The Watercooler -- Impressions, philosophical discussion and general banter. Index on first page. All welcome.
Jan 2, 2024 at 1:19 AM Post #76,396 of 90,434
Really happy with this Valentinum case for my Sony WM1ZM2. I love how the green complements the gold brick.





It adds a bit of weight to the DAP, but looks and feels good in the hand. Pretty excellent craftsmanship. My first case from Valentinum and I will likely buy more!
Jan 2, 2024 at 1:23 AM Post #76,397 of 90,434
Yeah, I have an insane amount of music. I can’t even fathom getting it all in cds or FLAC it has to be streamed and downloaded .. most people with crazy, huge flack libraries are built up from years and years
I started mine this last year, felt the same way. It adds up quick tho.
Jan 2, 2024 at 1:35 AM Post #76,398 of 90,434
Short List of Things To Buy in 2024: (only IF I have the money)

1. Elysian DIO
2. Nightjar Duality
3. Luxury & Precision LP7Ti DAP

IF my mom lends me money:

1. Canpur 622b
2. UM Flagship (Unconfirmed)
3. Oriolus Flagship (Unconfirmed)

IF my dad lets me do installment payment to him:

1. Nightjar Blue Hour 8W
2. Mass Kobo 475 DAC/AMP
3. Subtonic Project "Cloudburst"

Things to watch for:

1. xMEMS IEM Development from Soranik

IF God wills it:

1. A House / Apartment :pray:
2. A Girlfriend
"IF" mean "WHEN" 😉
Jan 2, 2024 at 2:13 AM Post #76,400 of 90,434
Is it possible for someone to be done with audio? At least not for me I think. Maybe stop buying things related to audio stuff, but surely I can't stop enjoying music 😁

I really thought I was done with Storm + DX320Max , but curiosity creeped back in , big time a bit later.
I think it’s a bit like cuisine: I might have a favorite dish that “you can eat for the rest of your life”, but you’re more than happy to go and try different restaurants and even variations of the same dish , let alone different cuisines from all over the world.

Or maybe it’s just a financially obliterating addiction. Or both ?
Jan 2, 2024 at 2:24 AM Post #76,402 of 90,434
Really happy with this Valentinum case for my Sony WM1ZM2. I love how the green complements the gold brick.





It adds a bit of weight to the DAP, but looks and feels good in the hand. Pretty excellent craftsmanship. My first case from Valentinum and I will likely buy more!
Valentinum is THE BEST!

I ordered quite a few cases from him:

DX320Max, P6Pro, IEMs and CDM.

Looking forward to more.


Jan 2, 2024 at 2:30 AM Post #76,403 of 90,434
Valentinum is THE BEST!

I ordered quite a few cases from him:

DX320Max, P6Pro, IEMs and CDM.

Looking forward to more.

Wow I love this case! I couldn’t find this design anymore 🥲 Valentinum’s workmanship is 👍🔥
Jan 2, 2024 at 2:30 AM Post #76,404 of 90,434
So all that said what I am looking to do is find my endgame when taking into consideration my use case. I do spend some time at home where I can dial into the critical listening a little more but maybe not enough to justify such a huge price tag in the multi thousands. Something tells me I don’t need a multi thousand dollar set because maybe I won’t be able to see its potential without a desktop setup? Is this true? Maybe it isn’t.

While some IEMs scale with desktop gear, almost all of them sounds good from a nice dongle like RU7 or even something cheaper.
My listening is mainly with DAP or fullsize DAC/AMP.

My question is this: how much should I spend before I may start seeing massive diminishing returns considering my setup?

Diminishing is strong even at the 20usd bracket, but we could argue that 1000$ is point where it's more about tuning differences and getting the very last percentages of performance. Up to each if that's worth it or not, some would even stop at the cheap EA500 at 70 usd and call that endgame.

My advice is take time and enjoy the ride, try different IEMs on the way up and you will probably learn what you love. And even consider buying used, if its wrong for you it's less of a loss when you sell it again.

I am not a wealthy person so I would like to spend up to $800 and be done with it. Some sets I am looking at are Soundrhyme DTE900 and SR8 (a brand known to have incredible value) or AUR Audio Neon Pro or Ascension. I like a balanced/energetic signature with lush vocals that aren’t too recessed.

But if you go for the 800$ mark all the models you mention will be good.

