Team Cheap Sennheiser!
Mar 30, 2002 at 6:12 PM Post #31 of 61
those are fair points Violeta! No one here wants to embarrass you as you seem like a real headphone fan with lots of enthusiasm. Just bear in mind though that if you had been less vehement in your defense of the 497s than no one would have raised an eyebrow when you suddenly abandoned em. Try and state your criticism, either pro or con, in less extreme terms and you will gain more credibility if you change your mind. You will also be fairer to the headphones involved; few headphones are stunningly great and fewer still are "utter pieces of ****". I myself do not like the SR80s, but I would not use your language to desribe em. Moderation is the key to happiness in most pursuits!

Anyway, sorry about the JVCs. Hope you can get the 280s soon...
Mar 31, 2002 at 1:55 AM Post #32 of 61
I taking your advice Delenda. I'm also adding a disclaimer that states that my mind might change in the future if events not under my control happen that would cause me to not be able to stand by a certain pair of headphones anymore (ie. finding better sounding headphones for less, quality problems, changes in preference). I'm a young man and I am just learning what I want. I don't know what I want to be my major at college, I'm stuck between Windows vs. Macintosh for my dorm computer, and until recently I didn't know what pair of headphones I wanted. One week I was Team Cheap Senn, then I was Team Philips, then I was Team JVC, now I'm with Team HD280. Well I'm sticking with HD280. I've heard them, they sound good, and I like them. Period. No flowery extreme language there. I just like them. They're made well, the pleather is wonderful, and they're comfy. What more could I want? Well, besides an Orpheus.
Mar 31, 2002 at 6:07 AM Post #33 of 61
Still, does anyone find it strange that violeta's avatar is an 890, the phones he last bought are JVC and he's now on 'Team HD280'?
HiBy Stay updated on HiBy at their facebook, website or email (icons below). Stay updated on HiBy at their sponsor profile on Head-Fi.
Mar 31, 2002 at 6:36 AM Post #34 of 61
god violeta
we could all so flame you for all this indecisive ********...

this thread doesnt' deal with the issue anymore
as you now hate "the best headphone for the buck"
(bascially quoted by you about the 497)
to loving the stanton ****s
then the 890 based on review
then the JVC based on the net review then hating them, without even breaking them in

and always hating the grado's.

it's funny how you try to argue the point the fact that it's too costly to get the 600 and that they sucked for it.
i'm sure you could have got a set of 580's and a jmt amp and have been done with it for less money and hastle than what you have gone through, and if not money, as we all know time = money so at least your time.
but of coures you don't need to listen to anyone on this board, as you just want to preach instead.

oh I forgot, yea the w-08 must be better than the 600's still?

I gotcha
Mar 31, 2002 at 7:06 AM Post #35 of 61

oh I forgot, yea the w-08 must be better than the 600's still?

HiBy Stay updated on HiBy at their facebook, website or email (icons below). Stay updated on HiBy at their sponsor profile on Head-Fi.
Mar 31, 2002 at 10:11 AM Post #36 of 61
Tsk tsk, Pigmode. You should have to listen to an Airhead before repeating the opinion that it's a piece of crap. I hope you get to check them out at the Headroom World Tour so that you can then authoritatively say it's a piece of crap.

From what I have read (not experienced), it does seem that were I the one asking for something, I might opt for a JMT or PortaCorda instead, though.
Apr 1, 2002 at 7:15 AM Post #37 of 61
I would care about what you had to say, but since you did not have the decency to flame me via PM, I guess I have to defend myself once again thanks to your ********. For some reason you have had this agenda against me from the start. I happened to make a misguided statement against the HD600 and you just wouldn't let up. Sometimes people make mistakes. Live with it. I never said I hated the 497. I just can't recommend it anymore. It's an awesome headphone, but it is made horribly. I can't do anything about it. Flame Sennheiser if you insist on flaming someone. Even though I've been on this board a while, I'm still a newbie to good-sounding headphones. I haven't even heard one yet. I haven't had an opportunity to listen to a HD600 or a Stax, or a high-end Grado. How can one not be indecisive if they do not know what they want. All I've really heard is the Grado sound. And the Sennheiser HD570. That's not everything. I've never heard a Beyer. They have their own unique sound. And I haven't heard a Philips. So, how SHOULD I know what I want. That 890 is there in my avatar because I haven't had the time to scale down a picture of the HD280 yet. That picture was there when I had JVC in my signature. So, if there is anything else that anyone wants to scrutinize about me go ahead. Oh, and by the way I am gay. Anything else you want to know about me that you can further analyze?!?!
Apr 1, 2002 at 7:24 AM Post #38 of 61
Sometimes I wonder why I even bother posting on Head-Fi anymore. If somebody's opinion differs from the crowd, they get chastized. If you can't convince me not to, I'm leaving.
Apr 1, 2002 at 7:37 AM Post #39 of 61
woah, violeta, calm down a little. You may have some opinions that run against the tide here or may be a little indecisive, but I don't fault you for that. I think people here are just giving you a little bit of a hard time, in a good natured joking manner. If anyone gives you ****, it may be because you come off as very strong opinioned about things which to us appears as if you haven't given a full chance. I am sure you have your reasons for forming your opinions, but we can't read your mind and we don't always get the whole story. But r3cc0s aside, I don't think anyone really seems bothered by it, I think we all just take controversial opinions like those about vertical headphones with a grain of salt, or as what they are (your opinions). I am not even sure r3cc0s means things as harshly as you are interpreting it.

