Tempting new Virtual Dynamics power cord-- $50!
Aug 24, 2002 at 9:18 PM Post #571 of 698
Well, I decided my speaker cable had burned in enough (it came pre-cooked) so I installed the Power 1's. Even though they were also pre-cooked, I'm now hoping that there is still some burn-in going on--since I'm just a bit disappointed.

There is more bass energy, and instruments seem more well-integrated spatially--the spatial presentation somehow seems to make more sense. However, there is definitely a loss of treble energy--too much to make the exchange worthwhile at this point. This is especially true in my system, because its primary weakness is treble clarity: the system sound is very smooth and non-fatiguing, lots of bass, decent soundstage, nice timbre, but can be a bit muffled-sounding up top.

My new speaker cable went a long ways to bolstering the treble, but now some of those gains are apparently gone...

Getting the ACs installed was definitely a wrestling match. Maybe I should have gone for the Reference/Signature level, for better sound and ease of installation?
Aug 25, 2002 at 3:05 PM Post #572 of 698
I have never seen a P1, so I will have to "assume" it is similar to the P2,P3 AC cords. First if you get any of these be sure and get flex connect feature, much easier to install behind rack, I have posted comments/photos of this many times. I have also commented a few times that in my system the P2 were too warm/relaxed and lacked treble extension I desired, so I traded them for Reference cord which is much better overall. I think the Reference may be just slightly warm toned but much better treble extension vs P2. The Nite seems just perfect for me tonally. If you want to exchange the P1 for better VD cord, no problem just talk to Rick.

I might mention that my system, although all solid state, may be slightly warm in nature especially with Bel Canto Dac 1.1, I listen to mostly rock/alt which are not the best recordings and don't want too lean/analytical sound which will sound bad with my CDs.
I have friends who have systems that I couldn't play 75% of my music on, far too bright grainy etc.

When I go to their house I am forced to listen to Cowboy Junkies, Diana Krall, Jennifer Warnes etc because these are the only type of CDs that sound good..........boring
Aug 25, 2002 at 7:05 PM Post #573 of 698
Hi all,

I have ordered a P1 and P3 which should arrive in the next week or so. Found out about them while browsing a link at Audiogon. Brett informed me of Head-Fi and I find the community atmosphere comforting. I just hope I don't start the major upgrade path on the cables before getting the rest of my system together.

Quick question for Dark Angel... I am considering a MF A3.2cr preamp and would like your opinion on your A3cr. I have the A3CD as do you and am happy with it. I also have an option of a used Sonic Frontiers Line 1 for around the same price. The SF includes a supposedly very nice headphone amp built in. Headroom I believe. Email me please. Sorry for the off-topic.

Thanks to all of you for sharing you observations and opinions. When spending large sums of money it is reassuring to believe that one is spending wisely.

I will post my observations on the PC's after I have checked them out. I hope I don't wet myself in all my excitement of anticipation.

Aug 25, 2002 at 7:58 PM Post #574 of 698
DA, thanks for the info. The Power 1 is a single massive cable (unlike the multistranded cables I see in your photos of the Reference and Nite versions). Interesting to hear that you thought the other Power series were a touch warm--I suppose I should have read this thread more carefully, since I really need a *neutral* cable. I'll let them burn in for a couple days more, then perhaps (if I still notice muffled treble) call Rick again.

FWIW my criticisms apply mainly to listening to my system through speakers. I did a little headphone listening last night, and wow--really nice. I can't say it's all due to the AC cords, since I actually have had very little time to listen to my new XA777 through headphones, but whatever the reason was, the sound was just fantastic: black background, fast and clear sound, groooooovy!
Aug 25, 2002 at 9:59 PM Post #575 of 698
I have not tried many different preamps, and no tube ones. I am probably not a very objective source of info since I have had Musical Fidelity gear for last 15yrs. Prior to A3cr preamp/amp I had XAS100 preamp/amp then several different MF integrated amps. You can sometimes find A3cr preamps used for $900-1000 range at Audiogon, they offer great performance for the money and are beautiful looking design as well. Would cost much more to get noticeably better sound. I have no plans to upgrade my A3cr preamp.

If you have any specific questions you can PM me, it is turned on now.
Aug 26, 2002 at 12:08 AM Post #577 of 698

Originally posted by pigmode
How are those Silver refs going? I'm assuming they are completely burned-in? I know the AZs throw a big soundstage so I was wondering how they will work with the VD cords.

Patience Grasshopper!
I should get the AZ Silver Reference ICs Monday/Tuesday and they go right on the Bel Canto Dac 1.1, I think I will also trade in one more VD Reference AC for another Nite AC and forget about the BC Dac 2 for now (saw some used ones for $900-1000 at Audiogon recently)..........my system is really sounding great now playing any type of alt/rock CD, don't want to get so hyper detailed that I loose the musicality on average quality recordings.

Time to go to local bar for WWE Summer Slam, heh heh.
Aug 26, 2002 at 2:52 AM Post #578 of 698

I will probably buy new as by the time I convert monopoly money to US dollars and pay shipping it doesn't cost a whole lot more.

Anybody with some comments about the Power 1's? Everybody can't be spending their kids' college funds on power (Nite) cables, can they? I do have to say though that VD is very good at giving a good price to all who ask.

Aug 26, 2002 at 1:44 PM Post #579 of 698

Originally posted by CosmicVoid

Anybody with some comments about the Power 1's? Everybody can't be spending their kids' college funds on power (Nite) cables, can they?

In my system, to my ears, the Power 1's improved the bass and background blackness at the cost of some treble energy--which is why I'm considering calling VD to inquire about the Reference AC cord.
Aug 26, 2002 at 2:15 PM Post #581 of 698
Anyone? If I don't have a user replaceable cord on my source, would I still benefit if I plug my cdplayers cord into the power cable, and the power cable into hte power?
Aug 26, 2002 at 5:23 PM Post #582 of 698

Originally posted by Calanctus

In my system, to my ears, the Power 1's improved the bass and background blackness at the cost of some treble energy--which is why I'm considering calling VD to inquire about the Reference AC cord.

I just got my cables this AM at the office. Just had to come home for lunch. My initial impressions are extremely favourable. I am getting all that Calanctus says without the treble roll off. In point of fact the treble seems to have a little more sparkle which I really like. More to come when these puppies are burned in.

I am extremely impressed with the service from Virtual Dynamics! I ordered on Thursday and received them Monday morning! I can't wait to get home from work. I won't leave the system running as I want to hear how things settle as these cables cook.

Back to work.

Aug 26, 2002 at 9:56 PM Post #583 of 698
Just another check in. Still haven't hooked everything up yet I am still amazed at the sound coming out of my system. It continues to improve. I have now got 2 power cords and 1 ic in and am amazed that each time I add a cable the sound improves. More real, more dynamic, more detailed. I can't wait to get the speaker cables in. The power cables are definitely easier to work with than the power 2s.

Aug 27, 2002 at 3:57 AM Post #584 of 698
Oh my, what have I done!
Just purchased used Bel Canto Dac 2 from Audiogon, where does it ever end, heh heh.

Keep the VD cable impressions coming guys, inquiring minds want to know.

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