The PENON official thread
Oct 2, 2020 at 9:25 AM Post #676 of 15,225
Anybody got more info about that blue cable?

I just realized your referring to the stock blue cable that comes with the Volt. Lol. Will have some info on them soon as well.

waiting patiently for Volt vs Mest, 🤤

All in due time. Expecting the volt to come in for me next week early we will see.
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Oct 2, 2020 at 9:31 AM Post #677 of 15,225
Waiting patiently for Volt review.

10 min later....

Waiting patiently for Volt vs Clairvoyance review.

30 min later....

Waiting patiently for Volt vs EJ07 review!

40 min later....


(Edit: JK, we actually really should wait patiently for a thorough review.)
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Oct 2, 2020 at 10:52 AM Post #679 of 15,225
I have a feeling it will be similar to this cable.

The excellent OS849 Penon cable. But in blue. Might be a bit less silver content on the Blue volt cable but I will be able to test out the cable against my OS849 here and it will tell me how close it is.

Will report once I get the Volt
Oct 2, 2020 at 11:15 AM Post #680 of 15,225

well ... I guess it will be something like :
Very good lows with impactful midbass, organic but detailed mids, extended and lifelike highs.
I dare to say that you won't read (at the beginning at least) Volt are just average or something like this anyway so ... what are you waiting for to pull the trigger? :sweat_smile:
Oct 2, 2020 at 11:18 AM Post #681 of 15,225
There is some truth to that. I am gonna say just due to Penons track record. I highly doubt they are gonna throw out what they consider their flagship model to be something mediocre or sounding off in any way. Lol. But who knows. it is their first Estat IEM so we will see how they implemented the drivers.
Oct 2, 2020 at 12:34 PM Post #682 of 15,225
Waiting patiently for Volt review.

10 min later....

Waiting patiently for Volt vs Clairvoyance review.

30 min later....

Waiting patiently for Volt vs EJ07 review!

40 min later....


(Edit: JK, we actually really should wait patiently for a thorough review.)

LOLS :gs1000smile: :ksc75smile::L3000:
Oct 2, 2020 at 12:52 PM Post #683 of 15,225
Value wise VOLT already winning. Sound wise hard to imagine MEST being significantly better. But i hope I will be suprised (and VOLT is actually same level as MEST)!! But with the diminishing returns i doubt it. Its like EE Odin vs SONY IER-Z1R. Different preference, but saying ODIN is way better since it cost twice as much? :L3000::L3000:

Today, @ a local starbucks, 1330 - 1645

Whilst the z1r maybe the best treble out there, we normally listen to the entire frequency spectrum, yes?
An auditioner quite speechless & very quiet when listening thro' the Orbs & shocked @ the usd.259 hybrid.
Blessing 2 owner admittedly could listen to more, more hours on the Orbs, a minor nitpick though, his preferred 1 of his auditioning track asking for just a tad more top end.
Another auditioner preferred the Orbs over the z1r (overall)...
Oct 2, 2020 at 1:11 PM Post #684 of 15,225
I have listened to the MEST a few times. As I didn't have them side by side to compare, I cannot go into details, I think @Dsnuts can chime in on that soon. What I can remember is that the MEST's midrange is not as musical as Volt. Didn't get a wow factor from the MEST even though it is a very competent IEM.
Heard the MEST had crazy 3d affect and great sound stage. How 🤔 does VOLT compare.
Oct 2, 2020 at 9:34 PM Post #685 of 15,225
IMHO, Trio stands out at least compared to IEMs I have(H40 & Orb) as it has thinner and drier vocals, especially lower vocals. That's not a flaw but rather genre specialty of the Trio. Otherwise, this is very potent recommendation. You're one of the few Head-fi reviewers, whose opinion I value highly, so please forgive me for the question about isolation.
Orb is now my go2 commute IEM. Isolation is 2nd only to Noble M3. Needless to say, however, that M3s tonal accuracy is not in the same league with $1/2 Orb.
If Volt has isolation comparable to Orb, - It can be my endgame for now. Could you please comment on that?
BTW, I searched my email and found that $50 promotion.:)
It is definitely comparable to the Orb. In fact, I think Volt has better isolation. Cheers.
Heard the MEST had crazy 3d affect and great sound stage. How 🤔 does VOLT compare.
Can't go into details as I don't have both side by side as mentioned earlier.
Oct 2, 2020 at 10:38 PM Post #686 of 15,225
Since this is the Penon thread. Penon released two items recently. The Totems and the Volt. So this is the first of two reviews. If you guys don't know, Penon makes some crazy great cables for your IEMs. The Totems is their newest flagship cables and this is my take on a $799 IEM cable.
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Oct 3, 2020 at 10:15 AM Post #687 of 15,225
Since this is the Penon thread. Penon released two items recently. The Totems and the Volt. So this is the first of two reviews. If you guys don't know, Penon makes some crazy great cables for your IEMs. The Totems is their newest flagship cables and this is my take on a $799 IEM cable.
If you look at that photo quickly, and don’t pay close attention, it looks like a garden hose! That looks like one beefy cable.
Oct 3, 2020 at 11:50 AM Post #689 of 15,225
Totem is a ground breaking cable. I know there will be debate on the color choice but no debating what it does for IEMs.

Truth be told I am certain if you had a spare $800 to spend on the hobby something like the Volt will be priority number 1 but as crazy as it is I had no idea a cable could change sonics as much. Them Totem cables will make your air plane buds sound like a high end IEM. It is no joke. That thing is amazing. I have never heard a cable expand sound as much as the Totems. Imagine plugging a cable like that on an earphone that already has a big large and wide stage. It is alchemy at its finest.

I can't imagine the man hours it took to figure that one out.
Oct 4, 2020 at 12:02 AM Post #690 of 15,225
It is definitely comparable to the Orb. In fact, I think Volt has better isolation. Cheers.
Thanks a lot! Ordered from Penon Audio actually. Same code worked there as well. (PA102856)
Given that Orb was already very close to my preferences, I think this is safer blind buy than Rose Miracle was, and that turned out great.
I abandoned plans for LZ A7 & other curiosity choices, like new Thie L5 and Fearless Tequila. Need to get more focused on target that checks all the boxes. :)
Orb is the only IEM that was even able to challenge the King of tonal accuracy - Fearless Roland. Will see if Volt turns out to be a "fun" IEM to challenge Rose, or - Roland finally gets dethroned after 18 months of reign.

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