The diary entries of a little girl in her 30s! ~ Part 2
Mar 20, 2013 at 9:25 PM Post #8,551 of 21,763
Amazing (and sad) how much intolerance stems from religion, isn't it?
Mar 20, 2013 at 9:28 PM Post #8,552 of 21,763
Amazing (and sad) how much intolerance stems from religion, isn't it?

As much as I like to throw stones at organized religion, and it's practically a hobby of mine, I do like our church (it's Roman Catholic). The priest is very accepting and non-judgmental. Although he can be long-winded about the whole loving your neighbor thing, especially when I'm hungry and I'm ready to leave and get lunch, he's genuinely a great person. :wink:
Mar 20, 2013 at 9:53 PM Post #8,553 of 21,763
I didn't know who Michelle Shocked was before this incident started making news, but once again someone has demonstrated that very public forums (and almost every forum is hyper public now) are not conducive to advancing nuanced (or not so nuanced) views.
I don't think the discussion can go very far on this thread (no politics!) but for the record I'm gay, I support gay marriage rights, but I don't feel like it's in good spirit to compel religious institutions to perform marriage ceremonies against their beliefs. I also don't really understand that aspect of the debate: why would anyone would want to hold their marriage ceremony at a venue that would begrudge them?

I'm pretty agnostic about the whole thing. What does grind me gears is the fact that marriage nowadays is more of a legality. Those outside of the circle are excluded from things like bigger tax refunds, medical privileges, familial adoptions, etc. You can argue all you want that it's against your religion, but you can't legislate away a person's equality based on morals that the person may/may not share.
Mar 20, 2013 at 9:54 PM Post #8,554 of 21,763
FedEx arrived and I have the Weiss MAN301, gonna hook it up and see what's what. I'm really curious about the interface. And no, it doesn't come with its own iPad, sad to say, but I do have a Mini that will do well as a controller.

The dCS Vivaldi won't arrive until first week of April, but that should give me enough time to get acquainted with the Weiss (my wife and I will be in NZ for a week, but we'll be back by then).

Sounds like Holiday! Can't wait for you to take a break from playtime... we wanna know more! 

Mar 20, 2013 at 10:04 PM Post #8,555 of 21,763
my wife and I will be in NZ for a week

I loved NZ! My sister and I did a 2 week whirlwind trip from the South to the North islands. Everything is so clean, fresh, and beautiful. It's a very pristine (but even more boring) version of Australia. Make sure you go to the Franz Josef glaciers! 
Mar 20, 2013 at 10:06 PM Post #8,556 of 21,763
I'm pretty agnostic about the whole thing. What does grind me gears is the fact that marriage nowadays is more of a legality. Those outside of the circle are excluded from things like bigger tax refunds, medical privileges, familial adoptions, etc. You can argue all you want that it's against your religion, but you can't legislate away a person's equality based on morals that the person may/may not share.

In my opinion, religion and state should always be totally separated. But even when they are, as in my home country (France), the Church will still oppose gay marriage, even if it is a purely a matter of legality and has NOTHING to do with religion. Not caring about religion at all, I would not meddle into the rules of religious mariage, another business entirely.
Mar 20, 2013 at 10:45 PM Post #8,557 of 21,763
There are many sci-fi stories set in the future where marriage has become entirely a contract-based arrangement, with specific conditions for the term of the contract and the financial considerations. Religion is typically not part of the equation at all.

There's something about the Michelle Shocked story that stinks. I can't imagine a more inappropriate place for those comments to occur than San Francisco. That seems like it was calculated to cause maximum outrage.

I want to go to NZ! Can I come? You can just pack me in one of the suitcases with a warm coat and a bag of peanuts.
Mar 20, 2013 at 11:19 PM Post #8,558 of 21,763
Hmmm we suddenly might have a new Prime Minister by the end of this afternoon.
Mar 20, 2013 at 11:46 PM Post #8,559 of 21,763 my ALO RX MKIII-B came in the mail along with it's balanced connector. Surprisingly, on low gain most of my IEM's play quite nicely with it. Also both my K240 and Q701 are now easily being driven to their full potential. I haven't played to much with the bass knob yet but according to what I've read the bass knob is only maybe a 25 to 30% hardware boost in the lower frequencies and is quite subtle when listening to music. It should be interesting to see how the bass boost knob does with my Q701. Right now I have my Q can on my head playing away and I've noticed some of that glare in upper mid and treble seems to be a lot more behaved. It's rather nice because now the music doesn't sound so forced like it did last night.  Also, the bass now seems really detailed and deep and I'm quite liking the effect bass wise the MKIII is having on my Q can. One thing I'm not liking though is the lack of a black background. When there's no music playing I'm noticing a very faint buzz. It's nothing I can't live with and I remember Driver8 once complaining about a noisy background on his unit.
There is one thing that I'm really hating about the ALO RX MKIII-B right now that I really never expected. It annoyed me enough to make me fire off an email to ALO asking for a resolution. What exactly am I talking about????

Mar 21, 2013 at 12:18 AM Post #8,561 of 21,763
I'm starting to wonder if maybe I have a bad unit or a bad USB setup. When I have the amp set to single end and the CLAS is receiving a signal from my laptop I'm getting a black background but when I have it set to balanced I'm getting a buzzing in the background. If I unplug my laptop USB connection and plug my iPod into the CLAS and keep the balanced setting on the MKIII I'm also getting a black background. I'm not sure what I should do to kill the buzzing. It's obviously coming from my USB hub which is plugged into my laptop. I've tried switching the USB connection from my hub to my laptop etc and nothing seems to be working. Hey Driver8, did you ever encounter any of these problems?
Mar 21, 2013 at 12:31 AM Post #8,563 of 21,763
I just figured out where the buzzing was coming from. I had the MKIII plugged in and charging while I was listening to music and it was the charge circuit that was buzzing. Now that I've unplugged the unit from the charger the background is delightfully black. Sorry for polluting the thread with my insanity.
Mar 21, 2013 at 12:36 AM Post #8,565 of 21,763

I just figured out where the buzzing was coming from. I had the MKIII plugged in and charging while I was listening to music and it was the charge circuit that was buzzing. Now that I've unplugged the unit from the charger the background is delightfully black. Sorry for polluting the thread with my insanity.

Sounds like maybe a ground loop? Was the laptop also plugged-in or was it running on batteries?

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