The (new) HD800 Impressions Thread
Jan 26, 2015 at 5:11 PM Post #16,546 of 29,017
Thanks for the feed back guys... ya getting them mostly because they are on sale, trying to keep it under $500 bucks. Any other choices?

iFi Micro iDSD is well regarded with the HD 800 and just about everything else. Also allows eventual pairing with the Valhalla 2 by Schiit, which in my opinion is in the top three best sounding amps for the HD800 under $3000.
Jan 26, 2015 at 7:02 PM Post #16,547 of 29,017
iFi Micro iDSD is well regarded with the HD 800 and just about everything else. Also allows eventual pairing with the Valhalla 2 by Schiit, which in my opinion is in the top three best sounding amps for the HD800 under $3000.

Have you heard every amp under $3000? 

Jan 26, 2015 at 7:13 PM Post #16,548 of 29,017
Lets not be ridiculous with technicality here lol. I am sure kapanak meant of the ones he heard.
Thanks for the great suggestion. The bass boost looks like a bounce with the HD800. I will look into it...
Jan 26, 2015 at 10:17 PM Post #16,549 of 29,017
Have you heard every amp under $3000? 

iFi Micro iDSD is well regarded with the HD 800 and just about everything else. Also allows eventual pairing with the Valhalla 2 by Schiit, which in my opinion is in the top three best sounding amps for the HD800 under $3000. 

Both the iFi Micro iDSD & Valhalla 2 I'm sure are great product and would scale well with the HD800. But to compare them to $3000k amps??
Kapanak can you name maybe one or two of these so call 3k amps you have heard. I would love to hear a comparison. Who knows, I might even agree with you.
Jan 26, 2015 at 10:46 PM Post #16,550 of 29,017
I am loving this setup tonight. HD800's with the new Toxic cables SW22's. ifi iDSD Micro and an LH Labs 1G cable. Grooving to 24/96 AIFF via Audirvana+ Rush The Spirit of Radio.

IF you would try - give Amarra Symphony a shot there - I LOVE it, especially w/ the iFi Micro!!

and - THIS just sounded, well, SICK!!!!

I really love the sound of the Nordost Heimdall 2 headphone cables on my HD800s!

The Heimdall 2 actually punctuated a few sonic attributes I was personally missing a bit before:
more forward, but silky midrange, low bass extension, and, also there's a tightness and control to the wider soundstaging w/ the Nordost and most the systems I've tried em with!

and THIS - I just wanted to see if the PS Audio Sprout could drive em! I LOE this lil' thing.
and it sounded wide-open, dynamic, and colorful and dimensional!

a NICE surprise!!

The HP out on my sprout sounds like complete and total donkey balls.

I have no idea what the heck you're listening to. My little leckerton, heck, even the Fiio E12 sounds better.
Jan 26, 2015 at 11:26 PM Post #16,551 of 29,017
The HP out on my sprout sounds like complete and total donkey balls.

I have no idea what the heck you're listening to. My little leckerton, heck, even the Fiio E12 sounds better.

LOLS!! thats putting it mildly. one of yous is definitely not listening to the same amp. either that or the Fiio E12 is amazing... 

Jan 27, 2015 at 12:03 AM Post #16,552 of 29,017
I'd guess @mikemercer has a crapload of Nordost power noise filtering stuff behind his desk still (correct me if I'm wrong). I've had a few components with only basic power supplies that were transformed in their performance by noise filters and regenerators, which did the work the PSU of the devices couldn't. For that reason, whenever I evaluate inexpensive gear, I remove all the extra stuff for the most part, as I want to hear how it will sound if someone who only had a pair of stock headphones, a desk and a computer would experience it. HD-800 impressions IMO are especially susceptible to this. 

Jan 27, 2015 at 12:18 AM Post #16,553 of 29,017
Ya I am not looking for multiple things to hook up. Something that works in the office or travel hotel room type of set up. Doesn't have to be actually portable just transportable. Never tried a smaller solid state amp with HD800. Currently like the WA2 with HD800. Want something warmer toned or even bass boost of sorts would be ideal to cover wider genera...
Jan 27, 2015 at 12:38 AM Post #16,554 of 29,017
Just a two cent opinion on a 3000 bucks amp.

How does one quantify a $3000 amp's ability ?
How does one arrive at this $3000 figure ?

Can a $400 or $500 amp that can bridge or even near that gap of quality? Why not ?

The internal parts are dirt cheap (from manufacturers pov, they buy in bulk). It is the r&d, branding and other overhead costs that made up the main bulk of $3000.

If the manufacturer and r&d team knows what they are doing, they can certainly come out with something like Schiit.

Unless you have plenty of cash to burn, by all means spend what you like. For folks like us with certain amount of budget to play around, a brand like Schiit is a god send. Aesthetic, functionality, quality and price range - Win, Win, Win and Win.
Jan 27, 2015 at 2:25 AM Post #16,556 of 29,017
Is there any point using the HD800 before the 300 hours burn in?

No, there is no point. The molecules that make up the HD800 transducers are locked in a vacuum devoid of space/time. Only the ceremonial sacrifice of 666 virgins precisely at the 300 hour mark can free those particles to even make sound. If you want them to sound like Summit-Fi headphones - you then need to high five an albino, after copulating with a pink unicorn. Hope this helps!
Jan 27, 2015 at 2:43 AM Post #16,557 of 29,017
Is there any point using the HD800 before the 300 hours burn in?

That depends upon whether or not you'd like to know how they change due to break in.
Or not.
ps although the previous answer is WAY more imaginitive… :thumb
Jan 27, 2015 at 2:54 AM Post #16,558 of 29,017
No, there is no point. The molecules that make up the HD800 transducers are locked in a vacuum devoid of space/time. Only the ceremonial sacrifice of 666 virgins precisely at the 300 hour mark can free those particles to even make sound. If you want them to sound like Summit-Fi headphones - you then need to high five an albino, after copulating with a pink unicorn. Hope this helps!

This definitely helps me to understand why my HD800 does not sound summit-fi yet.
I copulated with a white licorn. I'm f...ed
Jan 27, 2015 at 3:07 AM Post #16,559 of 29,017
This definitely helps me to understand why my HD800 does not sound summit-fi yet.

I copulated with a white licorn. I'm f...ed :frowning2:  

Tell me about it! S**t...
Jan 27, 2015 at 3:10 AM Post #16,560 of 29,017
I Wonder if using $$$$ heimdal cables to tie down the licorn helps...

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