimp with other genres.

I hope sometimes to get the chance to try it and to get a glimpse of its capabilities.
Not so sure I agree with the genre statements.
Not denying that others do not hear that.
I just do not focus on that and find it nice for everything I listen to. Which anyone who knows me knows what that sound is, it is not genre specific, it is engagement specific, and for that Trifecta is up there in the stratosphere for me.

It is also true that I enjoy much less dramatic sets. And dramatic is the best word to describe Trifecta to me and possibly anyone else that enjoys it.

Campfire should be revered for their work, as far as I am concerned the world is a better place with Campfire in it.
Jan 14, 2024 at 11:55 AM Post #78,395 of 91,344
Apparently CFA does not get much love here, besides some outliers who swear by the sound of CFA.

After reading some impressions about Trifecta, i must say kudos to CFA for playing the underdog when it comes to the technicalities and sound presentation and staying true to their believes.

It is certainly not the IEM for everyone but it can mean the world to someone. It is certainly a olympic athlete with certain genres of music but also a gimp with other genres.

I hope sometimes to get the chance to try it and to get a glimpse of its capabilities.
I cannot stress this enough: Trifecta does not play nice with the bulk of my library, but it is not, by any means, a bad IEM. Honestly if @fejnomit hadn't bought it, I might've held onto them (and this morning I was genuinely considering it). What CFA has done goes contrary to everything traditionally "audiophile", and I'm certain that's what some of the vitriol in other circles has been. Where it works, it works really, really well, but I wouldn't classify it as "safe" a tuning as, say, the rn6, or even the xe6 honestly.

This, for example, is stupid fun on them:

I think those saying it's one of the worst audiophile IEMs they've heard is a fair assessment, in the sense that, yeah, if you rate music as "this should always sound exactly like this and that's the benchmark for audiophile", and then something comes along and sounds different, you're gonna have a bad time. In a world where everyone else has gone right in terms of sound signature, CFA has gone left, and that's intriguing to me.
Jan 14, 2024 at 12:02 PM Post #78,396 of 91,344
Apparently CFA does not get much love here, besides some outliers who swear by the sound of CFA.

After reading some impressions about Trifecta, i must say kudos to CFA for playing the underdog when it comes to the technicalities and sound presentation and staying true to their believes.

It is certainly not the IEM for everyone but it can mean the world to someone. It is certainly a olympic athlete with certain genres of music but also a gimp with other genres.

I hope sometimes to get the chance to try it and to get a glimpse of its capabilities.
Not sure we're outliers. It's quite a successful company. And "underdog" to technicalities is not at all accurate. I will die on my sword saying the Bonnevilles have excellent technicalities across all metrics. And with all genres. Spend some time with them. Listen. You will hear it. They just do it in a different way. Same, I believe, for Trifecta. And I also don't care for the athlete metaphor. There is something Olympian about the CFA house sound, to be sure, in their attempt to scale certain heights, but as someone with a beloved handicapped uncle, I am very sensitive to your use of the other word. Just my $.02
Jan 14, 2024 at 12:02 PM Post #78,397 of 91,344
Congratulations @Sajid Amit on your Rolex timepiece. Itā€™s a wonderful feeling getting such a purchase, I hope you enjoy it in great health.

I will share my favorite timepiece (aside from my Apple Watch Ultra 2). If by chance, the stars alignā€¦I will go to Japan once again and pick it up. I was lucky enough to try it on some years ago, nothing Iā€™ve tried compares to it (and Iā€™ve tried all major brands).

Jan 14, 2024 at 12:05 PM Post #78,398 of 91,344
Congratulations @Sajid Amit on your Rolex timepiece. Itā€™s a wonderful feeling getting such a purchase, I hope you enjoy it in great health.

I will share my favorite timepiece (aside from my Apple Watch Ultra 2). If by chance, the stars alignā€¦I will go to Japan once again and pick it up. I was lucky enough to try it on some years ago, nothing Iā€™ve tried compares to it (and Iā€™ve tried all major brands).

