The Closed-Back Headphone Thread (Plus Comparisons & Reviews)
Dec 15, 2022 at 10:27 AM Post #5,417 of 6,500

I have sung the praises of the oft-overlooked (in my opinion) Beyerdynamic DT 150 so often (here and here). As I have written before, they are to my ears the best closed-back headphones under $500, and I would pick them any day over the E-MU Teak, DT 1770 Pro, or Shure SRH1540.

But perhaps one of the highest praises that I can accord them is that out of my recently acquired FiiO K7, they sound remarkably excellent even swapping from the brilliant Hifiman Edition XS. I wouldn't have thought it, having run the DT 150 out of a variety of amps--amongst them the iFi ZEN CAN, iFi micro iDSD Signature, JDS Atom Amp+, JDS Element II, Gustard H10, Drop + THX AAA 789, Schiit Asgard 3--but they have scaled in such an astounding way with the K7.

I'll highlight their standout qualities here for posterity:

+ Near-linear response with EDT 100T pads
+ Inviting, organic, analog, vinyl-esque tonality
+ Immense soundstage and sense of scale
+ Impressive dynamism and sense of realism
+ Sublime mids: open, transparent, expressive and vibrant
+ Noteworthy treble extension, air, and refinement: wonderful sparkle, shimmer, and delicateness
+ Linear bass response with respectable extension, control, definition, and dtexture
+ Sublime with classic rock, jazz, and older recordings
+ Overall excellent technicalities: clarity, detail, separation
+ Built like a tank
I have to totally agree with you about these amazing headphones. I am in love with them! I will say though, that I did buy the DT100 pads and actually prefer the stock pads. Some of the engagement factor went missing for me with the DT100 pads. The balance of very deep subbass and the detail and clarity and spacious imaging all combine to make a fun listen for EDM. I am running these out of an iFi Pro iCan on Solid State mode, full bass boost and full 3D space boost.
Dec 15, 2022 at 10:45 AM Post #5,418 of 6,500
I have to totally agree with you about these amazing headphones. I am in love with them! I will say though, that I did buy the DT100 pads and actually prefer the stock pads. Some of the engagement factor went missing for me with the DT100 pads. The balance of very deep subbass and the detail and clarity and spacious imaging all combine to make a fun listen for EDM. I am running these out of an iFi Pro iCan on Solid State mode, full bass boost and full 3D space boost.

I actually feel the same way about the engagement factor of the stock pads, and I enjoy them immensely for electronic music for the same qualities you mentioned. I tend to switch between the two pads depending on whether I'm in the mood for a more neutral, linear sound or sheer fun. Pretty handy to have both on hand though, sort of akin to Beyer including both 'Analytical' and 'Balanced' pads with the DT 1990 or velour and leather pads with the DT 1770 for different sound profiles. Glad to hear you're enjoying them, and that's an impressive list of cans you've owned!
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Dec 15, 2022 at 12:54 PM Post #5,419 of 6,500
I actually feel the same way about the engagement factor of the stock pads, and I enjoy them immensely for electronic music for the same qualities you mentioned. I tend to switch between the two pads depending on whether I'm in the mood for a more neutral, linear sound or sheer fun. Pretty handy to have both on hand though, sort of akin to Beyer including both 'Analytical' and 'Balanced' pads with the DT 1990 or velour and leather pads with the DT 1770 for different sound profiles. Glad to hear you're enjoying them, and that's an impressive list of cans you've owned!
I would also add that I would take the DT150 over ANY of those cans in my past list, some of which were very expensive and many of which are highly regarded on Head-fi. Much of that is due to the fact that I only listen to electronic music through headphones and am also trying to find only those headphones that shine on the iFi system.
Dec 16, 2022 at 7:56 PM Post #5,421 of 6,500
I would also add that I would take the DT150 over ANY of those cans in my past list, some of which were very expensive and many of which are highly regarded on Head-fi. Much of that is due to the fact that I only listen to electronic music through headphones and am also trying to find only those headphones that shine on the iFi system.
Yes they are wonderful sounding headphones and indestructible but quality control can be lacking. My latest pair had channel imbalance. This is not the first time with beyers and not something you will get with, say; Sennheisers. Just something to be aware of.
Dec 18, 2022 at 4:03 AM Post #5,422 of 6,500
I'm just wanted to get back here because I just happened to notice that since I have my Meze Liric I stopped reading reviews about other headphones..I stopped looking at offers from stores. I'm not in forums that much anymore

