The Watercooler -- Impressions, philosophical discussion and general banter. Index on first page. All welcome.
Oct 30, 2023 at 8:22 PM Post #69,001 of 93,307
Unfortunately, 64 doesn't share digital files as they consider them somewhat proprietary
Sure the trimmed impressions has proprietary information that they don't want to give out. But they also have the raw untrimmed impressions that they refused to give out for whatever reason.

Not to mention their trimming policies change a lot. From the same set of impressions, I've had 4 customs made each with some differences.
Oct 30, 2023 at 9:07 PM Post #69,002 of 93,307
Aw, that's rough. So many manufacturers don't pay attention to fit in that region. Some even depend on their models being tucked into that pocket.
Yea, it unfortunately kind of disqualifies a lot of IEMs for me. And its just been the way it is for me as long as I have participated in this hobby. But still always on the lookout for things that might work. I also have yet to find a TWS that I can actually wear, other than those that dont actually sit in my ear.

Often its just that they are too bulbous or round in that area, where I know I just need the area down by the stem to be thinner. There are a handful I can use with varying degrees of discomfort. The 64 audio shell is ok, but still a bit large down there. I tried one EE IEM one time, extremely uncomfortable. The Z1R fit sort of well but the weight made it the most painful IEM I have ever used. Various campfire shells have had different degrees is discomfort. The only larger IEM shell style I have found that I can actually use without really any discomfort has been the current custom art shell. The stem is angled correctly, and the area that sits down at the bottom is much thinner that almost every other IEM. I have the fibae 5, its a very good iem, but sound wise its not really quite to my preferences. Doesnt hurt that its also a very lightweight IEM.
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Oct 30, 2023 at 9:11 PM Post #69,003 of 93,307
Random hack but I had to share cause I was losing my mind when using my Eletech Victoria cable. For anyone with cables that don’t come equipped with a chin slider and care about maintaining the aesthetics of your cable, 3/16” orthodontic elastic bands. I’m sure something like this has been mentioned before, but for those in need, you’re welcome.


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Oct 30, 2023 at 9:18 PM Post #69,004 of 93,307
It is a bit like when LP6 Ti 7AE first came out a few years back. There was a rumour that LP7's release was imminent... A few years on, we are still waiting... :)

But at the end of the day, if the functionality and UI does not suit you, then perhaps you can wait for the new OS that should be in the much delayed E7 and onwards.

It is a bit like when LP6 Ti 7AE first came out a few years back. There was a rumour that LP7's release was imminent... A few years on, we are still waiting... :)

But at the end of the day, if the functionality and UI does not suit you, then perhaps you can wait for the new OS that should be in the much delayed E7 and onwards.
The market in HK is crazy. It's sold out in the first day. Lots of LP fans here. They had to take HK$30K deposit for the units and still over subscribed. I guess the allocation is about 20 units per country if that.
Oct 30, 2023 at 9:50 PM Post #69,006 of 93,307
And then there are people like me who likely dont fall into that vast majority of enthusiasts... I dabbled once. Had to get impressions done 3, maybe 4 times before they were apparently good enough. Got my customs made, they fit well enough, but still cause me discomfort. So I have just found the price and hassle not worth it for me and I have no desire to try again for customs, even if I find something that I really love. I think my ears must just be too sensitive. Only small bullet style IEMs ever really seem to be comfortable for me over longer periods of time.
I also do not find customs as comfortable as others do. I have 2 universals that are actually more comfortable for me than my customs.
Oct 30, 2023 at 10:06 PM Post #69,007 of 93,307
The market in HK is crazy. It's sold out in the first day. Lots of LP fans here. They had to take HK$30K deposit for the units and still over subscribed. I guess the allocation is about 20 units per country if that.
I suspect that the allocations to most of the Asian markets will have sold out on the first day. Certainly, Jaben Singapore sold out by early afternoon. :)
Oct 30, 2023 at 10:09 PM Post #69,008 of 93,307
Yes but those party tricks can make all the difference. Especially, for me, if those tricks are better layering and imaging and depth, then those tricks are priceless to me. Contrary to the opinion stated above, I cannot happily forget them and adjust and listen to a set that lacks the best of those technicals. If those technical aspects are weak in an IEM, I can never not hear that - in other words, I am always aware of that lack. And unfortunately, I have found that it costs money to find that particular set of "party tricks" to the degree that they satisfy me and I am not inclined to move on to another IEM.

+1. In fact I have a hard time imagining trying to justify a sky's-the-limit pricing without some sort of party trick or distinct musical presentation. For me a costly IEM justifies its price based on two factors-- 1) doing something special (or to a degree) that nothing else at a lower price point does and 2) people finding value in that. This is highly subjective though. For me the ~$3k realm is about the upper limit of "reasonable" pricing in that I haven't yet heard anything that well and truly justifies a $5k+ price tag. While I do think some IEMs up there have their distinct "party tricks" (Traillii's transparent and emotive mids, Amber Pearl's peerless midrange imaging to name two) I think for the most part IEMs priced that way are done so simply because there are folks willing to pay for them.

