The diary entries of a little girl in her 30s! ~ Part 2
Mar 30, 2013 at 12:25 AM Post #9,316 of 21,763
I just finished Bioshock Infinite. The last 15 minutes went like this:
Wait, huh?

Mar 30, 2013 at 12:32 AM Post #9,317 of 21,763
Alright, I can't stand it anymore someone please PM me the ending of the new bioshock game. I turned in my gamer joystick ages ago and I don't intend to play the game. The reason I'm asking about the ending is because I've gone beyond curious due to everyone saying the ending is so mind blowing.
Mar 30, 2013 at 12:40 AM Post #9,318 of 21,763
Alright, I can't stand it anymore someone please PM me the ending of the new bioshock game. I turned in my gamer joystick ages ago and I don't intend to play the game. The reason I'm asking about the ending is because I've gone beyond curious due to everyone saying the ending is so mind blowing.

It won't be as profound if you don't play through the game and get to build all the character rapport and whatnot.
Here you go


Still, I think this would be THE game to dust your joystick  controller off for.
Mar 30, 2013 at 12:55 AM Post #9,319 of 21,763
I would HIGHLY recommend not watching nor reading any spoilers pertaining to Infinite if you have even the slightest interest in it. It has zero impact unless you undertake the journey yourself, as it it's not all that impressive out of context
Mar 30, 2013 at 1:19 AM Post #9,320 of 21,763
From what I bothered to watch it seemed pretty dark and demented. Definitely a game with a huge mind screw thrown in at the end. Oh well whatever.

I'm really loving the 1plus2 right now. It's a very capable IEM and easily buries all the gear I own. If my 4A had the depth and imaging capabilities of this IEM I'd have the CIEM to rule all CIEM's. I wonder how the UERM would match up against this IEM
Mar 30, 2013 at 1:45 AM Post #9,321 of 21,763
If I'm not mistaken Mike from Headfonia once said the Continental V3 had deep bass and slightly thick mids. He then went on to say the mids were still quite detailed and quick.
What do I know, I've never really looked closely at tubes before especially for headphones or IEM's. I should have jumped at that Crack Bottlehead when I had the chance.

Yep...never heard it like that...but what do you know.
Mar 30, 2013 at 2:18 AM Post #9,322 of 21,763
Time for some quality time with Nami-chan Muse's The Resistence album. Love the combo. <3<3<3<3<3

On your suggestion (not really a suggestion, but it worked as one nonetheless) I listened through this album tonight.  I also happened to be listening on modded T50RP's (Mad Dogs instead of DBV3).  I've enjoyed the album in its entirety a couple of times since its release, and I'm glad I took the opportunity to do it again tonight.
I'd like to thank you for the idea and also apologize for the unlicensed use of your intellectual property.
Mar 30, 2013 at 3:45 AM Post #9,324 of 21,763
Thanks for pointing that out!
I'm curious though about the effects of tubes. I always thought tube amps in general had that kind of sound, and tube rolling could heighten or lessen the effect.
What purpose does the tube serve in the circuit?

