The new IEM of Vsonic VSD 3S ( impression updated by smailbz)
Jun 23, 2014 at 12:20 PM Post #961 of 4,956
The thing about these that leaves me wondering is that unless the sound and drivers on these sound better than the gr07 series or at least the vsd1, the point of a removable cable is kind of pointless at the current price point.

I'm hoping these live up to the hype this time. We all know that the vsd1 is good, but not 80% of the gr07 series. I don't want to see vsonic become known as a company that hypes things only to let us down. The gr07 series spoke for itself. I'm hoping the new vsonic flagship does the same.
Jun 23, 2014 at 12:30 PM Post #962 of 4,956
I can say for certain that I like the vsd3s better than the vsd1 so far.

Would be really interesting to hear from someone who has heard the gr07 how they compare.
Jun 23, 2014 at 12:51 PM Post #964 of 4,956
No sibilance whatsoever :wink:

Really full and balanced sound but the deepest bass is lacking a bit. This doesn't bother me much though.
Jun 23, 2014 at 12:52 PM Post #965 of 4,956
I can say for certain that I like the vsd3s better than the vsd1 so far.

Hearing you and airomjosh say that makes me feel like I should go ahead and pull the trigger on these. I usually spend <50 on IEMs so if these are an upgrade from the VSD1/S, which I really enjoy, I'll bite. Any more detailed info on how they sound compared to the VSD1 series or comparables in the range? Thanks.
Jun 23, 2014 at 1:55 PM Post #967 of 4,956
I just copy and paste from the Chinese brand thread:

OK guys, please remember that these are initial impressions after using them for about five hours, keeping them in my ears for most of the time wink.gif

I've not made any direct comparison to other IEM's so far so all is from memory and I've only used them with my X3 so far.

The package is smaller than usual V-sonic packages and accessories are less than usual. There's three pairs of angle flange silicon tips, one foam pair and one double flange pair. The double flange suit me like a glove so that's what I've been using so far.

Build quality is very nice. I really like the way they look and although they're light to wear the still feel sturdy. The cable is also nice and doesn't seem to tangle a lot. Of course removable cables are a nice feature as well. I find the fit to be absolutely perfect for me and I don't miss the swiveling nozzle from the vds1 one single bit. They also fairly easy to drive, I'd say about average among the IEM's that I own.

The sound has great clarity and they offer a full sound without being dark or overly bassy. In all they seem pretty well balanced. The deepest bass is lacking a bit but they still dig pretty deep and I really don't miss any bass on them, but then again I'm no bass head. I don't detect any sibilance whatsoever and still they're not overly smooth like the Tenores either. I must say that these really hit the sweet spot for me and they sound equally great with every genre I've tested them with so far.

Still there's something strange about them and I really don't know how to explain this but in a way they sound a bit artificial. I don't know if you guys are familiar with class t-amps based on tripath chips? Anyway their sound reminds me a bit of the sound those anmpsm put out on speakers: a bit warm, very nice details and very (but not overly) smoth but to some people a bit artificial. Since I run all speakers in my house on tripath based amps this suits me just perfect but others might not like it as much as I do. I don't know if the last part made any sense but that's the best way I'm able to describe them.
Jun 23, 2014 at 2:02 PM Post #968 of 4,956
Thanks for your initial impressions Peter123, now go get some rest and give your ears a break...5 hours of headphones is pushing your ears to the limit. Take a break then continue listening again and give us more review 

Jun 23, 2014 at 2:05 PM Post #969 of 4,956
Can't take them out :wink:

Man I've not been this exited about an IEM since I got the Havi B3's six months ago...........
Jun 23, 2014 at 2:15 PM Post #971 of 4,956
I still think I prefer the Havi for the genres were it perform it's best but the VSD3s is a better all rounder. For me the VSD3s are more enjoyable than the KC06, Tenores and the VSD1.
Jun 23, 2014 at 2:39 PM Post #973 of 4,956
No problem, I'm also eager to hear more impressions :wink:

I've got loads of budget stuff but not many top tier IEM's so it would be nice to hear what people with "better" stuff thinks about them.
Jun 23, 2014 at 3:23 PM Post #974 of 4,956
Top tier sound signature is what I'm hearing, that bass is unique can't really explain but loving it definitely :grin: the treble is perfect soundstage is huge . Sound more bigger than the dunu dn2000 for sure atm midrange is perfect, I'll say everything is linear and fast , better value then the tenore, ostry and dn2000.:blush:.. That's the impression for now and will update with each 50hrs of burn in:sunglasses:

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