It really has been some time now with the Liric but I stopped bothering about upgrades, Sidegrades :)
Dec 18, 2022 at 5:26 AM Post #5,423 of 6,500
I'm just wanted to get back here because I just happened to notice that since I have my Meze Liric I stopped reading reviews about other headphones..I stopped looking at offers from stores. I'm not in forums that much anymore

It really has been some time now with the Liric but I stopped bothering about upgrades, Sidegrades :)
Cherish that time, as in my experience it may be rather short :wink:
But yes, I hardly bought anything since getting my D9200 and my small collection of M-100, sold almost everything else and don’t feel much compelled to get anything new. Sometimes flirting with something for a short time (e.g. Px8, which went back after a few days), but nothing that’s really worth the money over those two models. Ok, except for the APP2… money well spent.
Dec 18, 2022 at 5:01 PM Post #5,424 of 6,500
I'm just wanted to get back here because I just happened to notice that since I have my Meze Liric I stopped reading reviews about other headphones..I stopped looking at offers from stores. I'm not in forums that much anymore

It really has been some time now with the Liric but I stopped bothering about upgrades, Sidegrades :)
I feel you on that. I haven't stopped reading reviews and likely never will. But the fact is that the Radiance's and the Cascades give me everything I need.
I am also feeling really content on the open back side, except for wanting to try an X-driver Grado in 2023.
Dec 20, 2022 at 3:12 PM Post #5,425 of 6,500
My front end is a WiiM Mini into a FiiO K9Pro AKM via toslink. I stream using Amazon Music HD. I mostly listen to jazz with some blues and rock thrown in for good measure.
I was using Audio Technica ATH-AWAS cans. I really like them. They were my first pair of quality headphones. The bass does roll off pretty heavily but I am generally happy with them.
As with most of you, I was bitten by the bug and kept wondering what others would sound like. Being in central Illinois (the audio desert), it isn't easy to audition anything other than Beats and Bose so I am forced to purchase and return or re-sell anything I don't like. It's an expensive way to try new gear.

I recently purchased a pair of ZMF VC in Leppard wood directly from ZMF. I also purchased a pair of pre-owned Fostex TR-X00 from the head-fi classifieds.
I like the detail of the ZMF. I also think they are very comfortable. However, for $2,400, I must say that I was not at all blown away by them as I had expected and hoped to be. They are just meh. I can't put my finger on it but perhaps they are just a bit too warm? Maybe I prefer a bit more "zing". I'm not sure. I'm not ready to sell them just yet but I am having a hard time justifying keeping them.
The Fostex are not very comfortable for longer listening sessions. However, they are really enjoyable "fun" to listen to. I like the overall sound. They are not as detailed as the ZMF or the AWAS but I really enjoy them. I am going to try some Dekoni nuggets on the headband and a pair of Dekoni velour pads.

All of that being said, how do the Kennerton Rognir Dynamic compare to the ZMF VC? Can anyone recommend an over the ear closed back under $2k with good bass extension and some liveliness?
Dec 20, 2022 at 7:03 PM Post #5,426 of 6,500
My front end is a WiiM Mini into a FiiO K9Pro AKM via toslink. I stream using Amazon Music HD. I mostly listen to jazz with some blues and rock thrown in for good measure.
I was using Audio Technica ATH-AWAS cans. I really like them. They were my first pair of quality headphones. The bass does roll off pretty heavily but I am generally happy with them.
As with most of you, I was bitten by the bug and kept wondering what others would sound like. Being in central Illinois (the audio desert), it isn't easy to audition anything other than Beats and Bose so I am forced to purchase and return or re-sell anything I don't like. It's an expensive way to try new gear.

