The Official World Cup 2006 thread
Jul 5, 2006 at 6:23 AM Post #107 of 171
I wouldn't go so far to say that Italy domaniated... perhaps 80% of the first half, but after that I thought the Germans owned the midfield

both sides have always had notably notorious defence... and canavari (sp!) has shown to be a fantastic replacement for Maldini

however... the amount of stoppage caused by the Azuri boys was dispicable... and the ref was probably trying his best to not interrupt play

jeeze, how many times did we see players clutching their faces when they were barely tripped or had their shirts pulled? or worse yet, how many replays did we see of just BS dives that were never called?

This world cup... has been far from the "world" class that we would have came to expect from these players...
Especially @ the reaction from Argentina after they lost to Germany by kicks

my bet is on Portugal as the dark horse from this point forward
Jul 5, 2006 at 8:01 AM Post #108 of 171

Originally Posted by JahJahBinks
Italy dominated the game from start to finish. Congrats to them!

Agreed, and I hate Italy because of the recent corruption.

I am glad that it did not come down to PKs, because Italy pretty much dominated the full 120 minutes of regulation and OT (Italy = twice as many shots on goal, three times as many cornerkicks, 58% possession, LOL).

Jul 5, 2006 at 10:31 PM Post #109 of 171
every france match from now on should be called "Die Another Day, Zidane". nice to see france pick up the win and moving onto the finals. would like to see france get another star on their jersey, right on top of that chicken. it'll be funny if somewhere down the road they win 5 world cups and they line up the stars in a circle. then it'll seem like the chicken is dizzy.
Jul 6, 2006 at 8:11 AM Post #111 of 171
France, although they have a nasty tendency to play down to their competition.

Italy has been overrated for over eight years.

Their defense isn't that good, they can't score goals, and the Italian leagues aren't as good as the British leagues.

Jul 6, 2006 at 6:00 PM Post #112 of 171

I personally don't think Italy has the firepower to beat france, but we'll see

the entire quarter\semi finals have basically been conservative matches... I have barely seen any impressive finishes, asides from Joe Cole's volley and Henry's one timer
Jul 6, 2006 at 7:38 PM Post #114 of 171
Just to let you know, my wife said the folks at her work are calling it the Fashion Finals, and the french fashion houses are really letting the italians have it and vice versa - rumors are that quite a few nice items (bags, dresses, fur coats) are being put up as bets.
Jul 7, 2006 at 3:48 AM Post #116 of 171
And in case you're wondering, our household is beholden to the French in fashion, so we'll have to hope that they can stomp down the Guccis and Pradas of the world.

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