The (new) HD800 Impressions Thread
Aug 6, 2014 at 10:22 AM Post #12,601 of 29,017
Ime the Vali/mStage are really the best amps for the HD800 under a grand (check my profile). The Crack or Lyr mate pretty well too, but at the expense of some of the Senn's strengths imo. Cost no object in each range I would say:

<$1000: Vali/mStage
$1-2k: Luxman P1u/Bryston BHA-1/Super 7
$2-3k: ZDSE/Stratus
$3k+: ECBA/ LAu

Of course there are plenty of other good picks in these ranges-but ime the mid range (<1k) stuff is lacking as far as the HD800 is concerned. Again-all relative from my experience here. My .02.


Is the vali/m stage a overall better match than the lyr or is it just a slight improvement? I'm thinking of getting a $1k-1.5k amp by the end of the year and wondering if I should grab one of those two until I get to it to sell a few headphones for the purchase?

Don't overlook the HDVA 600, I actually preferred it to the BHA-1 when I auditioned both but I have to admit I still think about the BHA-1. I'll probably wind up with both of them in my possession eventually.
Aug 6, 2014 at 10:38 AM Post #12,602 of 29,017
Yeah there do seem to be a lot of choices for people who haven't experience or heard most of these recommendation. I've been considering the Sonett 2, CMA800R, and the up coming Ragnarok. Although the Ragnarok will push my budget more. What I really want is the super 7 as it seems to be a solid choice with a lot of opinion seems to think it mates well with the hd800. It will push my budget even more than the Ragnarok, which bring me back to the first two choices.
The senn. Amps seems pricey for the opinion it gets, of course this is base on only opinion of others as I haven't had first hand experience.
Aug 6, 2014 at 10:44 AM Post #12,603 of 29,017
Don't overlook the HDVA 600, I actually preferred it to the BHA-1 when I auditioned both but I have to admit I still think about the BHA-1. I'll probably wind up with both of them in my possession eventually.

Many other amps could be added to Bourneperfect's list but he talked about its own experience. It's not an exhaustive list.  For example I had personaly very good results with a (very mid priced) Meier Corda Jazz & HD800 and i really disliked the Vali when I owned it. :wink:
Aug 6, 2014 at 2:04 PM Post #12,604 of 29,017
Is the vali/m stage a overall better match than the lyr or is it just a slight improvement? I'm thinking of getting a $1k-1.5k amp by the end of the year and wondering if I should grab one of those two until I get to it to sell a few headphones for the purchase?

I think so. The Lyr I heard was running some nice tubes (roughly $800 total cost w/ amp)-and gave a goodsoundI willadmit. Very pleasing, easy to relax to-but still somewhat lacking in the technicalities. Reminded me of a poor man's WA5LE in that it had a very 'round' sound if you will-but none of the tight impact and precision which is a trademark of the HD800 imo. I could see how people would like the combo even if it's just trying to downgrade the HD800 to a 650 lol. The mSage also gives a pleasing HD800 sound-but doesn't really hide the Senn's strengths, either. Much cheaper I'll add. The Vali-well I've discussed thatenough by now I suppose-great punchy amp that doesn't try to mask the 800's strengths, and a bit more technical than the mStage too.
Yeah there do seem to be a lot of choices for people who haven't experience or heard most of these recommendation. I've been considering the Sonett 2, CMA800R, and the up coming Ragnarok. Although the Ragnarok will push my budget more. What I really want is the super 7 as it seems to be a solid choice with a lot of opinion seems to think it mates well with the hd800. It will push my budget even more than the Ragnarok, which bring me back to the first two choices.
The senn. Amps seems pricey for the opinion it gets, of course this is base on only opinion of others as I haven't had first hand experience.

