The Audio Lounge
Jun 25, 2019 at 4:48 PM Post #18,182 of 36,598
Look at what came today....

IMG_20190625_144202.jpg IMG_20190625_144227.jpg
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Jun 25, 2019 at 5:15 PM Post #18,184 of 36,598
Jun 25, 2019 at 6:27 PM Post #18,192 of 36,598
Jun 25, 2019 at 6:48 PM Post #18,193 of 36,598
For $280 the DM7 is a steal. I think these are better than my S8Fs. I need to let them burn in but these are awesome so far.

I couldn't agree more. I ended up really liking the S4 except for the fit, but the DM7 is just better to me. In both sound and comfort.
Jun 25, 2019 at 6:49 PM Post #18,194 of 36,598
Dang this thread moves fast, nearly caught it up a couple of days ago and all of a sudden I’m 13 pages behind !!!
So much new gear It’s hard to keep up, especially as I’ve recently sold a lot of my stuff. I did better than I expected so bought a new dap (or two) to get me through Canjam in London in a few weeks.
I’ve gotta say I’m seriously impressed with what I have, so much so it’s probably it for me as far as daps go !!!!
I’ll post some pics tomorrow as I can barely keep my eyes open.
And a new name for the Lounge, mmmmm
The Lounge .....I think that’s what we all call it anyways but I do agree with @Layman1 on this. But whatever it’s called (or not) we’ll all still be checking in and out when the moneys gone lol.
And for the record
LED ZEP........
Were the greatest
Still are the greatest
And always will be the greatest

Probably, no definitely my all time favourite pieces of guitar work......and the track ain’t bad either.
If it was posted earlier, apologies but hey some tracks are worth a 2nd listen :L3000::L3000::L3000::L3000::L3000::L3000::L3000:

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