The Audio Lounge
Aug 2, 2019 at 2:02 PM Post #19,621 of 36,598
I used to know a guy that was a bit of a ghost on a bike, the police were after him for years but could never catch him. In fact, on occasion he would go looking for them !!!
I used to ride fast on my way to work at 5:300 in the morning when there was nothing around and I knew the stretches of roads that were less dangerous than others with no other roads leading to or from them with hardly any other vehicles around.
You can blame the rider all you like for riding like a hooligan and a lot of the time you’d be right but let’s not forget the dumb ass’s in their cars barely looking forward let alone on what’s around them !!! I’ve been taken out several times by cars and even a double decker bus while I was sat at a red light ***.
One of the occasions I got hit by a car, the driver said to the police he didn’t even look and he still got away with it !!!! So forgive me if I sound a little biased against car drivers but let’s face it, how many of them have real experience on two wheels and realise just how vulnerable we are. Most of us are not your typical speed merchant that shows a total disregard for other road users and most of us have driving licences as well as a bike license.
One thing all car drivers should be made do is obtain a certificate of basic training ( this is a short course motorcyclists have to do to prove they can safely operate and ride a bike on the public road) prior to their test, this would help drivers realise just how dangerous car drivers actually are !!!!
Rant over, back to my Solaris, which by the way are seriously most excellent iems
and will keep me happy for a long time to come. :L3000::L3000::L3000:
And I as a bike rider (read: bicycle) feel even more vulnerable. I have come to the conclusion that car drivers only care about themselves which, to some extent, is understandable from their point of view as everything is done to make them think cities are made for cars.
Which is not the case when you are being offered public transportation, shared bikes (even electric now) and large sidewalks.
Rant over too :wink:
Aug 2, 2019 at 2:27 PM Post #19,622 of 36,598
I used to know a guy that was a bit of a ghost on a bike, the police were after him for years but could never catch him. In fact, on occasion he would go looking for them !!!
I used to ride fast on my way to work at 5:300 in the morning when there was nothing around and I knew the stretches of roads that were less dangerous than others with no other roads leading to or from them with hardly any other vehicles around.
You can blame the rider all you like for riding like a hooligan and a lot of the time you’d be right but let’s not forget the dumb ass’s in their cars barely looking forward let alone on what’s around them !!! I’ve been taken out several times by cars and even a double decker bus while I was sat at a red light ***.
One of the occasions I got hit by a car, the driver said to the police he didn’t even look and he still got away with it !!!! So forgive me if I sound a little biased against car drivers but let’s face it, how many of them have real experience on two wheels and realise just how vulnerable we are. Most of us are not your typical speed merchant that shows a total disregard for other road users and most of us have driving licences as well as a bike license.
One thing all car drivers should be made do is obtain a certificate of basic training ( this is a short course motorcyclists have to do to prove they can safely operate and ride a bike on the public road) prior to their test, this would help drivers realise just how dangerous car drivers actually are !!!!
Rant over, back to my Solaris, which by the way are seriously most excellent iems
and will keep me happy for a long time to come. :L3000::L3000::L3000:

I wholeheartedly agree about the awareness issue. I can't tell you how many times I see people drive for miles while texting or some such nonsense. First job behind the wheel is driving. Everything else is secondary. Way too many asshats out there.

I know that here in the states, there is a serious lack of training and even what is done is poor. If the rules were more strict to make people realize safety and then know the car (or bike) better the roads would be less crowded as not too many would be able to pass the exams. Driving is a privilege not a right.
Aug 2, 2019 at 2:44 PM Post #19,625 of 36,598
I wholeheartedly agree about the awareness issue. I can't tell you how many times I see people drive for miles while texting or some such nonsense. First job behind the wheel is driving. Everything else is secondary. Way too many asshats out there.

I know that here in the states, there is a serious lack of training and even what is done is poor. If the rules were more strict to make people realize safety and then know the car (or bike) better the roads would be less crowded as not too many would be able to pass the exams. Driving is a privilege not a right.

Would love to have a cell phone jammer and just drive around behind some one busy on the phone while driving. Make a day of it! Unfortunately jammers are illegal in the US.
Aug 2, 2019 at 2:51 PM Post #19,626 of 36,598
You motorbike and bike riders have my full support, heck I've been crashed into three times in the last five years by idiot drivers and I'm in a metal safety cage.

Please *ALL* road users if you want to speed around do it on a race track, for your safety and that of other innocent people out there.

Rant/telling off over from me too. :)
Aug 2, 2019 at 3:04 PM Post #19,627 of 36,598
I wholeheartedly agree about the awareness issue. I can't tell you how many times I see people drive for miles while texting or some such nonsense. First job behind the wheel is driving. Everything else is secondary. Way too many asshats out there.

I know that here in the states, there is a serious lack of training and even what is done is poor. If the rules were more strict to make people realize safety and then know the car (or bike) better the roads would be less crowded as not too many would be able to pass the exams. Driving is a privilege not a right.
Couldn’t agree more, luckily here in the UK it’s illegal to use a phone whilst driving but it doesn’t stop many, everyday day I see people using their phones and can hardly function without having them in their hands. Another thing that’s really popular here whilst driving is smoking weed, it stinks and when your behind a car when someone is smoking it you can’t help but smell it. This happens every day while I’m out on the road........... where are all the police BORIS
if I were a police officer I’d be flat out arresting people and would need to be driving a coach/bus around to lock em all up in lol
Zero tolerance with an instant 2 year custodial sentence!!!!!!!
Need to chill, Solaris time again :smile_phones:
Aug 2, 2019 at 3:26 PM Post #19,628 of 36,598
It's International Beer Day so I'm off to a local brewery to celebrate soon. Gotta grab some mates and chill real soon. My walk over will be music filled. M2X and DMG...great combo.
Aug 2, 2019 at 3:33 PM Post #19,629 of 36,598
It's International Beer Day so I'm off to a local brewery to celebrate soon. Gotta grab some mates and chill real soon. My walk over will be music filled. M2X and DMG...great combo.

You need a day for beer? What next, air?

Aug 2, 2019 at 3:45 PM Post #19,630 of 36,598
I don't need an excuse to drink beer but nice to celebrate nonetheless...
Aug 2, 2019 at 5:17 PM Post #19,632 of 36,598
So a little help here with a decision. I need a small preamp or switcher for my new setup. I'm going to need one so I can hook up multiple sources and multiple amps to it. I found a few but I'm not sure what to get. Anyone know of other affordable small preamps?

1) Nobsound Little Bear MC-3
2) Dual Mono Khozmo Preamp

The Khozmo will look similar to this:

Aug 2, 2019 at 5:53 PM Post #19,633 of 36,598
Starting this afternoon, I'm off work for a two week Vacation - driving up to Arkansas to see family, and to attend my 40th High School Class Reunion, and then over to Mississippi to see more family.
Plus, the NiceHCK NX7, that I ordered during the recent AliExpress Sale, were in the mail this afternoon.
Installed the Large Narrow Bore Tips, and connected the stock cable.
Current system configuration: PC [TOSLINK] -> Topping D70 DAC (Dual AK4497) [Single-Ended] -> Loxjie P20 Tube Hybrid [Single-Ended] -> NX7.
I haven't built the cables / adapters yet, to connect a fully Balanced setup, but I will be connecting the NX7 to the Balanced output of my iBasso PB2 Amp (2x AD-8397-ARZ Dual High Current Op-Amps).
After listening for ~5 minutes, I can say these NX7 really do sound amazing - so much detail in the Midrange & Treble, with good, fast Bass.
I'm definitely HAPPY! :ksc75smile:

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