The ATH-CKM500..The best CKM earphone yet.
May 23, 2012 at 10:35 AM Post #361 of 1,921
Oh boy!  I can't beleive I'm considering getting these.  I'm super happy with my CKS77's, but from the description of these, I keep thinking "I have to try these!"  I just switched from Winamp to Poweramp on my phone for playback, and I'm liking the better sound of Poweramp, but I keep coming back to this thread, looking for someone to go "Meh, these aren't that great.", and it never happens.  It's just person after person praising the full sound and wonderful dynamics of these.  "Damn you Head-fi, for slowly killing my wallet!"

Zman. These will compliment the CKS77 very nicely.. Between these 2 earphones there is not a genre of music they will not cover with dominance. For the price these are going for everyone should try them.
These even do bassy music very well actually.. Not quite the CKS77 but you enjoy your mids.. Wait till you hear the mids on these bad boys. I have nothing in my collection that does mids quite like these.
May 23, 2012 at 10:46 AM Post #362 of 1,921
Oh boy!  I can't beleive I'm considering getting these.  I'm super happy with my CKS77's, but from the description of these, I keep thinking "I have to try these!"  I just switched from Winamp to Poweramp on my phone for playback, and I'm liking the better sound of Poweramp, but I keep coming back to this thread, looking for someone to go "Meh, these aren't that great.", and it never happens.  It's just person after person praising the full sound and wonderful dynamics of these.  "Damn you Head-fi, for slowly killing my wallet!"

Welcome to the "Head-fi Our Wallets Hate Us Club!" You'll learn to live with your wallet despising you eventually... I'm just saying.
May 23, 2012 at 11:10 AM Post #364 of 1,921
haha, thanks guys.  It's not so much the wallet, I think I can live with it hating me.  It' the explaining things to my wife that I have a problem with.
  Anyone have an explanation that works well for them?  I could use some pointers.

You lost your wallet in an audio store; somebody found it and went crazy buying all of these little audiophile gadgets; but they felt guilty and decided to mail all of the merchandise to you. You have no receipts so you decided to just keep the items. Yeah, that should Happy listening!!
May 23, 2012 at 11:14 AM Post #366 of 1,921
The real reason would be lost....equate to something along the lines of a fashion accessory, like a handbag or shoes..if that don't work, I'm sure our friends on here may have some other pearls of wisdom.
Looks like I was pipped by the same suggestion...
May 23, 2012 at 11:44 AM Post #367 of 1,921
Or just simply blame it on the devil, himself>>> Dsnuts!! ....LOL
May 23, 2012 at 11:47 AM Post #368 of 1,921
These things sound goooood. They excel at low to moderate volumes. You can also crank them up and taste the bass when it comes to dubstep and trance and stuff though too. For rock and metal they are extremely detailed which gets overwhelming at high volume, but for low to moderate volume they do great and dont hide a thing. They also have just a tad more bass than a completely neutral sound would have which makes them sound both detailed and fun at the same time. This is exactly what i was hoping the Etymotic hf3's were going to sound like before i bought them and ultimately returned them.

Thanks Dsnuts and head-fi. These didnt even hurt my wallet that badly. I might even sell off my Sleek Audio SA6's because i dont see myself listening to them anymore.

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May 23, 2012 at 12:12 PM Post #369 of 1,921
haha, thanks guys.  It's not so much the wallet, I think I can live with it hating me.  It' the explaining things to my wife that I have a problem with. :D   Anyone have an explanation that works well for them?  I could use some pointers.


I like to go with "Hey, I don't steal as I don't hurt people. This is my thing!"

Who says sitcoms can't teach you anything...
May 23, 2012 at 12:15 PM Post #370 of 1,921
Well, let me say this real quick, Dsnuts was on the MONEY!!! when he stated these IEMs are very refined. I would say refined and pushing toward wonderful lushness. I wouldn't say the soundstage is so wide (it's not small either), but I would say it has some amazing depth. Like you can hear where the musicians are while playing their instruments behind the singers. The vocals are some of the most lush and detailed vocals I've heard for an IEM under $200 (and forget about under $100). The vocals are also pushing toward analytical - as close as a dynamic driver can without sounding super cold and sterile. It's weird, but there's a nice touch of warmth with the vocals although there are rich details revealed in the singing. And I am typing this before I get any really good burn-in (AND I BELIEVE IN BURN-IN!!). I wonder what these IEMs will reveal after 100 hours?
Okay, very nice (I mean quite nice) details and micro-details in the guitars, bass and higher register instruments. Piano is forward in the mids, but not too forward. Vocals seem to be in front of the instrumentation. Very nice instrument separation, but not on the level of the W4 (which I think is the best universal for instrument separation, although the ASG-1 is not too far behind). But for a $72 IEM I can't think of anything that beats it in that price range (or a $100 more). And it's not like the CKM500 is miles and miles behind the W4.
I am really not trying to hype these up too much, but I am amazed. I was skeptical on what Dsnuts was saying, although he hasn't been off the mark really on anything he talked about that I've tried. The sound is so rich that I keep looking at my receipt and thinking I paid much more for these. I'm getting all of this from listening to Radiohead, Queen, the Clark Sisters (gospel music), and Led Zep. I am almost too giddy to think what these will sound like with jazz. That's coming up next though.

Treble is not harsh or too bright, but quite extended on cymbal crashes. Bass can really hit the sub-bass level and is really solid and punchy, but doesn't necessarily stay there when not needed, and it's not overabundant bass like in the terrific JVC FX700.
Criticisms? Well, the only thing I can think of is it would be nice if it had a bit of a wider soundstage, but this is not to say the soundstage is small (say like the SM3). 

