The Beauty and the Beast... Woo WA2 vs WA22
Jul 26, 2012 at 2:04 AM Post #78 of 255
I did try GEC 6080 for couple weeks and it was far better than the stock 6080. The GEC costs over US$200 a pair! I love Tung-Sol 7236 more than GEC and cost less. 
Jul 26, 2012 at 7:56 AM Post #79 of 255
I did try GEC 6080 for couple weeks and it was far better than the stock 6080. The GEC costs over US$200 a pair! I love Tung-Sol 7236 more than GEC and cost less. 

The 7236 has more gain, did you do volume matching when you compare them? 7236 has more bass impact but I prefer the GEC's wider and accurate soundstage.
Jul 26, 2012 at 11:23 AM Post #81 of 255
Yes, You are right. The 7236 has more power and actually, I did turn down the volume when I used the 7236. In terms of the direct comparisons between the GEC 6080 & the 7236, I didn't have the chance. I returned the GEC tubes to my friend before I got the 7236.
To my ears, the 7236s not only have more bass power but the overall performance is a little better than GEC. Actually, the most I liked about the GEC tubes was the vocal and the shinny treble. However, I found that the Air (highs) was too enough!
Few days ago, I got myself a XLO Limited Edition 2 Power cable. I used it on the WA2, I was surprised that the overall soundstage got wider and deeper. I felt like the right and left sides had at least couple inches wider...
Jul 26, 2012 at 11:34 AM Post #82 of 255
anywhere I can find a pair of matched Tung Sol 7236 for sale? 
Jul 26, 2012 at 11:37 AM Post #84 of 255
Ping Jack from Woo Audio, he has them before but not listed on his website.


Jul 26, 2012 at 11:56 AM Post #85 of 255
anywhere I can find a pair of matched Tung Sol 7236 for sale? 

I got my matched pair from, I seem to be patronising them a lot for stuff like 596, 5998 and 7236 tubes. They're a great bunch of guys and I can't recommend them enough.
Jul 27, 2012 at 6:09 PM Post #86 of 255
For what reasons did you prefer the GEC6080 and 7236 on the WA22
For some reason, the 7236 sounds better with WA22 and 5998 is better with WA2.  For 6080, did you tried the GEC yet?  It is the best sounding 6080 I ever heard, with HD800, I prefer the GEC 6080 over both 7236 and 5998.

Jul 31, 2012 at 10:32 AM Post #88 of 255
Yep...agreed 100%

Finally, Got a pair of Brand New Matched Tung-Sol 5998! Just could not believe 5998 sounds even better than Tung-Sol 7236 ( I actually still like it as well!) I like the magic from 5998. It just makes my Edition 8 shine! (tube- combinations: RFT EZ80/ Sylvania GB6922/Tung-Sol 5998) My Ed. 8 sounds very very detailed, open, sweet and dynamic but not too bright (little surprised).

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