The Other Metal Thread: No Blastbeat Metal Zone!
Mar 7, 2018 at 11:07 AM Post #1,396 of 2,638

This is today and he is recording it for a live DVD!!!

This is where he is playing. I just walked up this hill and 2 miles past it:

And inside!!! This would have been so atmospheric:

I really need to check the local news more often but then again I bet the tickets were pricey.

What would be really cool is if Cathedral the band were still together and performed there. lol <--------back on topic. see what I did there :)
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Mar 7, 2018 at 12:48 PM Post #1,397 of 2,638
Its wierd and quite apt that several coincidences led to this event (I'll explain using that word later.) This last couple of months I have been looking for some headphones (not vintage initially) and that led me to posting on this forum. Then Monsterzero linked me to a review of the Sextett on youtube which I watched.

Then on the right I saw "Rush - Moving pictures first listen reaction" from the WeabooReacts channel which I thought was quite cool so I searched on his channel to see what else he had reacted to on his "first listen" and there were quite a few so I listened to loads of them. Its quite a good feeling watching someone react to hearing music that you love.

Then the sextetts arrived so I listened to loads of stuff and asked for suggestions from Monsterzero to listen to and he pointed me to this thread.

So the today I had to go into town (I live in city but Brits say "going into town") to get some plain swimming shorts for the boys school because nowhere else sells any without logos (not allowed logos) and they need them tomorrow. While I was walking around town I thought I would pop into all the charity shops seeing if there were any vintage headphone bargains in them. This led me to walk uphill and after going in about 10 charity shops without any success (not a single pair of heaphones other than cheapo modern buds) I thought I had better go home.

As I was uphill and it was a 10 minute walk back down the hill to the bus station I cursed to myself and decided to continue up the hill and walk home (about 2 miles/30 minutes) as I would get home a few minutes earlier than the bus would get me home (walking down the hill/waiting for bus/bus travelling through the city centre when the roads are gridlocked.)

Uphill Lincoln City Centre is the historic "cathedral quarter" where there is the Cathedral and the Castle and it is all very posh and nice with little gift shops, Whiskey connoisseur shops, posh ladies boutiques, proper tailors etc. You get the picture.

THE EVENT: So I walked past all that and just as I was walking past the Cathedral I saw a tall "blonde" man with long hair and a grey beard walking out of the Eastgate hotel with a few people. I recognised him and smiled as he was approaching me. He obviously saw I had recognised him and said in the politest soft voice "hell" and smiled at me. I replied a "squeaky hello" back to him. A couple of the others looked like they might be people I should recognise but I didn't. They obviously can;t be as high up the "Legend" order as this chap was.

So looking for headphones led me to this site, this site led me to vintage headphones and WeeaboReacts, WeeaboReacts led me to listen/watch him listen to several albums for the first time.........including one that this chap played on. Being led to vintage headphones on this forum was what made me think about looking in the charity shops and walking up the hill and thus walking home rather than getting the bus. So without all that I would never have met the chap I speak of.

I hope this isn't an anti-climax when I name him. I should say I call it an event because this is Lincoln and you do not get legendary stars walking around Lincoln.

One of the albums Weeabo reacted to was "Yes-Closer to the edge" and the guy I recognised instantly within a second of first glancing from at least 100 yards was.............

..............Rick Wakeman. I walked home in a very upbeat mood when I had been feeling a bit down until that point.

Now I will have to find out what he is doing in Lincoln (no-one comes here without a reason) and will no doubt find out that 2 or 3 of the others (He was in a group of about 7 people) that looked like they maybe ageing musicians were people I really should be recognising to thoughts in my head of "no way, how did I not recognise him."

Very cool story! Its cool that in a Roundabout way(see what I did there)I played a part in you meeting a music icon.
Thanks for sharing.
Mar 7, 2018 at 1:02 PM Post #1,398 of 2,638
Oh my....

Mar 7, 2018 at 1:04 PM Post #1,399 of 2,638
Very cool story! Its cool that in a Roundabout way(see what I did there)I played a part in you meeting a music icon.
Thanks for sharing.

