The JPS Labs: Abyss AB-1266 Impressions Thread
Dec 28, 2019 at 11:43 PM Post #9,676 of 22,807
Which streamer? I love my Ambre...

I picked up the Auralic Aries G1. I am auditioning it against a innuos zen mini with the eternal power supply. I like that the G1 works over wifi. I never thought that a streamer would make such a difference.
Dec 28, 2019 at 11:51 PM Post #9,677 of 22,807
I picked up the Auralic Aries G1. I am auditioning it against a innuos zen mini with the eternal power supply. I like that the G1 works over wifi. I never thought that a streamer would make such a difference.
That Auralic Aries G1 is a nice piece of gear; it looks great. I wish my Ambre looked a bit more sleek but I have it in hiding in a corner of my room and it just pumps out Roon to my DAC.
Dec 29, 2019 at 2:04 AM Post #9,678 of 22,807
If you are just auditioning... Check out the Lumin T2... Or the S1 and X1. You won't be disappointed.
Dec 29, 2019 at 2:20 AM Post #9,679 of 22,807
If you are just auditioning... Check out the Lumin T2... Or the S1 and X1. You won't be disappointed.

I would like to check them out too. I am not looking for a streamer with a dac though. I currently have a TT2 and the only dac that I am looking at as an upgrade currently is the Dave. I might try to find a lumin dealer near me though. Thanks for the heads-up.
Dec 29, 2019 at 2:33 AM Post #9,680 of 22,807
I would like to check them out too. I am not looking for a streamer with a dac though. I currently have a TT2 and the only dac that I am looking at as an upgrade currently is the Dave. I might try to find a lumin dealer near me though. Thanks for the heads-up.

You can bypass the internal DAC in the streamers I mentioned... But the U1 is specifically built as stand alone streamer for those who already own a high-end DAC.
Dec 29, 2019 at 5:04 AM Post #9,681 of 22,807
I would like to check them out too. I am not looking for a streamer with a dac though. I currently have a TT2 and the only dac that I am looking at as an upgrade currently is the Dave. I might try to find a lumin dealer near me though. Thanks for the heads-up.
Did you ever get to demo the dCS gear?
Dec 29, 2019 at 7:29 AM Post #9,682 of 22,807
Dec 29, 2019 at 9:41 AM Post #9,684 of 22,807
Do you self a favor and use an ethernet cable, and not Wi-Fi for streaming.

The Auralic streamers are actually built to be better with wifi from what the designer has said.
Dec 29, 2019 at 9:43 AM Post #9,685 of 22,807
Did you ever get to demo the dCS gear?

No I haven't had a chance to find a dealer locally that carries the bartok. I would still like to hear them if I have a chance.
Dec 29, 2019 at 10:59 AM Post #9,687 of 22,807
Dec 29, 2019 at 11:41 AM Post #9,688 of 22,807
I'm curious about this as well

I know that I am going to get some hate for this but. I was recently auditioning the Mscaler in my system (I used to own one with a hugo 2) and imo the mscaler made more of a difference with the hugo 2 than it does with the TT2. For the money that is spent on a TT2 and Mscaler I would much rather have the Dave at the current holiday price the difference is minimal.

To my ears the addition of the streamer made more of a difference than the mscaler at a lower price. With the aries g1 the sound stage depth and width is larger, I am getting a more solid bass and everything seems much more natural. The background is also very black with music seemingly coming from nowhere if that makes any sense. The imaging is more precise too. This is all on my two channel system I have not listened with my Abyss yet. I find differences more apparent on speakers then headphones most of the time. I also prefer listening on speakers 90% of the time.

This is my current setup I am going to upgrade the power conditioning to a transparent power wave today. These are just my initial impressions I will update after I get some more time with the streamer in the system.

I am really enjoying the functionality of it too. It can stream via airplay so now my wife can stream all of the korean music ahe likes from apple music that is not on Tidal. Maybe some day apple will get with the program and offer hires lossless streaming. If they did I think that they would crush all of the other services due to the sheer size of the library they have.

Also if you get a chance I would suggest that you check out Magico speakers if you haven't heard them. The new A1 is incredible it is their lowest priced speaker they have made. To me it bests pretty much every speaker in its price range in technicalities.
Dec 29, 2019 at 12:05 PM Post #9,689 of 22,807
...Also if you get a chance I would suggest that you check out Magico speakers if you haven't heard them. The new A1 is incredible it is their lowest priced speaker they have made. To me it bests pretty much every speaker in its price range in technicalities.
No hate here, dude. I lost faith in Chord after their mojo-poly fiasco...

I need to demo some Magico speakers...drool drool...

Dec 29, 2019 at 12:16 PM Post #9,690 of 22,807
No hate here, dude. I lost faith in Chord after their mojo-poly fiasco...

I need to demo some Magico speakers...drool drool...


I actually had a Pavane on order but something happened and the dealer said that Metrum lost the order. After a month I got tired of waiting and was able to get a good price on the TT2. I would love to hear a pavane though I really liked my onyx.

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