The diary entries of a little girl in her 30s! ~ Part 2
Mar 21, 2013 at 2:17 AM Post #8,581 of 21,763
On the road, lots of good twisty roads here in the mountains. Also I belong to a car club that has some nice tracks and I go to a couple others in the region (been to VIR and Bristol).

That's awesome.
Mar 21, 2013 at 2:35 AM Post #8,582 of 21,763
ye, could've been Japan, but so many people when I answer question threads are UK that it just pops up. 
Yeah warren, I don't go around stalking people's profiles. And I did know. As of a few seconds ago. 

Yeah, it could've been Japan as well I suppose based solely on the prime minister comment.  You should check out some of his vids, then the Australian part will be pretty evident.  They're also very entertaining.  I particularly like the backing tracks.  They're like corporate seminar videos for British Airways.
And as far as not stalking people's profiles, well why the hell not?  That's what they're there for! 

Magic do you have all of those cars in your profile? 

Yes, they're more of an obsession for me than audio, most of the time.

Well, technically some of those belong to the wife. 
  And some you'll never fit into because of your Thor-like proportions.
My first car was an Aztec red Nissan 300Z. Driving cross country was the only time I ever got to push it to 100+ MPH. Lots of fun that car was, but alas, I've long since traded it in for something much more pedestrian. My Sentra might not be all that fun to drive, but it's much better on mileage, maintenance, and doesn't attract the wrong kind of attention after 9 PM haha

I'm sure if you Nizmo'd the heck out of it, you'd have a lot of fun with it too, because then it would exceed your preconceptions about it.  Is it an SE-R variant by any chance?
I'm curious where you go to unleash those beasts. I bought my first car in January (an older V6 lexus), and I really have to stop myself from flooring it on the road. There's nothing more exhilarating than going fast on a curve. 

Stop eke! You might flip and wapow. Unless it's one of the sedans. But it's still dangerous. So stop!

Oh, I don't do anything overly stupid. A decade of Need for Speed has trained me well.

Oh, well then you'll be fine.  Plus, decent tires and suspension will do wonders, and I'm sure you've got that covered.
Nope, no new Prime Minister. What a fun afternoon.

You sound disappointed.
If you keep this up, the best way for us to troubleshoot is just to keep quiet for a while. 

Yeah well what can I say I felt pretty dumb when I realized I was hearing the charge circuit. I even sent AnakChan a PM describing my issue and asking him if he had experienced any similar issues. I'm going to feel even dumber once I tell him I figured out what the problem was. At least all problems are solved or at least for the most part. If ALO would just answer my email and send out my missing knobs I'll be one happy head-fier. It's really hard trying to turn the amps nubs. The bass nub is particularly hard and I'm finding my sausage fingers sometimes causes the volume nub to move.

Oh no, not saying it's dumb.  Just that you seem to have it all figured out before anyone can even wrap their head around what the problem might be.  And before you even think about feeling dumb about this, just think of the next guy/gal you'll help when they experience the same thing. 

Mar 21, 2013 at 3:21 AM Post #8,583 of 21,763
Well, technically some of those belong to the wife.  :wink:   And some you'll never fit into because of your Thor-like proportions.

I can fit in all of them, even the Isetta, I just hunch over a little while driving. She can have any of the cars, but many of them scare her too much for her to get behind the wheel. :wink:
Mar 21, 2013 at 3:44 AM Post #8,584 of 21,763
I have a dilemma, should I go with option A which is to do ear impressions by myself and risk breaking an eardrum or Option B which is to do the ear impressions using an Audiologist but risk breaking my wallet?
Mar 21, 2013 at 3:45 AM Post #8,585 of 21,763
Go to an audiologist. I did my own ear impressions before and the end result was a nightmare. Better to get it done right the first time....
Mar 21, 2013 at 3:46 AM Post #8,586 of 21,763
Impressions shouldn't be too expensive. Call and ask before you set an appointment. Make sure they are used to doing impressions for in ear monitors, or at least deep hearing aids.
Mar 21, 2013 at 3:52 AM Post #8,587 of 21,763
Yeah, it could've been Japan as well I suppose based solely on the prime minister comment.  You should check out some of his vids, then the Australian part will be pretty evident.  They're also very entertaining.  I particularly like the backing tracks.  They're like corporate seminar videos for British Airways.
You sound disappointed.

