The New iRiver/Astell & Kern AK100: A High-End DAP
Dec 6, 2012 at 1:23 AM Post #661 of 9,165
Yeah i really want to try out a Tera Player.
If this thing sticks around the $700 price point I just may do
Dec 6, 2012 at 2:01 AM Post #663 of 9,165
Could one of you guys explain the IEM 20ohm thing to me...?
Dec 6, 2012 at 2:21 AM Post #664 of 9,165
Could one of you guys explain the IEM 20ohm thing to me...?

It will change the frequency response of sensitive IEMs and headphones. Pretty much that means you're IEMs won't sound as they were intended by the manufacturer. The AK100 will color them in an unpredictable way (rolled off bass, bloated bass, harsh treble, etc). The effects are random but they will happen. So pretty much this player is not suitable for 99.9 of IEMs period.
Dec 6, 2012 at 2:22 AM Post #665 of 9,165
Well then...first...thank you for the explanation.
second...there goes that idea for a xmas present to
Dec 6, 2012 at 2:25 AM Post #667 of 9,165
Ha!'s pretty big though...I love that this is so compact. I was considering a DX100 before this...but now I'll wait and see what the new year brings us
Dec 6, 2012 at 2:28 AM Post #668 of 9,165
Yes it is a little big. If I was to take my iphone 4 out of its otterbox the DX100 would be about the same size as two iphones 4s stacked.
Dec 6, 2012 at 4:22 AM Post #669 of 9,165
Sorry for not finding the time read through 40+ pages (yet :), but could someone point me in the general direction of:
- where the 20 ohm number came from?
- any number on the internal amp's actual power?
I've searched around iRiver's marketing material, the downloadable manual, slides on other sites but could not find any of the above officially documented. Maybe because my Google-Fu is weak... Their recommended headphones are all above 20ohm though. And doesn't anybody else think it's a bit of an oddball combination of "MQS" HD music together with frickin' bluetooth audio?
Dec 6, 2012 at 4:40 AM Post #670 of 9,165
22 ohms. Not suitable for most sensitive IEMs. Pretty much you'd need to use a headphone with 180 or more Ohms to not have its frequency response changed by the amp. Good luck.
Dec 6, 2012 at 5:18 AM Post #671 of 9,165
^ Thanks, interesting link. Not just the output impedance, but also how much all specs change under an increasing load. 250ohm is looking pretty good, not too many (portable) headphones out there though (Beyerdynamic springs to mind) Maybe bluetooth IS the way to  go  ^_^ An external amp would help, but at that price not really acceptable...
Dec 6, 2012 at 5:37 AM Post #672 of 9,165
Also you don't have a LO so you'll be double amping. At this price point that is also not acceptable. They really undermined themselves with this one lol.
Dec 6, 2012 at 5:39 AM Post #673 of 9,165
Isn't this just a typo? Maybe they meant 20mOhm?
One should always give it a shot anyway, measurement are measurement, they wouldn't manufacture a product with such flaws, especially when its price makes it targeted to audiophiles more than anyone else.
Dec 6, 2012 at 5:45 AM Post #674 of 9,165
Sorry for not finding the time read through 40+ pages (yet :), but could someone point me in the general direction of:
- where the 20 ohm number came from?
- any number on the internal amp's actual power?
I've searched around iRiver's marketing material, the downloadable manual, slides on other sites but could not find any of the above officially documented. Maybe because my Google-Fu is weak... Their recommended headphones are all above 20ohm though. And doesn't anybody else think it's a bit of an oddball combination of "MQS" HD music together with frickin' bluetooth audio?

iRiver seems to have removed the 20 ohm output impedance form their list of specifications, but you can still find it in the table on their comparison page.
Dec 6, 2012 at 5:47 AM Post #675 of 9,165
Isn't this just a typo? Maybe they meant 20mOhm?
One should always give it a shot anyway, measurement are measurement, they wouldn't manufacture a product with such flaws, especially when its price makes it targeted to audiophiles more than anyone else.

No Clemmaster it is not a typo. There are more RMAA tests that have been done and it is confirmed to be 22 Ohms. Even iRiver stated that they recommend you use full size headphones with high impedances to make it work. They pretty much just made excuses to justify the flaw. Look elsewhere as you will find better. I don't need to try the product out to know I will have issues with my IEMs. I've dealt with these issues on even my Fiio E9 which has even less output impedance than this amp & it still made things sound horrible on sensitive IEMs and headphones. My Denon 5000s bass was very bloated and its treble was harsh. When I got the O2 amp things were much better. Bass was much more controlled and treble wasn't spiked.

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