I hear details going from front to back of the stage more so than in width of the stage or tallness of the stage sound (like the IE8 and ASG-1 respectively). It's just amazing when I think that I have spent two or three times more on other IEMs than what the CKM500 cost, yet the CKM500 blow many of those IEMs away. But to be fair, the CKM500 - again - is not blowing away any universal like the W4, ASG-1, or EX1000. But it's closer than anyone would have ever imagined. It does surpass, however (in my opinion), the EX600, SM2, and the FXT-90 (especially in lushness and refinement). The FXT-90 may have the CKM500 beat in edginess of guitars and with a bit wider soundstage (plus those dual drivers give the JVC a unique layered sound). The FXT-90 is also much more warmer than the CKM500.
GR07? Hmm? I don't know yet other than the CKM500 is more refined than the GR07. The GR07 probably has a wider soundstage - at this point without burn-in - and deeper sub-bass (maybe, but I'm not so quite sure about that yet). If it has more Sub-bas it is not beating the CKM500 by much. The GR07 has harsher highs. The TF10 doesn't touch the CKM500 at all in my opinion. And the Sony XBA-4 doesn't beat this ATH in refinement and detailed sound (actually the XBA-4's vocal are too cold and analytical for my liking, but not as richly detailed). The ATH is clearly beating the GR07, FXT-90, EX600 in instrument separation.

I have never really been a fan of the ATH sound (I tolerate it in the M-50 and I have a couple of ATH IEMs that I never listen to and I'm about to give to my nephew as h.s. graduation gifts). These CKM500s are a different story. But even with these initial impressions, I am still trying to figure these IEMs out. One other thought: the CKM500 loves to be amped. I'm listening to it right now connected to the my Fiio E9 desk amp and using the E10 as the DAC. Superb!! Ask a question and I'll try to give an answer, but I'm still in submersion mode with these earphones. Vocals are outstanding!! I feel that the sound of the CKM500 is closer to the sound of the EX1000 in REFINEMENT than the Sony's little sister, the EX600. And the best thing about that statement is that the CKM500 doesn't have the harsh piercing highs that both of those Sonys possess.  Okay, back to listening. Tone of guitar notes is just wonderful, but I haven't had a chance to really grasp what this IEM can do with strings yet.

I don't want to say you're wrong, but first impressions are often misleading because you haven't actually used them for a few weeks and figured out its pros/cons and just post the "wow" factor. It's crazy to think the CKM500 is more refined than the GR07 and IMO it doesn't have sub-bass. There is no way the GR07 has harsher highs and there is nothing smooth about the CKM500. The only way I can describe "smooth" is the sound of a live orchestra and the CKM500 sound nothing like it. I usher at an orchestra so I have it ingrained in my head. Instrument separation is almost definitely worse on the CKM500
May 23, 2012 at 12:17 PM Post #371 of 1,921
That's strange. I got the confirmation seconds after I ordered.

Would you happen to have an email address for them? I scoured the site for an email address to contact them about a confirmation and haven't found one.
May 23, 2012 at 12:21 PM Post #372 of 1,921
Ive never heard the GR07 so i cant compare but the CKM500 definitely has some good sub-bass and they may not be the smoothest thing out there but i dont hear them being the opposite either. They dont seem edgy or peaky to me.

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May 23, 2012 at 1:03 PM Post #373 of 1,921
The way I see it. I think we all agree these are fantastic value. Am I wrong? To me it matters less what is better than what. It should be more about enjoying our new earphones. I concur with eric. I was that impressed myself.. I enjoy all my earphones even the ones I don't listen to much. I make it a point to listen to them all just to get a good perspective on different sound signatures and what sounds right and not so right about all of them. In the end we will all have an idea of what type of sound we all like in an earphones.
To me while these CKM500 aren't tops in sound. They certainly act like it and has so many aspects and positives in the sound that many here at headfi will like..I think finding that perfect earphone will always be illusive because I don't think such an earphone exist. Be it a 8 driver custom or a cheapo. But these sit somewhere in the middle of that journey for me and I simply enjoy them as much as time will allow..Enjoy them earphones fellas as these are yours now. Who cares if these sound or don't sound like this or that. When your listening to your music and it puts a smile on your face. That was money well spent.
May 23, 2012 at 1:12 PM Post #374 of 1,921
I don't want to say you're wrong, but first impressions are often misleading because you haven't actually used them for a few weeks and figured out its pros/cons and just post the "wow" factor. It's crazy to think the CKM500 is more refined than the GR07 and IMO it doesn't have sub-bass. There is no way the GR07 has harsher highs and there is nothing smooth about the CKM500. The only way I can describe "smooth" is the sound of a live orchestra and the CKM500 sound nothing like it. I usher at an orchestra so I have it ingrained in my head. Instrument separation is almost definitely worse on the CKM500

You know what, jarrett, you get no argument from me. If that is how you hear the CKM500 so be it. If you look at my sound signature you will see that I have heard many IEMs (mainly top tier to mid tier). There are many more I've heard that I don't have room to list in my signature at the bottom. I have no reason to be an AT fanboy. I actually admitted that I"ve never been enamored by the AT house sound. With that stated, we simply agree to disagree because I apparently hear these IEMs way differently than you. I love the GR07, but these are slightly better to my ears without burn-in. Now, I will agree with you that these are initial first impressions and are subject to change, but then again maybe after a good 100 to 200 hours on these I'll love them even more.  Perhaps I won't, but I can't see that happening. Right now I can't keep them out of my ears, and this is a good substitute until I get my ASG-1.2 sent to me.
May 23, 2012 at 1:14 PM Post #375 of 1,921
I don't want to say you're wrong, 

You can't say that I'm wrong unless you can figure out a way to borrow my ears, buddy. LOL . You can only say what you just stated - the CKM500 aren't doing it for you. I perfectly understand that everything is not for everybody..


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