Takstar Pro 82/GM200 Review, impressions and discussion thread

Which headphones do you want Pro 82 to be compared with?

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Feb 9, 2018 at 8:00 AM Post #1,306 of 4,599
I would love to see some pictures of insides of The headphones. Especially since the impressions are polarized about The bass.

Small differences in build can Make a great difference in sound. If there is something blocking holes on the Back of The driver it can kill the bass. Excessive glue etc. And maybe there have been some minor production change that are not mentioned. Even If there is thicker paper on drivers vent holes can have a drastic change on how The driver "breathes" which has a huge effect on bass performance.

I would get a pair to find out myself but I'm moving in less than two months so I can't risk having headphones delivered to a wrong address.
Feb 9, 2018 at 8:59 AM Post #1,307 of 4,599
I just received my pair and noticed that the subbass really is lacking. I tried boosting with my E12A but it causes some distortion with bass tracks and still lacks subbass. Even my razer electra's bass sounds better. I was so hyped with this but was let down by the driver problems.
Will burning it in solve it? I played music on it for 6 hours and no progress.
Burn-in sure improved both of my recent Pro 82s. Just leave it at above average volume playing for 1-2 days non-stop, this should be enough to notice an improvement.
I keep burning mine past this,don't know if it will keep improving.
I might not be able to return this anymore since there's no stock left in the online store I ordered from.
Why wouldn't you be able to return just because they don't have stock? Or did you mean "replace"?
Feb 9, 2018 at 9:02 AM Post #1,308 of 4,599
Burn-in sure improved both of my recent Pro 82s. Just leave it at above average volume playing for 1-2 days non-stop, this should be enough to notice an improvement.
I keep burning mine past this,don't know if it will keep improving.

Why wouldn't you be able to return just because they don't have stock? Or did you mean "replace"?

Yeah sorry I meant replace. I don't want to return it to get only store credit and refunds take way too long.
Feb 9, 2018 at 9:31 AM Post #1,309 of 4,599
Shout out to @Random54 for the mods :beerchug:

This mod really elevates the Pro 82 to another level! I never had an issue with a slight forward mids but this mod brings more natural sound and space to the mids. Overall, it gives better body to the mids and more controlled bass yet, no trade offs. Just better! I just used two rolled paper towels and placed them at the back of the pads. I had an issue earlier as the foams that I had in the cups were not in its place. It kept moving when I tried to shove the paper towel. Comfort wise, it is more comfy as it adds more space in the cups. So far, I really love the mods. It doesn't sacrifice anything just a better headphone.

What setting do you set the bass boost to? Is it just closed?
Feb 9, 2018 at 6:31 PM Post #1,311 of 4,599
The "Porta Pro guy" is no longer alone:


This time - no explanation.
Feb 10, 2018 at 5:43 AM Post #1,312 of 4,599
Just a bit of an update on my ebay shenanigans. I got a response from them and they replied with this:

Thought you might get a laugh out of it at my expense if anything.

Edit: After about 5 messages asking me to jump through various hoops they've now gone on a 2 week holiday for Chinese new year. :thumbsup:
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Feb 10, 2018 at 9:04 AM Post #1,313 of 4,599
After 30 hours of burn in the sound has definitely improved. I get the subbass it was lacking OOTB and the rattle can now only be heard below 30Hz with bass boost all the way while also having it on my E12A.
Although I get the subbass, it's lacking just a little bit. I can't seem to decide between turning on just the 4dB boost on my fiio, 3db boost on the takstars or leave it alone and get used to it.
Feb 10, 2018 at 10:00 AM Post #1,314 of 4,599
Some may recall I have a couple of pairs of P82 and the more time I spent with each the more differences in their respective sound I heard. To the point where I could no longer dismiss what I was hearing as a simple matter of production variance / inconsistency. Outwardly the drivers looked to be visually different which made me wonder if a revision was a possible explanation.

Having sent them away for measurement it was observed that the drivers on each pair are VERY different, the plastic used on the baffles differ, pad dimensions / shape differ somewhat, foam in the pads used is different etc.

The reasons for these differences are unclear. Could be a stealth revision (or a series) or something else.

First pair was bought from Headphoniaks in Spain. Second from Takstar Online Store on AliExpress.

The anti-counterfeiting code on the box of the first pair is reported as 'out of date'(?) according to Takstar's authentication page and a message appears recommending the owner call Takstar for further assistance. Do not have the box for the second pair to check its code. Not inclined to pursue this further as both pairs have been opened to take pictures thus invalidating any warranty.
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Feb 10, 2018 at 10:23 AM Post #1,315 of 4,599
Ouch. That certainly would explain the "lack of bass" comments, which up to this point have baffled me based on what I hear from the Pro 82.

P.S. Another reason to spend the extra $10 for the boxed version. The anti-counterfeiting code is on the retail box, which you don't get if you buy from one of the other sellers that offers them without the box. The first unit I received (which is the one that has been getting all of my listening time) did not have an anti-counterfeiting code.

P.P.S. My other 3 units passed the fake test with respect to the numeric code. However, given the level of counterfeiting, and the fact that it's only a 16-digit numeric code, what is to prevent the counterfeiters from either (1) breaking the algorithm, or as found more frequently (2) simply mass replicate scrape-off-stickers using codes of known genuine units? Just because your code comes back good doesn't mean that there aren't hundreds of units out there with the same code on them.
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Feb 10, 2018 at 10:57 AM Post #1,317 of 4,599
**Important heads up - possible counterfeits in circulation**

As some of you might be aware I have a couple of pairs of P82 and the more time I spent with each the more differences I heard. To the point where I could no longer dismiss what I was hearing as a simple matter of production variance. Drivers looked to be visually different which made me wonder if a revision was a possible explanation.

I'm sure he will publish his measurements and findings in due course but the most concerning thing so far is that Frans is of the clear opinion that one pair is counterfeit. Drivers are VERY (his emphasis) different as is the plastic on the baffle, pad dimensions, foam used etc. Furthermore, the anti-counterfeiting code on the box of the 'suspect' pair is not recognised by Takstar's website and when he entered it he received a message to call Takstar for further assistance.

Whilst I can't vouch for the accuracy or reliability of Takstar's validation checks this coupled with the other differences highlighted does set alarm bells ringing.....

I would therefore urge those of you who have bought a pair of P82 (esp. if you have any concerns about the sound quality / lack of bass) to check yours for authenticity and if you have any doubts then contact your seller for an explanation.

This makes absolutely no sense.
You have bought your first pair from Headphoniaks, and the second one from TakstarAudio.
You wrote that the second pair sounds better, so looks like the "suspect" pair is the one from Headphoniaks.
Headphoniaks bought a large chunk of the first Pro 82 batch (with 2.2m cable), so there is practically zero chance they are selling fakes.

If you think that variance in sound/measurements is a sign of fakes, there must be a bunch of 4000$ fake headphones:

Also, this is a 70$ headphone that sold less than 1000 units so far (at least online) - it's just not expensive/popular enough for fakes (yet).

There is no need to sow the seeds of panic.
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