Well, if it’s not there, then it’s not that you can’t not hear it… you just can’t hear it 😉

But I totally get what you’re saying, I’ve yet to hear a $500 IEM that has anything remotely close to the technical performance of those $2k+.

Indeed. $500 is too low. About $1500 or so is where diminishing returns really start to kick in imho.

I also do not find customs as comfortable as others do. I have 2 universals that are actually more comfortable for me than my customs.

I suspect I'll be in the same boat. I cannot imagine anyting more comfortable for me than my favorite universal IEMs, which I can wear for hours without fatigue or even noticing they're there. I'm mostly interested in the custom experience for the sonic differences people are consistently on about. If I wind up going for Bonneville I'll be able to compare the customs and universals directly.
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Oct 30, 2023 at 10:32 PM Post #69,010 of 93,307
Hey guys, my full review of the epic new 64 Audio Volür is online here.

Hope you like, and feel free to comment here, on the review, or by DM.​
Excellent review as always, I especially like the way you list the music you used to compare different IEMs, tremendously helpful. I love to use my IEMs to listen to your linked YouTube music.
Oct 30, 2023 at 10:38 PM Post #69,011 of 93,307
+1. In fact I have a hard time imaginging trying to justify a sky's the limit pricing without some sort of party trick or distinct musical presentation. For me a costly IEM justifies its price based on two factors-- 1) doing something special (or to a degree) that nothing else at a lower price point does and 2) people finding value in that. This is highly subjective though. For me the ~$3k realm is about the upper limit of "reasonable" pricing in that I haven't yet heard anything that well and truly justifies a $5k+ price tag. While I do think some IEMs up there have their distinct "party tricks" (Traillii's transparent and emotive mids, Amber Pearl's peerless midrange imaging to name to) I think for the most part IEMs priced that way are done so simply because there are folks willing to pay it.
IEM manufacturers are actually learning the willingness-to-pay step by step, such in the case of UM, they start with the Mason and figure out there are a niche market segment who are willing to pay for that particular party trick they played in the Mids with multiple BA and BCD. Hell broke loose from then till we saw the pricing of AP. But they were playing all the way to today and they actually played it pretty safe that way. 10 years ago people will think the price tag of $7,999 as crazy for an IEM.
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Oct 30, 2023 at 10:41 PM Post #69,012 of 93,307
Honestly I’m looking forward to the LP7/E7 over the Ti99, specifically for the UI updates more than anything.

I’m guessing this special edition is to spark more interest in the aging P6Pro while they work on the successor. You see this all the time with cars. Shinier paint, same old package.
Yeah… they are working on the E7. In this case, I think there’re changes under the hood as well. Well, we will know once the P6P Ti ship out to the dealers this week. :)
Oct 30, 2023 at 10:45 PM Post #69,013 of 93,307
Oct 30, 2023 at 11:02 PM Post #69,014 of 93,307
Honestly I’m looking forward to the LP7/E7 over the Ti99, specifically for the UI updates more than anything.

I’m guessing this special edition is to spark more interest in the aging P6Pro while they work on the successor. You see this all the time with cars. Shinier paint, same old package.
I have to agree in a way, you have to be an LP fanboy to buy the P6Pro; the LP range is really going to be the best for the sound since no limitations in theory on the footprint and we are talking about over 32 x PCM 1704UK DAC chips. But it's over 7 years ago and still considered one of the best. Then Technology moves at a lightning pace. The fact that Mr Wan can improve the SNR to 127dB on this small unit is nothing short of being a magician. (Not wizard for you Noble fans) considering the LP6TI is about 127db. I am hoping LP puts a few undocumented gems in here for us to savour. I am buying this based on portability, weight, SQ and that LP platinum tuning from the FW but I do realize that whilst listening outside there will be that noise level which can eat away at the experience of listening to it compared to being in a quiet room with no outside influences. When LP7 or E7 is out I'm sure the price will be a few grand above the P6Pro Ti99. I miss my LP6....

Oct 30, 2023 at 11:04 PM Post #69,015 of 93,307
IEM manufacturers are actually learning the willingness-to-pay step by step, such in the case of UM, they start with the Mason and figure out there are a niche market segment who are willing to pay for that particular party trick they played in the Mids with multiple BA and BCD. Hell broke loose from then till we saw the pricing of AP. But they were playing all the way to today and they actually played it pretty safe that way. 10 years ago people will think the price tag of $7,999 as crazy for an IEM.

I had half of my Socal Canjam Report written up on the WC thread 2 weeks ago but it got erased (lesson learned have a word copy).


I did an A/B session with AP vs Mentor. AP made the top 3 iems at the show. It has a way of pulling me into the music with its musical but technical tuning and imaging. I found AP to have better bass, better timbre (more refined highs). However I didn"t find it to be a "category level" of a difference. If I were to get into this type of sound I'd pick up a used Mentor again and upgrade the cable personally.

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