Nice. that's my style. I could see my self buying it.
Jan 14, 2024 at 12:11 PM Post #78,399 of 91,344
Nice. that's my style. I could see my self buying it.
You have incredible taste. This is the Credor boutique I visited when I was in Japan last year, no better place to pick up a Credor timepiece. You can also visit the Seiko Museum (just a couple blocks away) while you're there, they have some incredible installations and historic timepieces.



Jan 14, 2024 at 12:13 PM Post #78,400 of 91,344
I cannot stress this enough: Trifecta does not play nice with the bulk of my library, but it is not, by any means, a bad IEM. Honestly if @fejnomit hadn't bought it, I might've held onto them (and this morning I was genuinely considering it). What CFA has done goes contrary to everything traditionally "audiophile", and I'm certain that's what some of the vitriol in other circles has been. Where it works, it works really, really well, but I wouldn't classify it as "safe" a tuning as, say, the rn6, or even the xe6 honestly.

This, for example, is stupid fun on them:

I think those saying it's one of the worst audiophile IEMs they've heard is a fair assessment, in the sense that, yeah, if you rate music as "this should always sound exactly like this and that's the benchmark for audiophile", and then something comes along and sounds different, you're gonna have a bad time. In a world where everyone else has gone right in terms of sound signature, CFA has gone left, and that's intriguing to me.

I have red your impressions about it and your negative impressions put the Trifecta on my radar šŸ˜‚
Not because you said that the IEM is bad in general but because it is weird and does something special.

we are not all the same and trifecta is certainly not for everyone.
Jan 14, 2024 at 12:16 PM Post #78,401 of 91,344
I have red your impressions about it and your negative impressions put the Trifecta on my radar šŸ˜‚
Not because you said that the IEM is bad in general but because it is weird and does something special.

we are not all the same and trifecta is certainly not for everyone.
I wouldn't call my impressions negative. That's not my being polite, or trying not to offend people who love it. If anything what theyā€™ve done here is perplexing to me because it's antithetical to much of what else I've heard. Spatially specifically bass here is unlike any implementation I've heard, where it's sort of headphones, sort of floor speakers, sort of IEMs. Weird is the best way I can describe it. Theyā€™re also very tip and cable dependent I've found. Which, again, isn't a bad thing, it just makes them different.
Jan 14, 2024 at 12:19 PM Post #78,403 of 91,344
Ja ja, I hope so too my friend. Itā€™s been a very ā€œchallengingā€ release for them.

Let the doggos out, WUF!

One reason why Iā€™ve stopped rolling modules on my XE6 UIEM - have reminders of my early module swaps šŸ„¹
Repeat after me: It's Patinnnnnnnna

To be expected given the material, just didn't expect it after 3 days. I'll probably send it into to get them replaced or whatever if I ever feel the urge to sell.
Jan 14, 2024 at 12:30 PM Post #78,404 of 91,344
Really sorry about your uncle, did not know that. It was not meant to hurt you or to trigger you.
We are talking about IEMs? Right?
For sure. All good. Just not a word I enjoy to describe anything. Moving on...
Jan 14, 2024 at 12:42 PM Post #78,405 of 91,344
Not sure we're outliers. It's quite a successful company. And "underdog" to technicalities is not at all accurate. I will die on my sword saying the Bonnevilles have excellent technicalities across all metrics. And with all genres. Spend some time with them. Listen. You will hear it. They just do it in a different way. Same, I believe, for Trifecta. And I also don't care for the athlete metaphor. There is something Olympian about the CFA house sound, to be sure, in their attempt to scale certain heights, but as someone with a beloved handicapped uncle, I am very sensitive to your use of the other word. Just my $.02
The part I put in bold sums it all up. Spend some time with anything and that will become your new norm, your new perceived correctness. Especially true with sound which is a tricky phenomenon in the first place.
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