Don't leave, this forum exists for people to exchange ideas, and some ideas aren't always popular, but that doesn't make them wrong. I enjoy reading your posts, and I certainly don't want you to feel that there is bad blood here. I am sure a lot of people would be sad to see you go.

By the way, if you get the HD-280, please let us know what you think about them after you have had them for long enough to get them broken in. I look forward to seeing your opinions.

Apr 1, 2002 at 8:04 AM Post #40 of 61
Jeezus violeta88, don't let him get to you. r3cc0s is being an ass. If he were truly here to help you choose a headphone to enjoy he wouldn't be pestering you so much. You need to share your experiences you have while searching for headphones because that information is valuable to us all. It sustains our hobby, and this forum. If we let ourselves get upset by such unimportant things then we would not have any newbies on the board.
You do have very strong wording, but that's good, that's your style, and it doesn't bother me one bit. I think it's good you express your opinion because while one reviewer might say "the 497's build quality is not very impressive" you make it out more for what it really is. If people are concerned about build quality, then you've made an excellent point, and we have all learned from your important contribution to our understanding.
You should not leave, especially with the HD-280's on the way. Now you can give us a comparison review on sennheiser build quality on their mid priced cans! By the way, I own the sr-60's and I get the 280's tomorrow in the mail, so I can do a sound comparison, and a performance review comparing how the two phones sound out of my portable as well as my computer. . . and in this way we can all help inform the community that has helped to inform us, and guided us towards wise dicisions in our headphone purchases. As consumers we have a right to be satisfied and to own the best products for our hard earned dollar, and all our efforts make such a noble cause possible.
Apr 1, 2002 at 8:06 AM Post #41 of 61
Thanks Driftwood. Just for you I'll stay.
At least I know someone enjoys reading my posts. I know I like the HD280's already, so I will wait a good 40 hours after I get them to review them. And I am 99% sure that I will get the HD280's. They have the qualities that I liked about the 497 without the qualities that I disliked. And that's before break-in (I had a brief audition with them). But, I'm not getting my hopes too high, like I did with the JVC's. They might have been okay, they probably needed an amp to sound good (just a wild theory based on their anemic performance w/o an amp). And we all know I don't have one. Luckily the HD280's don't need an amp. If someone has some constructive criticism, please PM me. I have a really bad perception of when people are poking fun at me or not, and sometimes it seems like I am being chastized when I am not, and I think people are being mean when they are being indifferent. So, if I overreact, bear with me and be a little more understanding because I just have a whacked up perception of social situations. So, if you're poking fun at me, just be a little lighter, or maybe tell me afterwards in a PM. I'd appreciate it.
Apr 1, 2002 at 8:19 AM Post #42 of 61
Atomicarnage, I didn't see your post. Thanks. I'll try to keep some of my strong style while being accurate at the same time. My problem in the past was that I used too strong of words. Like calling the HD600's a "hunk of junk" when I hadn't even heard them.
Yeah, BAD ONE. Or getting a tad carried away with the sound quality of the 497. I was unexperienced then, though. But, now that I know better I will use a straightforward approach that says what I mean and means what I say. And I won't be afraid to smash headphones if they are bad. Thanks for your kind words.
Apr 1, 2002 at 8:31 AM Post #43 of 61
Yeah, and I didn't mean any more than to have a little fun
Sorry if you took it the wrong way

Actually you could also interpret it as something like 'poor guy, can't get any idea what phones he wants switches phones 3 times in one month, etc. etc...

I feel for ya man

But it's not impossible to get good phones based on hearsay alone. I hadn't heard any good phones and in Hong Kong no stores ever let you audition phones without buying them
Well I bought the HD580 and lived happily ever after
Well almost

The trick is to go with something more mainstream to start with, I think
HiBy Stay updated on HiBy at their facebook, website or email (icons below). Stay updated on HiBy at their sponsor profile on Head-Fi.
Apr 1, 2002 at 9:11 AM Post #44 of 61
god, violeta, man... you're gay? you should get some gay headphones, no wonder you like things that are gay... (this is called parody, I'm kidding)

Actually, I think you're kind of lucky that you've been doing this stuff in the mid-fi headphones. Imagine what it's like for me. I bought Beyerdyanmic DT831 "the best closed headphone" in December. I thought they were great. Now I can barely stand to listen to them. Half the forum hates me because of the flaws I've mentoned in the HD600 and the Max. The other half hates me because I'm not in love with the Audio-Technica W2002, which I also bought and sold. And at least a few people think I'm off my rocker because I said the Etymotic was colored after I heard Stax.

I guess I'm just telling you this as a warning of things to come. There is such a large discrepency between different headphones that as you hear more headphones and amps your taste will almost certainly grow. And each time you find one thing to be better for you than some other thing at least a couple people who put way too much emotional stake in their material posessions will wish you'd stop saying bad things about their stuff because they think it somehow reflects on them as a person.

Bear with it. If you can withstand the flames now, your opinion will be invaluable to people like me later on.
Apr 1, 2002 at 2:35 PM Post #45 of 61
Yeah, stick it out V!
Everyone's opinion is valuable and you certainly speak your mind boldly. Don't take anything here personally; it's only headphones!

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