The HeadAmp GS-X and GS-X MK2 Thread
Jul 20, 2015 at 8:45 PM Post #4,411 of 6,351
I was wondering why that is but people are obviously just sitting in front of their set up, listing to music and have a big smile on their face - at least my best guess .

That about sums it up.  Almost annoying how good it is.  I keep looking for the next amp to try and a few years later I'm still doing the whole... research, mull, come to the conclusion of what's the point, rinse and repeat.  Joke is my next amp is probably another GS-X mk2 but with the Alpha /facepalm


Jul 21, 2015 at 7:42 AM Post #4,413 of 6,351
That about sums it up.  Almost annoying how good it is.  I keep looking for the next amp to try and a few years later I'm still doing the whole... research, mull, come to the conclusion of what's the point, rinse and repeat.  Joke is my next amp is probably another GS-X mk2 but with the Alpha /facepalm

Why the Alpha? You have the dact now I suppose?
Jul 21, 2015 at 7:45 AM Post #4,414 of 6,351
Why the Alpha? You have the dact now I suppose?

I do.  IEMs and the DACT make for a less than desirable outcome.  I get around it by running the PWD2 at 70/100 on the volume to get finer steps but I think running it at 100 and using a pot would be better.
Jul 21, 2015 at 8:58 AM Post #4,415 of 6,351
I do.  IEMs and the DACT make for a less than desirable outcome.  I get around it by running the PWD2 at 70/100 on the volume to get finer steps but I think running it at 100 and using a pot would be better.

Hmm. I love the DACT on low gain with my IEMs. Not "disagreeing" with you, just saying that different people may have different sensitivities. I will take the perfect channel balance over tiny in-between volume adjustments any day. But then there is a wide range of volumes that I find enjoyable and I actually find the DACT to be quite precise. 
Jul 21, 2015 at 9:15 AM Post #4,416 of 6,351
I do.  IEMs and the DACT make for a less than desirable outcome.  I get around it by running the PWD2 at 70/100 on the volume to get finer steps but I think running it at 100 and using a pot would be better.

Exactly why I chose the Alpha. I seem to like sensitve cans mainly and have used a stepped attenuator in the past. Glad I made the right choice.
Jul 21, 2015 at 9:15 AM Post #4,417 of 6,351
With the 846 on low gain I can only use the first 4 steps on most material and that is single ended.  Reducing the PWD2 by 15dB puts me closer to 12 o'clock on the DACT most of the time.  I would also add that the Alpha... is not a cheap pot with massive channel imbalance down low.  Think TKD not Alps :wink:
Jul 21, 2015 at 12:45 PM Post #4,418 of 6,351
I received my gsx mk2 2 weeks ago and there is something that worries me : I use a Sennheiser HD800 and a Dangerous Source Dac using the XLR input, and when I listen at 50% volume (medium gain) I hear some background noise. I hooked-up a cd player to the RCA Input and I have no noise even at 100% volume.
Do you have also some background noise with your unit ? Is there something wrong with the amp ?
I tried to contact Justin by mail but got no response.
Jul 21, 2015 at 1:19 PM Post #4,419 of 6,351
I use XLR connection from my SA11S3 and on medium gain I mostly listen at about 10 to 11 o'clock volume.
No noise at all, also with the HD800.
Maybe there is something wrong with your dangerous source. It's not completely impossible that anything is wrong with the amp but given Justin's craftsman ship, burn in process and testing regimen, I'd say it's rather unlikely.
Jul 21, 2015 at 2:20 PM Post #4,420 of 6,351
I received my gsx mk2 2 weeks ago and there is something that worries me : I use a Sennheiser HD800 and a Dangerous Source Dac using the XLR input, and when I listen at 50% volume (medium gain) I hear some background noise. I hooked-up a cd player to the RCA Input and I have no noise even at 100% volume.
Do you have also some background noise with your unit ? Is there something wrong with the amp ?
I tried to contact Justin by mail but got no response.

Do you have the amp and power supply stacked on top of each other?
Jul 21, 2015 at 4:23 PM Post #4,422 of 6,351
Do you have also some background noise with your unit ?

It comes down to how the DAC is wired.  My PWD2 does the same thing, the Gungnir did not if memory serves.  Just run single ended outputs to the RCA input to provide a ground connection and you're good to go.  You can even run just 1 RCA but it looks funny :wink:  Continue to select XLR on the front panel.
Jul 22, 2015 at 4:29 AM Post #4,424 of 6,351
I thought this amp cost about 3000$ but on their site it goes for 699/750$ alpha/dact O:. So was it always priced below the 1000$ or did the prices had a steep drop? I'm talking about the GS-X mk2


That is a 1/4 deposit for ordering it :)
Jul 22, 2015 at 1:41 PM Post #4,425 of 6,351

Do you have the amp and power supply stacked on top of each other?

Of course not.
It comes down to how the DAC is wired.  My PWD2 does the same thing, the Gungnir did not if memory serves.  Just run single ended outputs to the RCA input to provide a ground connection and you're good to go.  You can even run just 1 RCA but it looks funny :wink:  Continue to select XLR on the front panel.

My cd player is already connected to RCA input. The DAC is still noisy connected to xlr input. 
I have a little bit of background noise with the cd player too, but it is past 90% volume (high gain), so it doesn't bother me.

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