Team Cheap Sennheiser!
Apr 1, 2002 at 4:21 PM Post #46 of 61

Originally posted by kelly
god, violeta, man... you're gay? you should get some gay headphones, no wonder you like things that are gay... (this is called parody, I'm kidding)

I would like to thank violetta for that interesting tidbit despite being completely irrelevant.
Now people will have one additional avenue of poking fun at vio


Half the forum hates me because of the flaws I've mentoned in the HD600 and the Max. The other half hates me because I'm not in love with the Audio-Technica W2002, which I also bought and sold. And at least a few people think I'm off my rocker because I said the Etymotic was colored after I heard Stax.

Don't worry about it. Compared to Matt, you're only the the tenth most wanted on the Team Sennheiser hitlist.


I guess I'm just telling you this as a warning of things to come. There is such a large discrepency between different headphones that as you hear more headphones and amps your taste will almost certainly grow. And each time you find one thing to be better for you than some other thing at least a couple people who put way too much emotional stake in their material posessions will wish you'd stop saying bad things about their stuff because they think it somehow reflects on them as a person. Bear with it. If you can withstand the flames now, your opinion will be invaluable to people like me later on.

Yes, you just have to be less sensitive to criticism. There is enough thin-skinned, effeminate men on head-fi as it is
Apr 1, 2002 at 10:08 PM Post #47 of 61

Originally posted by kelly
And each time you find one thing to be better for you than some other thing at least a couple people who put way too much emotional stake in their material posessions will wish you'd stop saying bad things about their stuff because they think it somehow reflects on them as a person.

LOL, and you wonder what I was talking about in that other thread, Kelly.

So you really think that people disagree with your opinions because they just can't handle you criticizing their favorite headphones? You must not have a very good opinion of human nature.
Apr 1, 2002 at 10:15 PM Post #48 of 61
I noticed that the tone/attitude of kellys comments lately has seemed personal. I'm sure others will agree, relax the **** up man. Negative comment about someones favorite cans shouldn't cause hatred, some tension yes. But to hold a grudge, What, how lowly is that? People hate each other @ head-fi? No, I hope not.

Blighty - lofl.
Apr 2, 2002 at 1:08 AM Post #49 of 61
*shrug* Every time I post a contrary opinion about Sennheiser and/or Headroom amps, there are a certain couple of people who seem to always reply.

Likewise, if I offer any contrary opinion on the W2002 with other certain persons.

Imagine if the opposite were true and I went around trying to find every positive mention the product loyalists had and said, "Well now hold on, Mac, you shouldn't say your opinion with any conviction because it makes it sound like it might be true."

Why don't you just have your opinion and I'll have mine? This isn't such a difficult concept. Roll with it.
Apr 2, 2002 at 2:11 AM Post #51 of 61
And A&M, it's ROFL, not LOFL!

I've seen you make this mistake more than once so I know it's not just a type
HiBy Stay updated on HiBy at their facebook, website or email (icons below). Stay updated on HiBy at their sponsor profile on Head-Fi.
Apr 2, 2002 at 2:29 AM Post #52 of 61
hey, kelly...

Of all the people on this board, your opinions are those that I probably appreciate most. You seem to be on the same line as me on a lot of issues and although I don't always agree with you, I do appreciate the fact that you want to come to your own conclusions. A lot of people like and own the HD-600, and I think that is enough to make a lot of people "force" themselves to like it. I think it is great that you have decided that maybe HD-600 isn't the thing for you, and have been continuing to look around. Same goes for the W2002. I think that one reason that you seem to be by yourself on a lot of things is that you seem to be willing to spend money to try out things and then sell it if you don't like it. This gives you a wide basis for comparison, and allows you to really get an idea of what it is you like. I think that that is something that a lot of people here like me don't have. I haven't heard a lot of headphones like the W20002, and so when you make comments about it compared to some other headphone, I can't comment.

A lot of people here are very defensive about their favorite headphones, and rightfully so. We are all paying a lot of money to get headphone happiness, and no one wants to feel like what they have worked so hard to research and purchase is a piece of crap. People tend to defend the products they own and like, and I don't think it comes as a personal attack or as an insult. I know you consider yourself a newbie here, but as someone who has come after, to me you have been around as long as anyone else. I don't have timetables to tell me who I should respect more due to the length of time they have been around. As a result, I have to base my opinions on what I read, and maybe to an extent the number of posts people have.

Anyway, all of this is getting at the fact that I think you are being very hard on yourself. I think that a lot of people besides me really respect your opinions, but it is a lot like the headroom forum... only those that are having problems speak up. The masses that agree remain unheard.

I do have to say though that you have seemed unusually cranky recently, but I am inclined to think it has something to do with your sick RKV. I know if my melos went sour suddenly, I'd me mighty irritable as well.

Anyway, it is a shame you don't live anywhere closeby, because I would really like to meet you in person someday.

Apr 2, 2002 at 3:29 AM Post #53 of 61
Thanks, Drift. I appreciate the kind words--they can be somewhat of a scarcity at times.

The sick RKV makes me sad more than makes me irritable, to tell you the truth. I'd been pretty hard on the HD600, was one the verge of posting them for sale and then suddenly I found an amp I liked them with--enough that I thought "this is great, this will hold me until I get a new source and Stax" so I sold the W2002, which, by the way sounded really good out of just about anything I plugged it into and even moreso out of the Corda... and the very same night I had a finalized sale on the W2002, poof.

But you know, I'm spoiled. I already had the Etymotic so I'm not exactly crying headphone poverty here. It was just kinda sad. I didn't get a chance to even review it or let Nick listen to it (from what Nick says I think he'd really dig the RKV - it might even power the AKGs).