Tubes are actually more linear than transistors, believe it or not. It's transistors have a tendency toward higher distortion. Surprised? I was. Audiophile myths are crazy. You'd think tubes did nothing but introduce junk into an amp's sound if you listened to some of these people railing against them. Good tube amps tend to be more expensive. Some people have a knee jerk reaction when you suggest cost = performance. Of course, there are plenty of solid state amps that are better than a lot of crappy tube amps. And not all expensive tube amps are better; some expensive tube amps SUCK. Like, really suck. But yeah, some of the best amps I've ever heard are expensive tube amps. So people think that must be a sham because they've read some papers online and fancy themselves experts and live in this constructed fantasy where anyone spending more than they do is a fool who has been "tricked" into thinking their tubes are speychul when in fact they're just paying more for amps that are adding junk into the signal. 
Plus there's this weird push among some publications to association musicality with highly colored sound. Like, a bloated boomy bass is supposed to be musical or something. I guess.
Plus you got the influx of cheap-o tube amps that sound like crap. It's the amp's fault though, NOT the tubes!
Tubes or not, many of the very experienced amp designers I've talked to on the subject agree that measurements are very important but not the end-all-be-all. They listen. If a design doesn't measure quite as well as another but sounds better to them, then they opt for that latter choice. Of course some amp designers will disagree and always go with what measures best. These amps tend to sound a bit... tight arsed, however. Too flat... not in terms of FR, but in terms of dynamic character. Two dimensional. Musically necrotic. 
Yes, there's that dreaded word: musicality. It's been abused so much it has next-to-no-meaning now, but eh. I think either extreme is ridiculous: either making an amp sound like the Dead Sea or making it sound like marshmallow fluff. And once again I'll remind you that I'm not talking about solid state versus tube necessarily, but just different end goal philosophies that can be approximated in either way to varying degrees. There are plenty of solid state amps that sound like marshmallow fluff, and plenty of tube amps that sound like the Dead Sea.
It's all just differing methodology. The whole "wire with gain" thing is a load of BS too. There is no neutral amp. "Neutrality" is a moving target. A convenient reference point for relative comparisons.
Mar 30, 2013 at 3:54 AM Post #9,326 of 21,763
On a side note, I started watching the Rebuild for Evangelion, You Are (Not) Alone and You Can (Not) Advance.
Dunno how I feel about it just yet. Mari is an interesting character; I really like her design, but she seems a little pointless as of now. Nothing wrong with that: a lot of cool things are pointless. Often better for it. However I'm curious if they have like a reason for including her that will manifest later.
I really dig the new angel battles. The revamped Ramiel (the floaty singing octahedron) and Sahaquiel (the giant eyeball bomb from space) were especially cool.
I really want to know what a_recording thinks of the Rebuild, since he's such an Eva spazz.
Mar 30, 2013 at 7:47 AM Post #9,328 of 21,763
a_recording... post yer XBA-40 video soon plz.

Speaking of... a_rec, I just saw your AD900X vid and I learned something interesting - you listen to Fischerspooner! 

Mar 30, 2013 at 8:01 AM Post #9,330 of 21,763
On a side note, I started watching the Rebuild for Evangelion, You Are (Not) Alone and You Can (Not) Advance.
Dunno how I feel about it just yet. Mari is an interesting character; I really like her design, but she seems a little pointless as of now. Nothing wrong with that: a lot of cool things are pointless. Often better for it. However I'm curious if they have like a reason for including her that will manifest later.
I really dig the new angel battles. The revamped Ramiel (the floaty singing octahedron) and Sahaquiel (the giant eyeball bomb from space) were especially cool.
I really want to know what a_recording thinks of the Rebuild, since he's such an Eva spazz.

I kinda agree with you on Mari. I definitely like her character (especially her aggression, which seems more bestial and less desperate than Asuka's) but I'm not sure how she fits in. I'm sure that there is a reason for including her - whether that goes beyond merchandising reasons is another thing. :wink:
I have really mixed feelings about the new angel designs. Some of them are really amazing - I LOVE the new way they did the Ramiel episode and ramped everything up to a level of intensity and epicness. Some of the new angel designs bug me because they don't seem organic; they seem more like contraptions and I don't quite see them as 'alternate versions of humanity' (though perhaps in this canon they aren't).
It's hard for me to really render an opinion on Rebuild that isn't coloured by my thoughts about the original series.I watched Eva when I was a kid, and it was a basically a thing where I was drawn in by the giant fighting robots and then left utterly speechless by the slightly soul destroying way the series progresses. Since the soul destroying has only really begun at the end of the second movie, I can't really say whether or not this new revamp has the same kind of depth - and this isn't even considering how I've grown up in that time.
Certainly it's made the whole series more accessible. I like it but I don't know how much I'd like it as a straight mecha anime and not the vehicle Anno made to explore his experience with depression and loneliness.
I love Kaji's lines in English which were delivered almost incomprehensibly. <3
a_recording... post yer XBA-40 video soon plz.

Okie. I am going to do an M50 video and a CKN70 video first. Oddly, I seem to either have misplaced or lost my FXD80's which is terrible. :/
Speaking of... a_rec, I just saw your AD900X vid and I learned something interesting - you listen to Fischerspooner! 

Yeah for a while I was totally in love with Fischerspooner! My favourite track is Megacolon, but that's because I'm a bad person. (Actually it's A Kick In the Teeth but Megacolon is a close second.)

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