The German Maestro GMP 8.35 D Monitor in the studio... serious about audio, INDEED!!
Apr 29, 2013 at 5:17 AM Post #754 of 1,132
Looks great, and the price is okay compare to the other pads, they remind me a bit of the Stax pads but not angle, or leather as the Stax pads (I'm not sure I want leather on my head)...and there is the price issue as well.

I like how Stax pads allow for the asymmetrical form of your ears, leaving no extra space.
What's your issue with leather? Heat? Ethics? Aesthetics?
Apr 29, 2013 at 5:18 AM Post #755 of 1,132
Bleh, hate that.

How did you even survive in this hobby for so long? 

Apr 29, 2013 at 3:34 PM Post #756 of 1,132
How did you even survive in this hobby for so long? 

Good question :p
Usually if I buy abroad I use ebay, so I can use paypal. I might be taking a little break from the audiophile market. I have what I need (and then some). I should concentrate more on discovering new music, and practicing more music on the drums.
Apr 29, 2013 at 4:20 PM Post #758 of 1,132
Good question :p
Usually if I buy abroad I use ebay, so I can use paypal. I might be taking a little break from the audiophile market. I have what I need (and then some). I should concentrate more on discovering new music, and practicing more music on the drums.

I feel ya. I've realized just recently that I probably spend more time reading Head-Fi than I do actually listening to music. And that you can buy a lot of music for a price of an amp or DAC. And that I probably need a new e-reader more than I need a FiiO X3, leave alone any finer stuff.
Which makes me doubly glad that I've found GMs. They're great all-around cans and I can enjoy my music with them for quite a while, with or without an upgrade.
Getting back to the pads, Brainwavz has a list of stores on its official site. Maybe there is some Dutch brick-and-mortar there. Or a web shop that accepts PayPal. Or maybe you could convince the store where you bought your GMs to stock the pads for them :wink:
And, er, good luck tuning your drums :)
Apr 30, 2013 at 1:07 PM Post #759 of 1,132
I like how Stax pads allow for the asymmetrical form of your ears, leaving no extra space.
What's your issue with leather? Heat? Ethics? Aesthetics?

My main issue with leather pads is the smell, as well I stopped eating meat. Also the Stax pads looks angle, and if this is true those pads can increase the sound stage of the 8.35... but above all, is the price of those pads.
May 1, 2013 at 6:26 AM Post #760 of 1,132
My main issue with leather pads is the smell, as well I stopped eating meat. Also the Stax pads looks angle, and if this is true those pads can increase the sound stage of the 8.35... but above all, is the price of those pads.

You became vegetarian? Why would you do that dude?
May 1, 2013 at 7:26 AM Post #761 of 1,132
You became vegetarian? Why would you do that dude?

Oh Boy :p 
I'm not a vegetarian but I can see it as more ethically responsible in some ways. 
However, I really do hate vegetarians/vegans that call you out for eating meat but at the same time wear leather, use medicines (tested on animals) and eat fish.
But I would definitely start eating synthetic meat when it would come out.
Cows are kinda cute :/ 
Don't give a damn about chickens though, those things are even more dumb than insects. I'm awful :p
May 1, 2013 at 8:06 AM Post #762 of 1,132
My main issue with leather pads is the smell, as well I stopped eating meat. Also the Stax pads looks angle, and if this is true those pads can increase the sound stage of the 8.35... but above all, is the price of those pads.

I wonder how angled pads change spatial perception. I'd thought the dynamic placement plays a bigger role than a slight change in their orientation.
I'm no acoustic scientist though.
I tried pushing my 8.35's fronts slightly inwards (the soft HM5 pads allow for that) and I can't say I hear a significant change in the sound stage. Will listen some more. For now I'd say crossfeed in Rockbox does way more for sound stage than the cans' angle.
May 1, 2013 at 8:30 AM Post #765 of 1,132
I wonder how angled pads change spatial perception. I'd thought the dynamic placement plays a bigger role than a slight change in their orientation.
I'm no acoustic scientist though.
I tried pushing my 8.35's fronts slightly inwards (the soft HM5 pads allow for that) and I can't say I hear a significant change in the sound stage. Will listen some more. For now I'd say crossfeed in Rockbox does way more for sound stage than the cans' angle.

The angle pads works well on my K-702... and crossfeed help most of the time, I mean if the recorded materials still feel natural and not get destroyed. My Phonitor have a good one build in.

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