The Hifiman RE2000 - a high end dynamic IEM
Jan 12, 2019 at 10:16 AM Post #466 of 633
I think RE2000 Silver works well with NextDrive SpectraX :)

They sound even more spectacular out of the CEntrance DACPortable :dt880smile:
Jan 13, 2019 at 12:42 AM Post #467 of 633
True, i'll consider it maybe if i change the phone, at the moment i am not sure if it would be a significant upgrade, dac and amp of Lg v20 is, i think, of similar quality. I need something to match the potential of re2000.

NextDrive SpectraX is a HUGE upgrade to V20 if you ask me, more detailed, more vivid, more balanced overall sound

They sound even more spectacular out of the CEntrance DACPortable :dt880smile:

You made me really curious to try that one as well! :)
Jan 13, 2019 at 2:39 AM Post #468 of 633
NextDrive SpectraX is a HUGE upgrade to V20 if you ask me, more detailed, more vivid, more balanced overall sound

Just looked at their website - typical audiophoolery BS. What does this even mean?

2Vrms @ 600Ω / 49mW @ 32Ω

They're making it sound like its a powerhouse. Why quote the 600 ohm number. Makes no sense at all.
Jan 13, 2019 at 4:49 AM Post #469 of 633
Just looked at their website - typical audiophoolery BS. What does this even mean?

They're making it sound like its a powerhouse. Why quote the 600 ohm number. Makes no sense at all.

Their website includes mostly basic information about their products. Nothing fancy as far as I can tell.

Also, I had V20 and V30, the sound is simply more detailed, more vivid, and more balanced on SpectraX. V30 was too lean and smooth, had less textures, and less details, with a bit too little treble, which explains how I would describe SpectraX in comparison.

It is not a powerhouse, and they also give the power rating for 32 OHM, which is 49mW, making it not very powerful.

Maybe quoting the higher impedance power rating at 2V is intended in case you want to use it as a USB DAC out to a powered speaker, since there are both Type-C and normal USB versions.

[This is not the thread to discuss SpectraX though, I am not sure if there is one actually. It works well with RE2000 Silver, and it is very portable, which was the main contribution I intended the info to have to this one thread :) ]
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Jan 31, 2019 at 6:36 AM Post #471 of 633
Jan 31, 2019 at 7:15 AM Post #473 of 633
Woah, you're letting go of this beautiful sounding beauty? :)
Yeah really beautiful, I dont have any issue with them it's just that IEM are not for me. I prefer circumaural cans.
Jan 31, 2019 at 4:01 PM Post #474 of 633
Yeah really beautiful, I dont have any issue with them it's just that IEM are not for me. I prefer circumaural cans.

Totally understandable!

RE2000 is still in top 3 IEMs I ever heard, and now I have a much better history and experience than when I first reviewed it, yet still, it never fails to impress me.
Jan 31, 2019 at 5:20 PM Post #475 of 633
Feb 1, 2019 at 4:39 AM Post #477 of 633
which foams are better for re2000:
Comply Isolation Plus TX-400 or TX-100?

on a second thought, i'll try this first :)

Comply warms sound and smooths treble. I wouldn't go there. Try out Dekoni bullets, or Campfire Audio's foamies, they won't affect the signature.
Feb 2, 2019 at 9:59 AM Post #479 of 633
You may be better of keeping this given the resale pressures caused by the price and performance of the silver. Of course someone might really like the look and weight of the gold ...

Still I don't want to keep them. Best offers are accepted!
Feb 7, 2019 at 6:43 PM Post #480 of 633
Hey Guys,

I used to own the RE2000 Gold as some of you know. I had to sell them as I needed the cash at the time. With the RE2000 Silver at $799 currently, its very tempting to purchase a pair. Are they really comparable with the Gold version, and are there any alternatives at $800USD that might sound better than I should be considering? I really loved the Golds whilst I owned them! Any input is very much appreciated :)

EDIT: Did my research, and bought a pair. Can't wait to be part of the RE2000 club again! :)
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