SoupRKnowva has an S7 FS in his sig higher up on this page. :wink:
Many other amps could be added to Bourneperfect's list but he talked about its own experience. It's not an exhaustive list.  For example I had personaly very good results with a (very mid priced) Meier Corda Jazz & HD800 and i really disliked the Vali when I owned it. :wink:

Yep. In fact there are tons of amps that I can 'enjoy' the HD800's from, that will sound good. Otoh-'good' isn't good enough anymore once you've started to realize the HD800's potential-especially when some higher end amps/sources come into play. Like how we were PMing about the modest NFB12(?)/Vali pairing a while back-sounds excellent for the price, but can be thoroughly trounced when going up the ladder. The day I ever find the HD800's 'ceiling'-will probably be the day pigs fly. But damnit I'm trying.
Aug 6, 2014 at 2:37 PM Post #12,605 of 29,017
Yeah I saw that in the for sale thread and got excited until I notice he's in Korea. I'm not into purchasing over seas, too much trouble. Plus, I told myself to not buy anything until I can trim down my headphones with only the hd598 and hd800.
Aug 6, 2014 at 2:41 PM Post #12,606 of 29,017
I find that better DAC/source can help the hd800 treble by reducing splashyness or smear. With my pair and associated equipment, I still need Anax mod 2.0 but this would probably harm resale if adhesive residue is left. Still not 100% happy with the treble (definition/extension) from my system though, but I don't think the headphones are the limiting factor.

