The Official Sony TA-ZH1ES Hi-Res Headphone Amplifier (Live From IFA 2016)
Jul 5, 2023 at 12:15 PM Post #5,596 of 5,852
There are headphones that require over 2 watts to drive right. and the HE6 is probably one of them.

It's fair, but I really don't think TA-ZH1ES needs to cater to headphones that need that when so many just get it right. It's similar to why put up with headphones that don't have comfy design and ask for 4999 when others can do it properly comfort wise at 1/4th the price.

It would be worse if HE6 was priced at 6k tho lol
So right there you can see at 83.5 dB you are going to need something major to get these cans to sing as they are intended. Roll in the Hifiman EF5 at 2 watts per channel power to combat that concern.

Maybe it was planned lol
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Jul 5, 2023 at 8:27 PM Post #5,598 of 5,852
Here’s an interesting review/assessment. I don’t recall it being posted here before.

All tests were performed with pre outs, primarily how I use mine.
Nice to the see the very technical side. It also reminds me of how lacking in knowledge some of the "influencers" out there are. It's sad a whole generation will probably just take their word over this fine research and diagrams here.
Jul 12, 2023 at 4:40 PM Post #5,600 of 5,852
I finally plugged the Utopia into the TAZ and I'm pretty blown away by how good this combo is for my personal tastes.
It's smooth in all the right places and so good in fact that I had a momentary flash of "I could literally sell Yggy, Euforia and Lynx soundcard without feeling the least bit bad".
And I consider my current setup absolute perfection for what I'm looking for - so this is a bit of a (positive) shock to me.

The warmer sound signature is REALLY nice on the Focals without losing the way they make you focus on and engage with the music - would wholehearedly recommend this.

I feel like this purchase makes me want to explore more options again.
The MDR-Z1R do look tempting. :p
Jul 12, 2023 at 5:59 PM Post #5,601 of 5,852
The MDR-Z1R do look tempting. :p
If you take the plunge look into a OCC Copper or OCC Silver cable.

The stock cable is silver plated and introduces some harshness in the high end.
Jul 12, 2023 at 6:50 PM Post #5,602 of 5,852
I finally plugged the Utopia into the TAZ and I'm pretty blown away by how good this combo is for my personal tastes.
It's smooth in all the right places and so good in fact that I had a momentary flash of "I could literally sell Yggy, Euforia and Lynx soundcard without feeling the least bit bad".
And I consider my current setup absolute perfection for what I'm looking for - so this is a bit of a (positive) shock to me.

The warmer sound signature is REALLY nice on the Focals without losing the way they make you focus on and engage with the music - would wholehearedly recommend this.

I feel like this purchase makes me want to explore more options again.
The MDR-Z1R do look tempting. :p
Maybe they won't be your cup of tea, but you have to at least try the 70th anniversary Signature Series pairing of the TA-ZH1ES with the MDR-Z1R.
Here's some images to tempt you

Jul 12, 2023 at 7:58 PM Post #5,603 of 5,852
For me personally there wasn't a lot of magic between Taz and MDR-Z1R. Problem for me is they're both quite warm, which doesn't make for great synergy to my ears. I feel Taz works a lot better w neutral sounding HPs and iems.
Jul 13, 2023 at 2:23 AM Post #5,604 of 5,852
For me personally there wasn't a lot of magic between Taz and MDR-Z1R. Problem for me is they're both quite warm, which doesn't make for great synergy to my ears. I feel Taz works a lot better w neutral sounding HPs and iems.
true, it is a warm+warm combo.
Jul 13, 2023 at 4:24 AM Post #5,605 of 5,852
For me personally there wasn't a lot of magic between Taz and MDR-Z1R. Problem for me is they're both quite warm, which doesn't make for great synergy to my ears. I feel Taz works a lot better w neutral sounding HPs and iems.
Thanks! I'll keep that in mind.
I do like gear that can be considered warmpoo (I believe is the technical term) sometimes however, so I'm even more tempted now.
Jul 13, 2023 at 4:34 AM Post #5,606 of 5,852
Thanks! I'll keep that in mind.
I do like gear that can be considered warmpoo (I believe is the technical term) sometimes however, so I'm even more tempted now.
For me the combo is fine but the IER-Z1R is even better with the TA and would be the one I would keep if I could only have one
Jul 24, 2023 at 10:18 AM Post #5,607 of 5,852
Funny thing happened to me today, I slipped in front of my desk and my hand landed on my keyboard typing in MDR-Z1R into eBay and buying it.
Really strange.

Anyway, time to immediately look into getting the best out of a thing I don't have yet (a longer cable mainly).
If I wanted an aftermarket cable, would people recommend going the classic 6.3mm unbalanced or the XLR4 on the Tazzy?
I assume balanced would generally be the optimal choice.

Still loving the IER-Z1R, but I'm really enjoying swapping back and forth between headphones at the moment, especially if it's so easily done with everything plugged in.
Jul 24, 2023 at 10:24 AM Post #5,608 of 5,852
Funny thing happened to me today, I slipped in front of my desk and my hand landed on my keyboard typing in MDR-Z1R into eBay and buying it.
Oh no... The classic one... again.

You should definitely buy a good 4.4mm balanced cable and wrap it around the injury.
Jul 24, 2023 at 10:26 AM Post #5,609 of 5,852
Oh no... The classic one... again.

You should definitely buy a good 4.4mm balanced cable and wrap it around the injury.

Thanks for the recommendation!
I would rather leave the IER-Z1R plugged into the 4.4mm, which would leave me with the 6.3mm or the XLR.
Or would you say that the 4.4mm is by far the superior option?
Jul 24, 2023 at 10:31 AM Post #5,610 of 5,852
I enjoy 4.4mm and XLR most.

true, you will find a XLR cable for the MDR Z1R

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