The iBasso DX50 Thread - Latest firmware: 1.9.5 - June 30, 2016
Dec 2, 2014 at 4:00 PM Post #15,661 of 18,652
Sorry to say but I totally disagree with your opinion about the dx50 ,
And to come on this forum and give the disrespect that you gave
To the dx50 and to be honest all of us on this forum , we all hold the
Dx50 in high regard and all the hard work that was put into it .
And to quote that a smartphone is better that the dx50 is an insult I.m.h.o
Think you need to clean the wool out of your ears , change your I.e.m.s
I've had them in the past and REALLY " LOL .:mad:
Dec 2, 2014 at 4:05 PM Post #15,662 of 18,652
yes,I use costum on z3,but if I use costum eq on dx50 I never end with a better sound quality than with the eq sett to off! well my brain is not adjusted with only one kind of sound...I have always used my cowon j3 for a year when I wason the road,so not my phone.please keep in mind that I had xperia z1,z2,and now z3 while I have used the j3,but it seems like z1 and z2 did not sound as good as z3.dx50 is way,way better than j3 (with costum eq ).at home I'm listening music from pc (creative titanium hd) to yamaha rx-a730 + 7.1 jbl (es25c,e30 pair,es20 pair,e10pair and es250pw 400w rms sub) that's almost 2000 euro sound sistem,without pc so I'm not used to one kind of's just that highs are to high in dx50,that it gives me headache at over 205-210 volume and lows are left way behind.the difference in bass/drums punch/kick,between my z3 and dx50 is like having a 100w rms sub,instead of the 400w rms sub that I have.
I am considering of getting some other headphones,but have no idea what to get.still some dual driver,as I don't have money for 3 driver ones,and something that goes good with rock music,metal.really afraid in choosing something as I have no idea and realy not want to end up with something that sounds worse than my denon.not more than 150 euro for these,also!
I'm not saying dx50 is the same as any smartphone,as I have tested samsung s3 and the sound was terrible comapring to xperia z1.not even the z3 sounded such better one month ago,but the last update,just made it gold.
don't get me wrong,I really want to keep the dx50,as I'm willing to change caps or whatever it takes,but I just want to say wow,this blows my phone away!I want to listen to music,and say,yes,this is worth 250 euros,and there's nothing else that matches it's quality(nothing that I can afford)
Dec 2, 2014 at 4:07 PM Post #15,663 of 18,652
there's to much of will take forever to test,and never know which one is better.I don't know even if the mods can save just does not stand up for it's offers nothing in sound quality than a smartphone,it's even inferior to a smartphone,despite it's wolfson dac,power,bla,bla,bla.I now understand why no one buys mp3 players,and people will not spend so much money on a player,and now they even have no reason to spend them,when their phone does a better job.really,really disappointed about disappointed that I can't even be happy for my phone!I can sell it in the end,but I really liked the idea of having a dedicated player for music,and music seems that smartphones,are indeed smart,smart enough to beat a high end device like ibasso,and they will get smarter,year by year!
Dec 2, 2014 at 4:21 PM Post #15,664 of 18,652
Sorry,I'm not saying that every smartphone is better,just can't understand why mine is sounding better,at the moment.maybe I just need that kick from the drums,maybe I'm to desperate right now,maybe I can't see the upgrade I've made!I don't understand why the stock firmware is not so's clear that sound unlocked sounds way better.I have read about lack of bass on ibasso,I've spent a lot of time reading and reading about this,before I've decided to get it,but it was fw 1.2 or something,and now it's 1.6,and still lack of bass.
I cant handle the eq,it's not the same as j3,it was easier to get a better sound in seems that the best sound is with eq off,even if I end up with to much sad to sell it,really,I wanted this so much,and I don't want to give it away right away...this is why I'm thinking of mods and searching for caps at the moment.
I'm really ok with the sound,just want that kick...different music sounds amazing,but death,black metal is what I'm listening,and some recordings in this area,are not the best ones.
If you had denon ahc-300 in the past,please tell me what you have now,and how does it compare to them!
Dec 2, 2014 at 4:31 PM Post #15,665 of 18,652
Capacitors won`t help You. It will get better but seeing You not impressed with other FW`s then... forget it.
Get better IEM`s (in Your case basshead ones) or sell DX50 and live happily ever after with Your Z3.
Using EQ with DX50 (Sound Unlocked) - blasphemy!
Using custom EQ with your Z3 - You`ve created Your "own sound" which is probably hard to find in hi-fi DAP`s (without EQ).
Most of us here don`t use any EQ and listen to music as it should be heard.
Dec 2, 2014 at 4:38 PM Post #15,666 of 18,652
don't get me wrong,I see that right now you hate me....but different caps can help.also I was telling that I have only used sound unlocked 1.3.3 and 1.4 and there is improvement over the stock fw on.I had not tried something else,beside that bass dark edition v2.I will test some others and I hope I'll find what I'm looking for.thinking of changing iem's to,but like I've said,I have no ideea what in-ear to get,and really don't have the chance to test a lot.shure 435 is expensive and some others were dunu dn-1000 that I've read about!
Yes,I was thinking at the same thing...I've just created my perfect sound on z3,and i really like what is delivering to me,maybe I'm crazy about that punch.
I don't use EQ with Ibasso.