I recently purchased a pair of ZMF VC in Leppard wood directly from ZMF. I also purchased a pair of pre-owned Fostex TR-X00 from the head-fi classifieds.
I like the detail of the ZMF. I also think they are very comfortable. However, for $2,400, I must say that I was not at all blown away by them as I had expected and hoped to be. They are just meh. I can't put my finger on it but perhaps they are just a bit too warm? Maybe I prefer a bit more "zing". I'm not sure. I'm not ready to sell them just yet but I am having a hard time justifying keeping them.
The Fostex are not very comfortable for longer listening sessions. However, they are really enjoyable "fun" to listen to. I like the overall sound. They are not as detailed as the ZMF or the AWAS but I really enjoy them. I am going to try some Dekoni nuggets on the headband and a pair of Dekoni velour pads.

All of that being said, how do the Kennerton Rognir Dynamic compare to the ZMF VC? Can anyone recommend an over the ear closed back under $2k with good bass extension and some liveliness?
I felt exactly the same way you do about the VCs. There was just something missing for me. I would describe them as polite bordering on boring. They were certainly not bad at all - just pleasant. I am always looking for engagement and fun in headphones. I would recommend the Denon AH-D7200. They have an excellent bass response but still with detail and clarity. Excellent imaging. And they won't break the bank. I also tried the Denon AH-D9200 and found them to be too polite also. Very detailed but lacking the fun factor.
Dec 20, 2022 at 8:19 PM Post #5,427 of 6,500
I felt exactly the same way you do about the VCs. There was just something missing for me. I would describe them as polite bordering on boring. They were certainly not bad at all - just pleasant. I am always looking for engagement and fun in headphones. I would recommend the Denon AH-D7200. They have an excellent bass response but still with detail and clarity. Excellent imaging. And they won't break the bank. I also tried the Denon AH-D9200 and found them to be too polite also. Very detailed but lacking the fun factor.
How do the D7200 compare with those in the Fostex family?
Dec 20, 2022 at 9:21 PM Post #5,428 of 6,500
How do the D7200 compare with those in the Fostex family?
It's been awhile since I've listened to many of the headphones in the Fostex family with the exception of the TH900. They are all kind of known for the deep bass but the level of detail can be hit and miss depending on the gear you are running them through. I know we talk mostly about certain headphones but the gear is just as important as the headphones. Having said that, I have found the 7200s to be the best of them all for me.
Dec 20, 2022 at 9:35 PM Post #5,429 of 6,500
My front end is a WiiM Mini into a FiiO K9Pro AKM via toslink. I stream using Amazon Music HD. I mostly listen to jazz with some blues and rock thrown in for good measure.
I was using Audio Technica ATH-AWAS cans. I really like them. They were my first pair of quality headphones. The bass does roll off pretty heavily but I am generally happy with them.
I recently purchased a pair of ZMF VC in Leppard wood directly from ZMF. I also purchased a pair of pre-owned Fostex TR-X00 from the head-fi classifieds.
I like the detail of the ZMF. I also think they are very comfortable. However, for $2,400, I must say that I was not at all blown away by them as I had expected and hoped to be. They are just meh. I can't put my finger on it but perhaps they are just a bit too warm? Maybe I prefer a bit more "zing". I'm not sure. I'm not ready to sell them just yet but I am having a hard time justifying keeping them.
The Fostex are not very comfortable for longer listening sessions. However, they are really enjoyable "fun" to listen to. I like the overall sound. They are not as detailed as the ZMF or the AWAS but I really enjoy them.

If you don’t mind me asking, what are the differences you notice between ATH-AWAS and VC? Not a lot of folks have listened to both so it’s always interesting and beneficial to see what people think
Dec 21, 2022 at 7:40 AM Post #5,430 of 6,500
Absolutely enjoying the Celestee. Now in the market for a cheap(er) closed-back at the office. I do not need ANC and I also do not need bluetooth.

I was thinking of the Beyerdynamic DT 700 Pro X. Any other recommendations in that price segment?

I prefer a balanced dark, warm sound.
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