Absolutely. A great DAC is the captain of the soundstage. Treble 'crispness' is bothersome I know, but my experiences this far is that the ARCAM irDac paired with the 800's is masterful. Really wonderful, warm analog sound where treble can be a smooth as silk.
Aug 6, 2014 at 3:14 PM Post #12,607 of 29,017
By approximate price give or take a few hundred - not in order of sound quality - and only in relation to HD800.
  • Vali - extremely resolving for price. tube wetness. hint of warmth in bass. smooth, but neutral treble. monotonic timbre, but not gonna bitch for $120. I use it myself.
  • mStage - warmish solid state if input caps are left in place. lacks resolution and microdynamics compared to tube brethen.
  • Vahalla 2 - not the Vahalla 1. probably top 1/3 of this list in terms of SQ. yes, that's how good it is. fast, clear, resolving - more than Crack. not as warm though / neutralish. does not work nearly as well with low Z or orthos. best to stick with high Z Senns or Beyers.
  • Crack - must have speedball upgrade for use with HD800. warm (but again tubes play role). not resolving enough to take full advantage of hd800. this is why most owners say it better with HD6XX than HD800.
  • Super 7 (available used only) - bassy and thicker. darker sounding than best. balance can vary though quite a bit depending upon tubes. great slam and microdynamics. very good resolution.
  • Luxman P1u (assuming used price) - basically sounds like a Super 7 lite. slightly more veiled, slightly less fast, but just a euphonic in a no hassle ss package. Sounded dated and is less technically competent than most other amp in list now. But again, how you can get ECZD sound in a SS package?
  • Bryston BHA-1 - delineated treble attacks, but actually works well with HD800. neutralish. some reports of MOSFETS getting hot resulting in bass mud galore. Recommended if you live in a cool climate. The amp does not like heat. Good staging compliments HD800. If you want solid state, one of few choices.
  • Sonnett 2 - Has the DNA house sound with inner warmth, initmacy, immediacy. Improvement in clarity and resolution over the Sonnett. 1 Basically sounds like Stratus but without the DHTs - that last bit of microdynamics, separation, staging. HD800s out of the box work with Stratus without mods of any sort.
  • HDVD600/800 - I had my doubts, but great match with HD800. very refined sound, but probably lacks the slam the better amps have. balanced mode a must for staging, layering, separation, openness. not an exceptional amp, but very solid choice considering price. HD800 is smooth with this amp. I found the amp circuitry to have its own sound which allows the benefit of using a variety of sources without too many differences. This is a good thing at the price level.
  • DSHA-1 - solid-state but not solid-state amp. not tubey sounding, but treble charactersitics akin to tube. against the big boy tube amps, a just one notch below in terms of explosiveness an resolution. Really great for solid-state, but again properly implement tubes are always clearer and more resolving.
  • ZDSE - euphonic sounding amp. luxorious ride in mercedes. slightly veiled when compared to the bigger boy toob stuff. good stage. warm and euphonic, treble is the sharpest of all EC amps, but all other EC amps tend to sound "not bright" (didn't want to use dark, because that may imply something else.) I've noticed most ZDSE owners have a thick copper cable with HD800.
  • Stratus - slightly wet sound. latest version and upgrades is better all around with better bass articulation, staging, blackness, etc. Intimate sounding and actually good with cheap chinese toobs (my personal preference is the EML meshs, but many like the big bottle Shuguangs. works straight out of box with HD800, although with latest upgrades, care must be taken with source. I love this amp and Donald is so fricking smart, but he never comes off that way.
  • LG - had some of the more laid back 6sn7s and worked well with HD800. Has Cavalli trademark smooth sound with a very refined character which suits the HD800 tendency toward dryness. tubes make a huge huge deal, the point of the amp, so YMMV.
  • ECBA - neutralish amp, especially with new cinemag transformers. best staging, layering, separation, openness of any of the amps here by far because of high-frequency AC heater stolen from outer space satellite military applications. need to be careful of source. sometimes not a forgiving amp (I had to resort to anax mods), but toobs can make a difference.
  • EC 4-45 - best production amp for HD800 period. Take the BA and turn things up a notch in realism. Not forgiving of source. i was touched by the hand of god when i first heard this. avoid if you like artificial warmth - it's a 45 tube after all. But goshdarn kicks hard as hell.
Lots of other amps, but I only mentioned the ones which gel well with HD800. Honorable mention is Woo WA5, but the time you are done with cap upgrades, and the necessary x2 mega regulator tubes to avoid HD800s from sounding limp-dick, plus x2 driver tubes, plus x2 300B... you get the point. and honestly, it doesn't compete as well with the other big boy toob amps. but its sound is considerable lusher than any of the others. keyword is lush, so certainly a consideration.
The two Bakoon amps also work well with HD800, but too expensive and poor value unless you pay 50%-75% MSRP via a special.
I avoided mention any amps which gooified the HD800 because I feel HD800 gooification or not taking advantage of at least 65% of what the HD800 can do is just plain wrong. You are better off with an LCD2 instead of gooifying the HD800. Amps like WA2 and Leben belong in this category.
Aug 6, 2014 at 3:18 PM Post #12,608 of 29,017
Hello HD 800 appreciators and users.
I was just wondering how many of you out there have tried pairing the ARCAM irDAC with the 800's?? You can include the name if your amp or cable upgrades based on your personal experience with this fine DAC. Personally myself, I'm a huge fan of the ARCAM. It's a real smash for the cash too!!
Love to hear some impressions. I feel that the 'treble harshness' because its so detailed, from the 800's, is gone or non existent. Overall though I think the ARCAM and the 800's are a top tear pairing. Anyone agree?
Aug 6, 2014 at 3:32 PM Post #12,609 of 29,017
What about Glenn's amps.
I have heard a few good things about them with the HD800......yet not many people posting here about that combo ?
Anybody have much info on this ?
Aug 6, 2014 at 4:15 PM Post #12,611 of 29,017
  By approximate price give or take a few hundred - not in order of sound quality - and only in relation to HD800.
  • Vali - extremely resolving for price. tube wetness. hint of warmth in bass. smooth, but neutral treble. monotonic timbre, but not gonna bitch for $120. I use it myself.
  • mStage - warmish solid state if input caps are left in place. lacks resolution and microdynamics compared to tube brethen.
  • Vahalla 2 - not the Vahalla 1. probably top 1/3 of this list in terms of SQ. yes, that's how good it is. fast, clear, resolving - more than Crack. not as warm though / neutralish. does not work nearly as well with low Z or orthos. best to stick with high Z Senns or Beyers.
  • Crack - must have speedball upgrade for use with HD800. warm (but again tubes play role). not resolving enough to take full advantage of hd800. this is why most owners say it better with HD6XX than HD800.
  • Super 7 (available used only) - bassy and thicker. darker sounding than best. balance can vary though quite a bit depending upon tubes. great slam and microdynamics. very good resolution.
  • HDVD600/800 - I had my doubts, but great match with HD800. very refined sound, but probably lacks the slam the better amps have. balanced mode a must for staging, layering, separation, openness. not an exceptional amp, but very very solid choice considering price.
  • Luxman P1u - basically sounds like a Super 7 lite. slightly more veiled, slightly less fast, but just a euphonic in a no hassle ss package. Sounded dated and is less technically competent than most other amp in list now. But again, how you can get ECZD sound in a SS package?
  • Bryston BHA-1 - delineated treble attacks, but actually works well with HD800. neutralish. some reports of MOSFETS getting hot resulting in bass mud galore. Good staging though.
  • ZDSE - euphonic sounding amp. luxorious ride in mercedes. slightly veiled when compared to the bigger boy toob stuff. good stage. warm and euphonic, treble is the sharpest of all EC amps, but all other EC amps tend to sound "not bright" (didn't want to use dark, because that may imply something else.) I've noticed most ZDSE owners have a thick copper cable with HD800.
  • Stratus - slightly wet sound. latest version and upgrades is better all around with better bass articulation, staging, blackness, etc. Intimate sounding and actually good with cheap chinese toobs. works straight out of box with HD800, although with latest upgrades, care must be taken with source. I love this amp and Donald is so fricking smart, but he never comes off that way.
  • LG - had some of the more laid back 6sn7s and worked well with HD800. Has Cavalli trademark smooth sound with a very refined character which suits the HD800 tendency toward dryness. tubes make a huge huge deal, the point of the amp, so YMMV.
  • ECBA - neutralish amp, especially with new cinemag transformers. best staging, layering, separation, openness of any of the amps here by far because of high-frequency AC heater stolen from outer space satellite military applications. need to be careful of source. sometimes not a forgiving amp (I had to resort to anax mods), but toobs can make a difference.
  • EC 4-45 - best production amp for HD800 period. Take the BA and turn things up a notch in realism. Not forgiving of source. i was touched by the hand of god when i first heard this. avoid if you like artificial warmth - it's a 45 tube after all. But goshdarn kicks hard as hell.
Lots of other amps, but I only mentioned the ones which gel well with HD800. Honorable mention is Woo WA5, but the time you are done with cap upgrades, and the necessary x2 mega regulator tubes to avoid HD800s from sounding limp-dick, plus x2 driver tubes, plus x2 300B... you get the point. and honestly, it doesn't compete as well with the other big boy toob amps. but its sound is considerable lusher than any of the others. keyword is lush, so certainly a consideration.
I avoided mention any amps which gooified the HD800 because I feel HD800 gooification is just plain wrong. You are better off with an LCD2 instead of gooifying the HD800.

