The new IEM of Vsonic VSD 3S ( impression updated by smailbz)
Jun 20, 2014 at 10:59 AM Post #857 of 4,956
In Singpost web site just show that is has been despatched...hope it didn't get lost in the way 

Item No.Posting DateStatus DateStatus Description
R........18-06-201418-06-2014Despatched to overseas (Country code: BR)

Jun 20, 2014 at 11:15 AM Post #858 of 4,956
Theres a drop down menu for select countries, to track shipments locally as well and Brazil is the first listed.....maybe you can try that option,on same site,alternatively with the same tracking#.........chk for urself.
Jun 20, 2014 at 11:19 AM Post #859 of 4,956
The singpost site won't do much aside from telling you when the item is dispatched and when it's arrived, which will be after you've received them. Otherwise, people should be following the tracking on their country's postal services' site. Anyway, I don't see why anyone would be worrying about the shipment 3-4 days after it's been shipped - it's still a standard mail and not a 2-day fedex or anything, so more than 2 weeks should pass before starting to worry. And yeah , with some exceptions singpost is usually pretty fast (at least to Europe) but people should understand than it still depends on the final destination, so just because someone might get his package in 4-5 days and yours doesn't come that doesn't mean you should be worrying about lost packages.
Jun 21, 2014 at 11:40 AM Post #866 of 4,956
  Just got my VSD3S in the mail today. Based on initial impressions In a word I think for the 56SGD (45USD) I paid for it iirc it is pretty much revolutionary. You would be hard pressed to find such value at this price.
I have owned the W4R and UM Pro 30s which I sold recently to fund a new amp. Other IEM experiences include Shure SE215s and Vsonics GR07. The VSD3S may not necessarily be the top tier killer the hype purports it to be, but I must say that it can hold it's own with the tier just below. Based on memory I must say that I can see what they mean with their attempts to tune it like the W4R. It has a sound signature that makes it easily likeable without sacrificing much, or rather anything really. (at 45USD you would have thought that sound would be heavily compromised).
I am particularly impressed because of the way their price is set. Quality of mids and highs blew my mind away - not one you'd expect at this price point. My impression was that it is slightly mid forward and treble is rolled off but not too badly. Bass extension and texture would probably be their weakest point - but it does come in the right amount. Not missing, not overpowering. Do note that to have good quality bass in IEMs you're looking at spending many times more in an IEM. At this price range your expectation should linger around muddy frankly but none of that can be found here. In a word the quality is amazing. Unlike the W4R it is not as laid back, nor it is as energetic as the UM3x - sitting somewhere in the middle which is why it is immediately likable. In a way the VSD3S is really very much like the W4R in the aspect that it doesn't do anything wrong. I remember my Shure SE215 can sound pretty harsh around the upper mids but the VSD3S doesn't have that - which to me already makes the mids much better than the Shures.
Detail retrieval is still behind what top tiers can give you, but that comparison is just unfair. I would say it did matches or surpasses the GR07s and is certainly far ahead what several IEMS at this price point can give you. Soundstage and imaging is just amazing. Definitely far beyond their price point.
However, while their sound quality is a marvel, it is build quality that isn't something to celebrate over - but it does beat the typical 50 dollar fragile earbuds you'd have at this price. The wire is the same as the GR07s except with the MMCX-looking connector. However as a whole it just looks and feels rather cheap. Maybe its the smoky grey plastic they used, maybe its the way everything is just put together. I would still give a nod to SE215 for a better overall build quality. Their packaging is also nothing big. The GR series had better packaging and accessories. This one gives you the bare minimum + one pair of foams.
With such designs isolation is also much easier to achieve than the GR07s that required you to swivel the earpiece within your ear to find the sweet spot which can honestly be frustrating. Note: No swivelly parts here other than the connector.
In a nutshell, you really are getting a fraction of the performance of top tier IEMs for a tiny fraction of the price. I highly praise VSonic and while the wait was really nonsense to deal with... they certainly didn't disappoint. You don't even have to manage expectations to be impressed. (Frankly I came in expecting W4R since that was what they claimed). While it certainly is no W4R, I'd say sound for dollar you get loads more with the VSD3S.
If it ever opens up again, just buy it. I would say your next decent upgrade would be Westone 3 series and above, so this one is here to stay. Call it buyers hype, call it Vsonic fanboyism. I might be both. But it was the happiest 50 dollars I ever invested into this hobby. At the price it is also a perfect introduction IEM for those looking to join us in the dark side.
P.s. I know you might like some pics but it's night time here so lighting is pretty bad. Will try to put some up tomorrow.

man are u sure!!
if thats true what more do u expect from a 45$ iem??
we need more impressions
Jun 21, 2014 at 12:01 PM Post #868 of 4,956
  If VSD3S truly surpass GR07's performance then I can't wait to listen to their VSD5, 7 and 9 

true that,,,but really its hard to believe they will.
but i am getting my fingers crossed for sure................removable cable and beating gr07 at 45$(if they indeed do) is no mean feat.
there are not many sub 250$ iem's that can match gr07 in overall presentation.
Jun 21, 2014 at 12:19 PM Post #869 of 4,956
Hard wait rewarded finally, for those who ordered VSD3/S, that includes me! Uh-huh, so for those who argued that, a $46 iem cant par with $179 iem,especially home breed,here's a little proof/answer and atleast 85% achievevable from the rest of the future reviews is confirmed,achieved. I, like others saved $133 by ordering the vsd3/s and i can invest on my other favorite iem(s).........wisely! :wink:

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