The HeadAmp GS-X and GS-X MK2 Thread
Mar 31, 2013 at 8:56 PM Post #1,021 of 6,351
So Justin, do you think the new batch will be ready by end of May? I am not trying to rush anything. I am perfectly happy waiting as along as it takes - especially for a HeadAmp product - but I would like to know so that I know what I need to do to maintain my emotional state. 

Mar 31, 2013 at 8:59 PM Post #1,022 of 6,351
So Justin, do you think the new batch will be ready by end of May? I am not trying to rush anything. I am perfectly happy waiting as along as it takes - especially for a HeadAmp product - but I would like to know so that I know what I need to do to maintain my emotional state. 

Nope - i'm going to be using the same high grade aluminum I had to special order for the BHSE front panels, and it takes 4 weeks to get it.  
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Mar 31, 2013 at 9:16 PM Post #1,023 of 6,351
So Justin, do you think the new batch will be ready by end of May? I am not trying to rush anything. I am perfectly happy waiting as along as it takes - especially for a HeadAmp product - but I would like to know so that I know what I need to do to maintain my emotional state. :D

Nope - i'm going to be using the same high grade aluminum I had to special order for the BHSE front panels, and it takes 4 weeks to get it.  

Well, I was gonna ask Justin if I could get my gsx–mkii at the DC headfi meet in May.

Guess I don't have too now
Apr 1, 2013 at 5:38 AM Post #1,024 of 6,351
Well, I was gonna ask Justin if I could get my gsx–mkii at the DC headfi meet in May.

Guess I don't have too now
That was my thinking as well

Nope - i'm going to be using the same high grade aluminum I had to special order for the BHSE front panels, and it takes 4 weeks to get it.  

.thanks Justin! No rush. I just appreciate having the opportunity to get this amp. Take your time.  
Apr 5, 2013 at 6:44 AM Post #1,025 of 6,351
SO guys, what DAC are you all using with the GSX and what to you like and/or dislike about the presentation? I am especially a stickler for instrument placement and capability to handle larger orchestral pieces, if you have experience there, I would appreciate you dropping few words on that. 
Apr 5, 2013 at 10:06 AM Post #1,027 of 6,351
How much are you planing on spending on the DAC?

I am not really looking at a new purchase within next few moths, but long term. And then my threshold depends on how long they continue the furloughs. For now, I am looking at price no object, but really will most likely eventually pull the trigger in the 2000-3000 range.
Apr 5, 2013 at 10:19 AM Post #1,028 of 6,351
I am not really looking at a new purchase within next few moths, but long term. And then my threshold depends on how long they continue the furloughs. For now, I am looking at price no object, but really will most likely eventually pull the trigger in the 2000-3000 range.

Gotcha,  I'm caught up in the furlough stuff as well.
I was looking at a NOS DAC to compare with the other DACs I have.  The HEX has my interests right now.
Apr 5, 2013 at 10:56 AM Post #1,029 of 6,351
Gotcha,  I'm caught up in the furlough stuff as well.
I was looking at a NOS DAC to compare with the other DACs I have.  The HEX has my interests right now.

I have seen DAC as well. I am not sure what the diff is between NOS and other DACs as far as sound goes. I have read about the technical differences, but not sure how that translates into real life performers. I have come across diehard NOS fans, but I have hears some pretty good up/oversampling dacs, so don't know what to think. So far the PWD is your fav with the GSX, right? OR is it Master7.
Apr 5, 2013 at 12:05 PM Post #1,030 of 6,351
I have seen DAC as well. I am not sure what the diff is between NOS and other DACs as far as sound goes. I have read about the technical differences, but not sure how that translates into real life performers. I have come across diehard NOS fans, but I have hears some pretty good up/oversampling dacs, so don't know what to think. So far the PWD is your fav with the GSX, right? OR is it Master7.

Yup both
  If I had to only have one.  uummm..  Haven't decided yet.. I was hoping the HEX beat them both..  
Apr 5, 2013 at 12:42 PM Post #1,031 of 6,351
Yup both
  If I had to only have one.  uummm..  Haven't decided yet.. I was hoping the HEX beat them both..  

I hope so too. That would make my decision easier!
Apr 5, 2013 at 12:45 PM Post #1,033 of 6,351
No way man.  you can hear both of them at the meet for your self.  Don't let me make a decision for you.

Sure, I will be super happy to listen to whatever you bring. You think you'll have the Hex by then? Not sure when it comes out.

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