I really like the rest,the rest in sound quality but also,the rest like materials,interface,touch screen,removable battery and others.I've read a lot about dx50, fiio x1,x5,something from hi-fiman,and decided to go with dx50.I don't want to give it up...maybe I'll find the perfcet costum fw for me,maybe the next stock will be better,maybe few mods will make it more than amazing
I will try and search for new headphones,even if I really have no idea what to get.only had creative ep-830 before denon ahc-300. I'm really sorry If someone is upset because of me!
Dec 2, 2014 at 4:42 PM Post #15,667 of 18,652
I hate nobody, just do not agree with Your opinion 
 If You have found Your "sound bliss" in the name of Z3, then be happy and move on :wink:
Dec 2, 2014 at 5:02 PM Post #15,668 of 18,652
ok,I'm not the person that express really good when it's angry about something he spent money on it!the dx50 is way better than j3.could tell the difference from the first min,and it's huge,really.I'm to desperate to have that kick in the dx50,and some lower highs,and this will make my dx50 amazing for me!in fact,everyone complained about the lack of bass since forever,with the dx50.
Maybe I've cheated,as z3 with eq set to off,it's not special at all,really.I hope I'll find the perfect fw for me,and some better in ear headphones...please give advice,at least to read about them!sorry once again,if I was to rude
Dec 2, 2014 at 5:06 PM Post #15,669 of 18,652
The new firmware sounds great. Had to resort to using the fantastic LO before now finally I can use the HO and really enjoy
Dec 2, 2014 at 7:00 PM Post #15,670 of 18,652
Hello, I am a mature listener and former semi-professional music producer.  I have had the Cowon J3, have the DX50 and owned many reputedly high capacity music playing phones.
It seems the ears are confused of the person in this thread recently selling their DX50.   The J3 offers a highly coloured artificial sound that is attractive but not natural.
The mobile phones can be EQed to emphasize frequencies but this is not high quality sound.   This might work better for some lower bit rate MP3s, whereas the DX50 will expose their limited audio depth.
If the listener is only using EQ off on DX50 they are as I reported earlier in the thread over amplifying their DX50 and getting all frequencies flattened but loud.  This is initially attractive but tiring, the unit and our ears are not meant to hear sound that way.   It is important not to adopt EQ off as the norm, it's attractive but highly tiring and not a balanced listen.
It is not that the unit with EQ on is quiet, it is that without it is it in reality too loud.   EQ enables sound shaping to match the headphones and a person's ears.   Without this none of that is possible.   
Comparing a J3 with EQ or a phone with EQ to the DX50 with EQ off is not valid.
The DX50 does not have overly bright highs, only on some custom firmware is that true.   What the listener in question cannot adapt to is a more natural, less boosted sound.  Indeed if the highs are too strong that is what EQ is for.  The hardware gain settings can boost middle and high frequencies which should be combined with the EQ.   The DX50 is a capable unit, one of the most available at the price point but it takes time and experimentation of settings and headphones to find the desired balance.
I have released award winning albums that had complex sound balance and can objectively state that the DX50 produces a quality output, however it is not a quick, superficial listen like a phone or even the J3.   Take the time and work out the sound signature your ears prefer in the combination of device, headphones and head.   This is why the custom firmwares have different receptivity as our ears are individually sensitive in varying ways due to many factors including age (I'm 45 and hear differently from anyone in their twenties).
Finally, judging high quality audio with most black metal is not really a valid comparison as this is deliberately constrained in audio frequency width to produce a heavily mid-to-lower emphasized sound. (dependent on the production, mixing and mastering of the music in question)
Dec 2, 2014 at 8:51 PM Post #15,671 of 18,652
I don't know if it is the headphones or the player or the firmware, but all music played sounds like it was recorded in a gymnasium
Dec 2, 2014 at 9:53 PM Post #15,672 of 18,652
  there's to much of will take forever to test,and never know which one is better.I don't know even if the mods can save just does not stand up for it's offers nothing in sound quality than a smartphone,it's even inferior to a smartphone,despite it's wolfson dac,power,bla,bla,bla.I now understand why no one buys mp3 players,and people will not spend so much money on a player,and now they even have no reason to spend them,when their phone does a better job.really,really disappointed about disappointed that I can't even be happy for my phone!I can sell it in the end,but I really liked the idea of having a dedicated player for music,and music seems that smartphones,are indeed smart,smart enough to beat a high end device like ibasso,and they will get smarter,year by year!

DX50 is so bad there's over 1,000 pages of posts from losers who use the device. Sucks we're all so ill informed.
Dec 3, 2014 at 12:08 AM Post #15,674 of 18,652
Seems odd, the latest firmware has been the most enjoyable for me. Perhaps a loose connection somewhere?

Sounds like maybe the plug isn't pushed in all the way or a bad connection. 
Dec 3, 2014 at 3:13 AM Post #15,675 of 18,652
I think I've finally been converted from Rockbox. I'm listening to SU 1.4 and I am literally blown away. I like it quite a bit more than 1.3.3!

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