DTE900 and Neon Pro is more in the energetic and speedy camp, both are excellent. Love the Neon Pro tuning and coherent sound, but lacks DD. But it has a excellent timbre for an all BA, my favorite all BA. My metal god 😁

DTE900 is super impressive with a technical and fast low end, energetic and detailed tuning overall.
Quite unbeatable at this price range if the sound is for you. DTE900 lack some polish compared to better tuned models, and has a forward ear gain that can be to tiresome. DTE is airy, but not that much compared to NP.

Ascension is the most balanced and organic sounding AüR, the balance between the low end and the rest make it warmer than Neon Pro. Has the DD that NP lacks, but it's a quite different low end tonality compared to DTE900. Ascension is more textured and natural, DTE is faster and more visceral but also less natural sounding on acoustic music.

Have no idea about how the crossovers work in the Ascension, but to me the midrange sound closer to DD than BA. More rich and engaging, used it for the Xmas vacation and the midrange made me now dislike the 64audio U4s as its lifeless in the midrange.
Highs are also good, airy and natural without being peaky or tiresome.

All 3 models have good soundstage
DTE900 very speaker like with a more forward projection that's further away from you. Have l more width than most IEMs.

Neon Pro is more 3D, has good depth and width but less than DTE900 and is closer to your head.

Ascension is also good at 3D stage and has a presentation that blends the qualities of NP and DTE900. Has also the maybe the best dynamic range in the stage where it can sound like it's more behind you and also reach far forward or to the sides.

DTE900, SR8 and Neon Pro are certainly sets that sit in that zone before stepping into the realm of diminishing returns… I’m sure Ascension too, but I haven’t heard it. I’d probably take SR8 out of your list as definitely not a set that I’d describe as energetic - it is balanced but a much more relaxed signature. Both DTE900 and Neon Pro tick the exciting box - the former for me was a touch too energetic and somewhat harsh at times, Neon Pro on the other hand was too uncomfortable after longer sessions due to the shape/size and lack of vents… these are both subjective issues but just to flag. In terms of recessed vocals, I don’t think that should be a problem with either but someone like @Leonarfd and @Xinlisupreme might be able to chime in here.

@Scuba Devils is not alone, think many prefer more relaxed tunings and specially in the upper mids/ear gain.
Both Neon Pro and DTE900 has forward upper mids, both rides the borderline of what I find ok. Perfect for most days, but not on a bad day or with brighter recordings. This is also where Ascension is much better than Neon Pro and DTE900, has a more forgiving tuning.

I have still a new toy syndrome on Ascension, so keep that in mind. But even so it's a set that I wouldn't say wowed me at forst listen, it has grown more and more over the days to maybe be my favorite now.

And there is plenty of other good brands and models.

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Jan 2, 2024 at 2:44 AM Post #76,405 of 90,434
Summit-fi girlfriend? 😄
oh she better be God-Tier, STORM level technicalities, detailed, transparent, beautiful vocals :wink:, full mids, with big bass if you know what i mean :joy:
Jan 2, 2024 at 2:45 AM Post #76,406 of 90,434
Valentinum is THE BEST!

I ordered quite a few cases from him:

DX320Max, P6Pro, IEMs and CDM.

Looking forward to more.

Thats a nice Valentinum case! I use Valentinum case for my 320Max too!!
Jan 2, 2024 at 2:52 AM Post #76,407 of 90,434
oh she better be God-Tier, STORM level technicalities, detailed, transparent, beautiful vocals :wink:, full mids, with big bass if you know what i mean :joy:

But if her name is Sybil Lance, just sell her in the classifieds.


Wait what were we talking about again?
Jan 2, 2024 at 2:53 AM Post #76,408 of 90,434
What I am most look forward to hearing in 2024:

  • FiR Audio, I really want be able to demo a model like RN6 or something new new.
  • Campfire Audio Bonneville and Supermoon
  • 634ears Loak-II
  • Fatfreq Grand Maestro and Crimson
  • Oriveti OH700VB
  • Dita Project M
  • TIMSOK TS-316
  • ZMF Bokeh
  • Would love to try R2R DAP, hoping for a new model to be released this year
I would also love if brands like Campfire and FiR would work more with reviewers in Europe and arrange review opertunites or tours.
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Jan 2, 2024 at 2:55 AM Post #76,409 of 90,434
Really happy with this Valentinum case for my Sony WM1ZM2. I love how the green complements the gold brick.





It adds a bit of weight to the DAP, but looks and feels good in the hand. Pretty excellent craftsmanship. My first case from Valentinum and I will likely buy more!
Love Valentium cases.
Jan 2, 2024 at 2:57 AM Post #76,410 of 90,434

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