It's funny what makes something good 'backing music'. I'm always on the lookout now.
As far as disappointment goes, I've been disappointed for a long time. The state of Australian politics is such that the only party's platform I fully endorse is the Australian Sex Party. And since voting is compulsory in Australia, that is actually a serious proposition on my part.
Mar 21, 2013 at 4:08 AM Post #8,588 of 21,763
Well, technically some of those belong to the wife. 
  And some you'll never fit into because of your Thor-like proportions.

I can fit in all of them, even the Isetta, I just hunch over a little while driving. She can have any of the cars, but many of them scare her too much for her to get behind the wheel.

Actually, I think I was referring to the sidecar, but okay I see what you mean.
I have a dilemma, should I go with option A which is to do ear impressions by myself and risk breaking an eardrum or Option B which is to do the ear impressions using an Audiologist but risk breaking my wallet?

Option A (which is to do ear impressions by myself and break an eardrum) = breaking your wallet.  Skip the pain, pay the dude[tte]. 

Yeah, it could've been Japan as well I suppose based solely on the prime minister comment.  You should check out some of his vids, then the Australian part will be pretty evident.  They're also very entertaining.  I particularly like the backing tracks.  They're like corporate seminar videos for British Airways.
You sound disappointed.

It's funny what makes something good 'backing music'. I'm always on the lookout now.
As far as disappointment goes, I've been disappointed for a long time. The state of Australian politics is such that the only party's platform I fully endorse is the Australian Sex Party. And since voting is compulsory in Australia, that is actually a serious proposition on my part.

I pretty much like everything I've heard so far... though once in a while, a lady will kind of belt it out like she's singing for her supper.  But aside from that, it's very soothing.
Come to the States mate! 

Mar 21, 2013 at 5:17 AM Post #8,589 of 21,763
I have a dilemma, should I go with option A which is to do ear impressions by myself and risk breaking an eardrum or Option B which is to do the ear impressions using an Audiologist but risk breaking my wallet?

It is a very bad idea to do them oneself for several reasons:
  1. A good audiologist putt the stopper as deep as possible without touching the eardrum, so he has to see what he is doing and now what it looks like
  2. The print taking process is quite irritating for your canals and could be all the more so if you do it yourself
  3. The audiologist will check you canals first. You may have some iritations / infections / weird alien  in your ear that would require to see an ENT first (it happened to me, I had weird bumps, and the ENT said they were normal), before risking inflamming you ears any further
I would be suspicous of an audiologist who is too cheap.
Mar 21, 2013 at 5:22 AM Post #8,590 of 21,763
I have a dilemma, should I go with option A which is to do ear impressions by myself and risk breaking an eardrum or Option B which is to do the ear impressions using an Audiologist but risk breaking my wallet?

Eardrums are more valuable than money IMO so if I were you I'd definitely go to an audiologist.
Mar 21, 2013 at 6:50 AM Post #8,593 of 21,763
Well after everyone's opinion looks like Im going to be calling up various audiologists ^^ (after my exams of course)

Wait, I must be missing something.  I thought it came down to a SE535 reshell or an HD 650?  Now CIEM?  So lost...
If you keep this up, the best way for us to troubleshoot is just to keep quiet for a while. 

It's called Rubber ducking.

And it's rather effective I must say.
Mar 21, 2013 at 7:48 AM Post #8,595 of 21,763
Although if you're crafty you could try buying empty SE535 shells and DIY.

Oh, I just assumed that he would do the simplest form of a restorative fix. 
  My bad.
In other news, there are these two cats getting it on outside my window.  The problem is, I'm trying to get a little listening in at the end of a long day.  Should I go outside and put a stop to it?  They're being rather obnoxious right now.

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