The Sennheiser HD 800: The First Listen, The First Review
Feb 4, 2009 at 11:08 PM Post #2,101 of 5,928

Originally Posted by yotacowboy /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Don't mind my pickiness!! i'm never gonna be able to afford a pair, so it kinda doesn't matter...

i'm just a bit of a product design geek - here's a little thing to check out to see what a smart plastics designer is capable of: if you have an iPod nano, check out the clear plastic packaging (the "box"). it doesn't look like much, but its a tour de force in well considered plastic design. no flashing, no ejector pin marks, no mold sinking, no runner flashing. it's all in the details...

Dude, you would need to read this thread as well as the accompanying HD800 plastics thread to know that I was just joking around with those comments! I tried to make it obvious, but I guess those folks who haven't been following the drama still need to be clued in:

I've actually tried to put a halt to the "plastics" aspect of the HD800 discussion in this thread, so I probably shouldn't be joking about it.
Feb 4, 2009 at 11:08 PM Post #2,102 of 5,928
Me too, can't wait to see/order them later this month.

Hi Jude, thank you very much for the pic! By the way, one question, as the driver is exposed, will it get damaged easily (i.e. like stick a finger there by error)? I am a tad clumsy....
Feb 4, 2009 at 11:13 PM Post #2,103 of 5,928, we gonna get a listen to these at a Detroit meet any time soon?

Let's talk...soon!
Feb 4, 2009 at 11:14 PM Post #2,104 of 5,928

Originally Posted by SleepyOne /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Me too, can't wait to see them later this month.

Jude, thank you very much for the pic! By the way, one question, as the driver is exposed, will it get damaged easily (i.e. like stick a finger there by error)? I am a tad clamsy....

The driver is very well protected. You can see how it is on the outside in many of the photos. Here's a photo (taken at CES) of the inside:


You can see in that photo that there's a sort of grid in front of the driver to protect it. And in front of that grid is more protection in the forum of a taut, gossamer acoustic silk.
Feb 4, 2009 at 11:14 PM Post #2,105 of 5,928

Originally Posted by Wmcmanus /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I've actually tried to put a halt to the "plastics" aspect of the HD800 discussion in this thread, so I probably shouldn't be joking about it.

That's OK. I'm sure that will mostly be forgotten as soon as impressions of it's actual sound start to surface, which should be soon. I haven't looked at that plastic thread since it started. I can only imagine the ugliness going on in there now.

That's why I stay away
Feb 4, 2009 at 11:15 PM Post #2,106 of 5,928

Originally Posted by elrod-tom /img/forum/go_quote.gif, we gonna get a listen to these at a Detroit meet any time soon?

Let's talk...soon!

Tom, I only have this one for five business days or thereabouts. Then I send it off to the next in line. If you want to come by my office for a listen, call me or PM me, and we'll set it up, bro.
Feb 4, 2009 at 11:16 PM Post #2,107 of 5,928

Originally Posted by SleepyOne /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Me too, can't wait to see/order them later this month.


Originally Posted by yotacowboy /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Good to hear, can't wait to see them, or worse (for my wallet) hear them. Kudos to sennheiser on what looks to be a beautiful set of 'phones.

Hey! Worse for your wallet! I guess that means you'll be needing to place a preorder? For the record, I agree that they look fantastic, and the plastic of whatever kind and quality doesn't bother me in the least bit. The way I figure, Sennheiser knows a wee little bit more than I do about product design.

BTW, if you're thinking about pre-ordering a pair of HD800, I'd encourage you to consider placing that order with one of Head-Fi's 4 sponsors that are carrying them: Moon Audio, Earphone Solutions, TTJV, or Headroom. I've been making this recommendation repeatedly, and hope I'm not annoying others. It's just that - given that the US price is set, at least initially, at $1,400 for the HD800 - you might as well support one of our sponsors as opposed to Amazon.
Feb 4, 2009 at 11:16 PM Post #2,108 of 5,928

Originally Posted by Wmcmanus /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Dude, you would need to read this thread as well as the accompanying HD800 plastics thread to know that I was just joking around with those comments! I tried to make it obvious, but I guess those folks who haven't been following the drama still need to be clued in:

I've actually tried to put a halt to the "plastics" aspect of the HD800 discussion in this thread, so I probably shouldn't be joking about it.

no worries, I tried to stay far away from that thread for the same reasons!

it's goofy - i think the vast majority of members here don't understand how to make anything en masse (and especially the costs involved). I'd be willing to bet that Senn has AT LEAST a couple million bucks in tooling for these phones. that doesn't begin to touch on material costs, assembly, QC/QA, and especially R&D. those pics that jude just posted were the first ones i'd seen where you could see little details like mold flashing - things that i'd be picky about getting ready to go to market... just my humble input.
Feb 4, 2009 at 11:23 PM Post #2,109 of 5,928

Originally Posted by jude /img/forum/go_quote.gif
"...taut, gossamer acoustic silk."

That stuff works well in evening wear design as well. Not that I know a whole lot about women's clothes, mind you...
Feb 4, 2009 at 11:27 PM Post #2,111 of 5,928

Originally Posted by Sherwood /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Wayne knows much more about unclothed women, natch.

This is where my interests in headphones and women's wear collide - "taut, gossamer acoustic silk." Can you hear me baby? That dress sure is looking transparent tonight, my dear! You've got to hear these headphones! Oh, never mind that they're plastic, just listen to them!
Feb 4, 2009 at 11:43 PM Post #2,113 of 5,928
Hi Jude,

Could you take the measurement/diameter/dimension of the earcup of the HD800 ? It looks really big, I am curious if it can fit me without any part of my Dumbo ears touching the headphones.

Thank you.
Feb 5, 2009 at 12:38 AM Post #2,115 of 5,928

Originally Posted by jude /img/forum/go_quote.gif
And in front of that grid is more protection in the forum of a taut, gossamer acoustic silk.

As opposed to an electric silk?


Question for Jude:

How is the leakage factor on the 800? Do they leak a lot of sound compared to, say, the 650?

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