Please , please , take some time to try the Sonett 2 one day and tell us where the "litlle" DNA sits in your list

Aug 6, 2014 at 4:59 PM Post #12,614 of 29,017
Awesome list and description, thanks purrin for putting the time
Aug 6, 2014 at 5:08 PM Post #12,615 of 29,017
  By approximate price give or take a few hundred - not in order of sound quality - and only in relation to HD800.
  • Vali - extremely resolving for price. tube wetness. hint of warmth in bass. smooth, but neutral treble. monotonic timbre, but not gonna bitch for $120. I use it myself.
  • mStage - warmish solid state if input caps are left in place. lacks resolution and microdynamics compared to tube brethen.
  • Vahalla 2 - not the Vahalla 1. probably top 1/3
    of this list in terms of SQ. yes, that's how good it is. fast, clear, resolving - more than Crack. not as warm though / neutralish. does not work nearly as well with low Z or orthos. best to stick with high Z Senns or Beyers.

Thanks for the list, Purrin; it’s a genuine eye-opener! Did you really mean to say that the Valhalla 2 belongs in the top third of your list!? Wow. That’s a pleasant surprise indeed.  Would you say that the Valhalla 2 is a significant upgrade from the Vali? I love how my Vali and HD800 pair, but I confess I bought the Vali because (a) I’m often pathologically and irrationally frugal, and (b) because you praised this little amp so highly. (Awesome recommendation btw.)
But now, I’m ready to stomp my frugal nature into dust—though, I admit, purchasing the Valhalla wouldn't exactly qualify as a budget busting demonstration of my commitment to audio lavishness.  Anyway, I would sincerely appreciate your input. Thanks a million.

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