The diary entries of a little girl in her 30s! ~ Part 2
Mar 21, 2013 at 12:40 AM Post #8,567 of 21,763
It was plugged in. I almost always keep my laptop plugged to the mains. Since I unplugged the MKIII from the wall charger all seems to be well. I'll let the MKIII fully charge when I crash for the night.
Mar 21, 2013 at 1:05 AM Post #8,569 of 21,763
I don't feel like it's in good spirit to compel religious institutions to perform marriage ceremonies against their beliefs. I also don't really understand that aspect of the debate: why would anyone would want to hold their marriage ceremony at a venue that would begrudge them?

Yeah, that wouldn't happen.  That was a rather lame argumentum ad metum on her part if I may say.
Amazing (and sad) how much intolerance stems from religion, isn't it?

I think that exclusion (in one form or another) plays a central role in nearly every religion.  Saved versus damned, enlightened versus unenlightened, faithful versus infidels, so it's to be expected.  I guess it just depends on how far each religion's proponents want to take it.
FedEx arrived and I have the Weiss MAN301, gonna hook it up and see what's what. I'm really curious about the interface. And no, it doesn't come with its own iPad, sad to say, but I do have a Mini that will do well as a controller.

The dCS Vivaldi won't arrive until first week of April, but that should give me enough time to get acquainted with the Weiss (my wife and I will be in NZ for a week, but we'll be back by then).

Sounds like Holiday! Can't wait for you to take a break from playtime... we wanna know more! 

LOL, I momentarily thought you were talking about the car.  That MAN301 looks like a serious piece of gear... hope it meets expectations!
Hmmm we suddenly might have a new Prime Minister by the end of this afternoon.

You're english? >:0

LOL, for the record, a great many countries have a parliamentary form of government featuring a prime minister as the head of government.  Australia is but one.
I just figured out where the buzzing was coming from. I had the MKIII plugged in and charging while I was listening to music and it was the charge circuit that was buzzing. Now that I've unplugged the unit from the charger the background is delightfully black. Sorry for polluting the thread with my insanity.

If you keep this up, the best way for us to troubleshoot is just to keep quiet for a while. 

Magic do you have all of those cars in your profile? 

You JUST noticed?  LOL, you know there's like an entire thread all about those cars right? 

Mar 21, 2013 at 1:08 AM Post #8,570 of 21,763
Yeah, that wouldn't happen.  That was a rather lame argumentum ad metum on her part if I may say.
I think that exclusion (in one form or another) plays a central role in nearly every religion.  Saved versus damned, enlightened versus unenlightened, faithful versus infidels, so it's to be expected.  I guess it just depends on how far each religion's proponents want to take it.
LOL, I momentarily thought you were talking about the car.  That MAN301 looks like a serious piece of gear... hope it meets expectations!
LOL, for the record, a great many countries have a parliamentary form of government featuring a prime minister as the head of government.  Australia is but one.
If you keep this up, the best way for us to troubleshoot is just to keep quiet for a while. 

You JUST noticed?  LOL, you know there's like an entire thread all about those cars right? 

ye, could've been Japan, but so many people when I answer question threads are UK that it just pops up. 
Yeah warren, I don't go around stalking people's profiles. And I did know. As of a few seconds ago. 
Mar 21, 2013 at 1:15 AM Post #8,571 of 21,763
Magic do you have all of those cars in your profile? 

Yes, they're more of an obsession for me than audio, most of the time.
Mar 21, 2013 at 1:25 AM Post #8,573 of 21,763
Yes, they're more of an obsession for me than audio, most of the time.

I'm curious where you go to unleash those beasts. I bought my first car in January (an older V6 lexus), and I really have to stop myself from flooring it on the road. There's nothing more exhilarating than going fast on a curve. 
Mar 21, 2013 at 1:31 AM Post #8,574 of 21,763
I'm curious where you go to unleash those beasts. I bought my first car in January (an older V6 lexus), and I really have to stop myself from flooring it on the road. There's nothing more exhilarating than going fast on a curve. 

Stop eke! You might flip and wapow. Unless it's one of the sedans. But it's still dangerous. So stop!
2013 porsche. Dat sexy beast. I wonder how the turbo will look like. 997.2 is a quite old now being out for however long it's been.
Mar 21, 2013 at 1:39 AM Post #8,575 of 21,763
I'm curious where you go to unleash those beasts. I bought my first car in January (an older V6 lexus), and I really have to stop myself from flooring it on the road. There's nothing more exhilarating than going fast on a curve. 

My first car was an Aztec red Nissan 300Z. Driving cross country was the only time I ever got to push it to 100+ MPH. Lots of fun that car was, but alas, I've long since traded it in for something much more pedestrian. My Sentra might not be all that fun to drive, but it's much better on mileage, maintenance, and doesn't attract the wrong kind of attention after 9 PM haha
Mar 21, 2013 at 1:43 AM Post #8,577 of 21,763
Nope, no new Prime Minister. What a fun afternoon.
Mar 21, 2013 at 1:45 AM Post #8,578 of 21,763
If you keep this up, the best way for us to troubleshoot is just to keep quiet for a while. 


Yeah well what can I say I felt pretty dumb when I realized I was hearing the charge circuit. I even sent AnakChan a PM describing my issue and asking him if he had experienced any similar issues. I'm going to feel even dumber once I tell him I figured out what the problem was. At least all problems are solved or at least for the most part. If ALO would just answer my email and send out my missing knobs I'll be one happy head-fier. It's really hard trying to turn the amps nubs. The bass nub is particularly hard and I'm finding my sausage fingers sometimes causes the volume nub to move.
Back to the Q can, so far I'm really liking what the MKIII (aka Electra) is able to accomplish with this headphone. Even so I'm starting to understand why this can has become such a love hate kind of headphone. I'll be arbitrarily clicking away on music and it's all sounding mediocre on the Q can and then suddenly I'll click on this one song and BAM.....the music suddenly sounds awesome. This headphone is incredibly weird that way. Just when you're ready to give up on it it will suddenly shock you. Something else I would like to mention, I don't care what anyone says the Q701 has good bass and can do it well albeit it isn't lush like a lot of other cans and it doesn't slam as hard as a lot of cans. Even so it can still do very good bass with the right music playing. As good as Electra may be with the Q can I'm still thinking it's only going to be a matter of time before I try pairing it with a tube amp.
This new mobile amp that's due out later in the year and has you excited, is it by any chance a tube amp?
Mar 21, 2013 at 1:52 AM Post #8,580 of 21,763
I'm curious where you go to unleash those beasts. I bought my first car in January (an older V6 lexus), and I really have to stop myself from flooring it on the road. There's nothing more exhilarating than going fast on a curve. 

On the road, lots of good twisty roads here in the mountains. Also I belong to a car club that has some nice tracks and I go to a couple others in the region (been to VIR and Bristol).

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