The Official 64 Audio Thread | apex & tia Technologies
Oct 30, 2023 at 10:33 PM Post #22,831 of 23,720
Hey guys, it's been quite a while since I frequented this thread, but I'm back with a full review of Volür, which you'll find online here.


Hope you like, and feel free to comment here, on the review, or by DM. Thank you @64Audio for the opportunity!
Great review! Enjoyed the read and especially appreciated the comparisons with other bass-first iems. Thanks!
Oct 30, 2023 at 10:42 PM Post #22,832 of 23,720
Hey guys, it's been quite a while since I frequented this thread, but I'm back with a full review of Volür, which you'll find online here.

Hope you like, and feel free to comment here, on the review, or by DM. Thank you @64Audio for the opportunity!

Nice one cuz. Great review :thumbsup:
Oct 30, 2023 at 11:46 PM Post #22,833 of 23,720
Sure you don't pay the reviewer, but giving the actual product or a discount is almost the same.
I'm not against that as long as it's clearly mentioned in the review (which is the case almost every time). But when you spend more than $2000 of your own money on a pair of iem your review may be slightly different as you may have higher expectations.
LOL no. I have a room full of review items and only two ears. I pay extra each time I move and I have to rent a place with an extra room or two each time. There is very little incentive to get "free stuff" when it's a lot of things you're responsible for, especially as these are all still properties of the respective brands.
Oct 31, 2023 at 1:57 AM Post #22,834 of 23,720
Sure you don't pay the reviewer, but giving the actual product or a discount is almost the same.
I'm not against that as long as it's clearly mentioned in the review (which is the case almost every time). But when you spend more than $2000 of your own money on a pair of iem your review may be slightly different as you may have higher expectations.
This is so disrespectful to anyone who knows how much time, effort and experience it takes to write a proper review. I find it ironic how reviewers will get criticised when they get 'free' samples, and then criticised again when they have to pay for review items, which basically suggests that reviewers have no integrity regardless of what they do. Sorry that you seem to be so angry with the world that you have to come on here to write this.
Oct 31, 2023 at 5:14 AM Post #22,835 of 23,720
This is so disrespectful to anyone who knows how much time, effort and experience it takes to write a proper review. I find it ironic how reviewers will get criticised when they get 'free' samples, and then criticised again when they have to pay for review items, which basically suggests that reviewers have no integrity regardless of what they do. Sorry that you seem to be so angry with the world that you have to come on here to write this.
I don’t personally see it as disrespectful. No one is taking away from the amount of effort involved in writing the review. However paying full price for something inevitably alters expectations and value. This I think is objectively true. Someone who’s saved every penny to buy this iem that wouldn’t otherwise be able to on the fly will attribute different value and worth than someone who received a chunky discount or even received the iem free of charge. Which is why I think it’s important it’s stated at the start of the review for full transparency. I as a reader should be able to decide for myself what impact that’s had on the review. I think you would be ignorant to think it never has any impact.

Just wanted to add, I’ve asked many owners about treble brightness… I’ve had the Volur for a few days and I’ll share some further impressions but for now I don’t find it bright per se but I agree with the reviewer there is a fair bit of zing in the upper treble at least in my music collection. It’s the only place I can fault the Volur. Otherwise it’s stellar. It does lean totally bright to my ears as a result of the upper treble making it v-shaped. I refuse to call the Volur warm overall just because it has warm and smooth mids. I will say the bass is certainly magnificent and best in class.
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Oct 31, 2023 at 6:08 AM Post #22,836 of 23,720
There is reasonable feedback and discussion about how reviewers obtain review samples or the social media/YouTube influencers - for another thread. Using the tone of "why have only I thought of this" is unnecessary as you are instantly making it personal and devaluing the message, as well as patronising the community. When a manufacturer answers they do not pay for reviews, then keep the response light and apply humour and humility...
Oct 31, 2023 at 8:42 AM Post #22,837 of 23,720
Hey guys, it's been quite a while since I frequented this thread, but I'm back with a full review of Volür, which you'll find online here.


Hope you like, and feel free to comment here, on the review, or by DM. Thank you @64Audio for the opportunity!
Why did you post this, now I want to have them 😂
Oct 31, 2023 at 11:25 AM Post #22,838 of 23,720
Comparison of volur vs trio ? Has this been done?

Edit :

@gLer , I went back and read your review of volur vs IER-Z1R with the Sonys in my ears ... I'm going to extrapolate and suggest the volur is what you get if Trio and Z1R have a baby.