The irritability comes directly from a couple of individuals who I don't think need naming. One I'm pretty sure is letting some stuff from instant messaging spill over into the forum and I really wish he wouldn't. The other is... well, really proud of his Max and HD600. I really am ok with that. Max and HD600 are both highly regarded. I just get irritated when I'm told, basically, to stop posting my opinions to newbies because they don't mesh well with the majority. Kind of a pet peev.

Anyway, this is REALLY way enough about me so if anyone has any personal issues with me, please direct them to PM, email, or any one of several instant messengers. If you want to disagree with my opinions, by all means, do so - just don't ask me to stop posting mine.

And I AM still a newbie to this hobbie and for however stubborn I am about defending my opinions, I'm still very much appreciative of all the people here who have been kind enough to impart information on me. Beyond a sick obsession for better sound, a large part of the reason I come here is because I'm continually learning here. Please do take however many grains of salt necessary knowing that I am such a newbie.
Apr 2, 2002 at 3:29 AM Post #54 of 61
FYI Joe, LOFL means Laugh Out ****ing Loud.

kelly - I'm sorry for being such an ass to you lately. I thought you were taking off some anger out on me.
:shakes hand: *ok, no more personal matter leakage.
Apr 2, 2002 at 4:58 AM Post #55 of 61

Well really, you can just make up anything you want...

HiBy Stay updated on HiBy at their facebook, website or email (icons below). Stay updated on HiBy at their sponsor profile on Head-Fi.
Apr 2, 2002 at 9:17 AM Post #57 of 61

Originally posted by kelly
The irritability comes directly from a couple of individuals who I don't think need naming. One... [snip]... The other is... well, really proud of his Max and HD600.

LOL, Kelly. You just don't get it. I've said this many times, but you seem to think you know my motives better than I do -- my disagreement with you with respect to the Max/HD600 combo has absolutely nothing to do with the fact that I own the combo. I would feel exactly the same if I owned the legendary RKV, or if all I owned was my JMT tin amp and a pair of KSC-35, and I had just heard the Max/HD600 combo for an audition.

I simply disagree with your assertions that a) the Max cannot "fully" drive the HD600; and b) the bass from this combo is significantly lacking. I've owned it for quite a while, and have significant experience with it. Not only that, but pretty much everyone else who has heard or reviewed this combo comments on how incredible the bass is (deep, tight, accurate, you name it). So, despite your insinuations, it's not like I'm some crazy owner obsessed, in the face of contrary evidence, with fooling himself into thinking his system is the best in the world. It's not the best in the world, and I know it. But it's pretty darned good, and to my ears and many others', doesn't have the flaws you claim. You disagree. Fine.

But the reason I laugh about this discussion is that you keep saying things like "Why don't you just have your opinion and I'll have mine? This isn't such a difficult concept. Roll with it." Yet I've tried to do just that. But recently, when someone HAS a difference of opinion with you on this, you've taken cheap shots. I went so far as to try to find some point of rational discourse: I suggested that maybe our difference of opinion is due to the fact that my HD600 have Clou Reds, which definitely improve both bass extension and bass resolution. I've suggested that perhaps my source is also a factor. But you ignored those comments and started taking cheap shots at people (mainly me, LOL), even in other threads, by implying that people who disagree with you are just defensive about their equipment.


I just get irritated when I'm told, basically, to stop posting my opinions to newbies because they don't mesh well with the majority. Kind of a pet peev.

My comments on your recent posts were not directed at the fact that you post a different opinion, Kelly. Having a different opinion is fine. But it's how you say it. You don't say "I disagree with so-and-so. I think this." Or even "I think this." You say "Despite what so-and-so says, the truth is this." And if people disagree, you attack their credibility by saying stuff like "some people feel the need to defend their own stuff and get upset if you criticize it." Or you make comments like "If you haven't heard better, you might think that." If someone made those comments to you about your opinions, you'd go ballistic LOL

If you don't see how that is not only rude, but also discourages people from posting contrary opinions -- the irony is that you claim to be espousing people's freedom to have a different opinion -- then I don't know what else to tell you.


If you want to disagree with my opinions, by all means, do so - just don't ask me to stop posting mine.

No one is.
Apr 2, 2002 at 12:08 PM Post #58 of 61
Made up? You question the legitamacy of my acronyms simply because you have no knowledge of it? Don't feel left out, it's not important.

I'll make up another one, ILMFAOAYYSC.
Apr 2, 2002 at 12:22 PM Post #59 of 61
Anyway, thanks for the info

FYI, ROTFLRFLALMAOBWTFAILA stands for 'rolling on the floor laughing really ********* loud and laughing my ass off but what the ****** am I laughing about'

HiBy Stay updated on HiBy at their facebook, website or email (icons below). Stay updated on HiBy at their sponsor profile on Head-Fi.
Apr 2, 2002 at 12:45 PM Post #60 of 61
Hmm... a very colorful and 'earnest' discussion going on here....

It's good to see everybody chilling out and taking everything in good humor now. Things seemed a bit heavy a while back, with ppl wanting to leave the forum and what not... rather sad, considering this is about audio equipment, i.e., not exactly a matter of life and death.

Anyway, I got into this 'cause I saw ppl talking about the HD497 and HP890, both of which I got today; still burning them in. You can't believe how much I got them for here in Singapore. Sadly, I can't say the same for Grados (I'm definitely Team Grado). I bought the two headphones 'cause I what else is out there, besides my beloved Grado sound.

Anyway, I'd like to see the discussion continued, here or elsewhere. Don't wanna see this forum turn into another Mid-East situation, with ppl walking out of peace talks 'cause they believe the other party can't possibly say anything worth listening to.

Peace, y'all.

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