TDK IE800 Dual High-Performance Dynamic Micro-Drivers IEM
May 24, 2013 at 6:38 AM Post #226 of 386
Just got my IE800 and have been listening to them for a couple of hours. First impressions: nice. :) Seperation is good, especially for a dynamic driver. Response sounds rather neutral, with a slight warmth in the bass and perhaps a little emphasis on the treble. I can't really detect any veil, vocals seem a little "up front", but quite detailed overall. Treble extension is really something, though they can be a little harsh sometimes. Fantastic for cymbals (these really sparkle), but a little on the edge with female vocals IMO. Also, treble seems a little more forward in the mix, making them a little more fatiguing to listen to. Soundstage is good, though not as expansive as the Sennheiser IE-series; would even say the Ortofon eq-5 may sound more spacious, but need more time to compare. Not as thick/warm in the mids as the ortofon, though less dry than the RE0. Surprisingly though, the IE800's treble is harsher than the RE0's. Oh, and what also surprised me was the driver speed; they can easily keep up with some heavy In Flames tracks and even stay clean with a little bass boost. Impressive!
All in all, excellent for the price. People who are sensitive for sibilance though may want to consider the BA200, as it reportedly tames the highs a little. I don't really see these become less sibilant with burn-in, but if they do, I'll update.
May 24, 2013 at 6:44 AM Post #227 of 386
These are great, and rather overshadowed by the BA-200. They have a clarity and imaging more reminiscent of BAs, but retain a certain natural quality typical of good dynamics - kind of how I'd expect a hybrid to sound.
May 24, 2013 at 10:27 AM Post #228 of 386
These are great, and rather overshadowed by the BA-200. They have a clarity and imaging more reminiscent of BAs, but retain a certain natural quality typical of good dynamics - kind of how I'd expect a hybrid to sound.

Agree on the natural quality; they're transparent for sure, but retain that typical organic sound a dynamic driver is ofter associated with. Really enjoying them and a very very solid IEM. They are btw surprisingly hard to drive considering the rated impedance and sensitivity. In fact, they're not particularly easier to drive than my RE0, which is rated at 64 Ohm! Also, I haven't noticed any annoying crossovers or anything; it all just sounds very cohesive!
May 24, 2013 at 11:52 AM Post #230 of 386
I haven't had the chance to hear the BA200, but based on what I'm hearing and what I've read about the BA200, the IE800 is not necessarily better. I can imagine that some will find the IE800 a little harsh on the treble. All I can say is that I find them spectacular, even at the original 90 EUR price. I just can't believe I picked these up for 29.95, it's seriously ridiculous.
May 24, 2013 at 1:59 PM Post #232 of 386
got them today and they are BIG
May 24, 2013 at 7:09 PM Post #233 of 386
Got them too :)
Love them so far. Isolates way better then my Sennheiser IE80. Think I will take these on the bus rides.
May 24, 2013 at 7:12 PM Post #234 of 386
Got them too :)
Love them so far. Isolates way better then my Sennheiser IE80. Think I will take these on the bus rides.

i agree the isolation is much better then i expected 
May 25, 2013 at 5:00 AM Post #237 of 386
+1, isolation us actually the best I've heard from a dynamic. Hate the cable though, feels rather fragile? Never had flat cables before though.

yep its looks like the cable at the jack can break anytime soon. 
May 28, 2013 at 4:46 PM Post #239 of 386
they have different signatures. If you want better tonal balance BA200 is better because is very smooth from bass to treble. It really depends on what you after.
BA200 is a monitor. I wouldnt call IE 800 a monitor. thats the difference

What about value for money?
The BA200 is available for $200 and the IE800 for $98 both including shipping fee on eBay. 

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