That was pretty… Close to the edge… Dude
Mar 7, 2018 at 1:15 PM Post #1,400 of 2,638
Mar 7, 2018 at 1:52 PM Post #1,401 of 2,638
Mar 7, 2018 at 2:05 PM Post #1,402 of 2,638
Lately Ive been listening to a lot of space rock...bands like 35007,Heavy Moon,Comacozer,Electric Octopus...Do you guys have some other band suggestions?

A more complete answer:

I guess I've listened to Spaceslug more than any other band over the past year. "Time Travel Dilemma" is like one long, heavy, psychedelic soundtrack for my life. With either my main speaker system or my headphones, every time I listen to Spaceslug it's like the first time I've heard them, and yet I'm haunted by the familiarity.

With headphones I am constantly amazed at the quality of the production. The over-driven bass tone is to die for, and their use of effects is on a whole different level than most of the heavy psych I listen to. They also GROOVE more than most bands, especially when they dive into a 3/4 or 6/8 time signature and they let the whole song swing. All the members sing, and their Polish accent just makes everything that much other-worldly to me.

This is probably my favorite song overall, but I don't think they know how to write a bad one!

Mar 7, 2018 at 2:08 PM Post #1,403 of 2,638
I'm feeling a bit........fragile.....after all that walking :)

Enough of this...Drama. It's like you're at the Gates of Delirium for pete's sake!

(I can do this all day, LOL)
Mar 7, 2018 at 2:16 PM Post #1,404 of 2,638
Oh wow. New YOB coming in June. And a tour with....Bell Witch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"Hello everyone,

We're excited to announce that our eighth full-length album 'Our Raw Heart' will be released this June 8th on Relapse Records. The album was co-produced by ourselves and Billy Barnett at Gung Ho Studios in Eugene OR and mastered by Heba Kadry (The Mars Volta, Diamanda Galas, Slowdive). Pre-orders will be available on April 10th through Relapse Record's website.

In support of the new album, we'll be touring the US this summer with our friends in Bell Witch. Tickets are on sale Friday. If you don't see your city, don't worry as we are planning many more shows across the globe.

We’re very excited to share and perform this new music! We gave it everything we had to give in the writing and recording; on stage, we'll do the same... We're endlessly grateful. Going from an uncertain future in the beginning of 2017, to writing and then recording a new album at the end of it, it was quite a year. We’re looking forward to hitting the road again and celebrating decibels and good cheer with friends worldwide. Can’t wait.

Mar 7, 2018 at 2:27 PM Post #1,405 of 2,638
Would Ozric Tentacles be classed as Space Rock?

Mentions Spaceman3 on the wiki. That to me is early UK Indie. Shoegaze wall of noise stuff. Specialized - Ladies and Gentleman we are floating in space" is a good album.

I wouldn't say it has anything to do with space itself though hence the non so subtle hint of the album cover. My mate bought the CD when it came out and the CD was sealed in a thin plastic tray within a carboard packet and you had to break the foil on the tray to get the CD a pill.........hence the "floating in space." High

Reading through that list it has Ride and MBV. That is shoegaze or in Ride's case UK Indie.

I had never heard of Spce Rock before today. Ride was just Indie to me along with the Stone Roses, Charlatans etc. Indie in the UK means something else to the US. Not literally but most people would assume you meant late eighties - early nineties (Pre Brit Pop) guitar/dance crossover stuff. A lot of those described as Britpop were actually bands that were around in that Indie era and were included in the Britpop publicity machine as if they were new bands.

Are Sonic Youth in the Space rock genre? They are another "noisewall" band like Ride and MBV.
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Mar 7, 2018 at 7:55 PM Post #1,408 of 2,638
Are Sonic Youth in the Space rock genre?

The stuff im listening to lately is mostly instrumental jams...think Grateful Dead on acid....err,stronger acid.Perhaps spacerock isnt the correct term here?

Mar 7, 2018 at 11:45 PM Post #1,409 of 2,638

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