Close at all?
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Oct 31, 2023 at 11:48 AM Post #22,839 of 23,720
Comparison of volur vs trio ? Has this been done?

Edit :

@gLer , I went back and read your review of volur vs IER-Z1R with the Sonys in my ears ... I'm going to extrapolate and suggest the volur is what you get if Trio and Z1R have a baby.

Close at all?
Not a bad call. I haven't heard Trio for ages. But I sold Trio for Z1R if that means anything.

Edit: Volür is warmer than both, and has a hint of Trio's treble zing (though not as forward).
Oct 31, 2023 at 1:52 PM Post #22,840 of 23,720

a little joke to add levity back into the conversation :)
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Oct 31, 2023 at 8:21 PM Post #22,841 of 23,720

a little joke to add levity back into the conversation :)
I'm just gonna say, if you expect that you're going to jump into TOTL IEMs and get the best experience of your life OOTB, you don't understand your own brain. WHATEVER you've been listening to, your brain has adjusted to "make the most" out of what it puts out. I was absolutely CRUSHED when I received my A18s. It was so many kinds of wrong--AND DULL. But, you know, they're customs, so...too late. So, I kept trying to power through. And what I eventually ended up with was the most sublime, could-listen-all-day, fatigue-free IEMs that I could ever have imagined. And I'm a basshead that has fallen in love with the MX module. IT TAKES TIME for your brain to adjust to something so unlike everything else you've ever listened to (I mean, I also know I "need" the new M12 module--I'll love the extra thump, but I'm pretty sure at the end of a month or two, I'll resettle on maximum detail of the MX by the time I finish enjoying it).
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Oct 31, 2023 at 8:32 PM Post #22,842 of 23,720
I'm just gonna say, if you expect that you're going to jump into TOTL IEMs and get the best experience of your life OOTB, you don't understand your own brain. WHATEVER you've been listening to, your brain has adjusted to "make the most" out of what it puts out. I was absolutely CRUSHED when I received my A18s. It was so many kinds of wrong--AND DULL. But, you know, they're customs, so...too late. So, I kept trying to power through. And what I eventually ended up with was the most sublime, could-listen-all-day, fatigue-free IEMs that I could ever have imagined. And I'm a basshead that has fallen in love with the MX module. IT TAKES TIME for your brain to adjust to something so unlike everything else you've ever listened to (I mean, I also know I "need" the new M12 module--I'll love the extra thump, but I'm pretty sure at the end of a month or two, I'll resettle on maximum detail of the MX by the time I finish enjoying it).

A lot of this does ring true except, you are definitely not a bass head :) maybe you thought you were but you definitely aren't now.
Oct 31, 2023 at 8:48 PM Post #22,843 of 23,720
A lot of this does ring true except, you are definitely not a bass head :) maybe you thought you were but you definitely aren't now.
TRUE (although, curse you--making me admit it)! In my heart, I still am, but I just can't trade the detail for the slam. It never lasts for more than a few weeks when I switch it up. Former basshead killed by air and detail. If someone could find a way for me to have both, well then I'd start selling stuff to buy it :gs1000smile:
Oct 31, 2023 at 9:14 PM Post #22,844 of 23,720
I'm just gonna say, if you expect that you're going to jump into TOTL IEMs and get the best experience of your life OOTB, you don't understand your own brain. WHATEVER you've been listening to, your brain has adjusted to "make the most" out of what it puts out. I was absolutely CRUSHED when I received my A18s. It was so many kinds of wrong--AND DULL. But, you know, they're customs, so...too late. So, I kept trying to power through. And what I eventually ended up with was the most sublime, could-listen-all-day, fatigue-free IEMs that I could ever have imagined. And I'm a basshead that has fallen in love with the MX module. IT TAKES TIME for your brain to adjust to something so unlike everything else you've ever listened to (I mean, I also know I "need" the new M12 module--I'll love the extra thump, but I'm pretty sure at the end of a month or two, I'll resettle on maximum detail of the MX by the time I finish enjoying it).
So much this, cuz...
Nov 1, 2023 at 2:06 AM Post #22,845 of 23,720
I feel the same way about the Volur. Waiting for my brain to adjust to the upper treble zing. If I keep listening to it hopefully I’ll just forget about it but for now all I keep thinking is that’s obviously ‘not there’ in the original recording. Which is ridiculous because Volur is a flavour of sound rather than a reference sound. Cmooooooon brain burn in, work that magic.

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