Takstar Pro 82/GM200 Review, impressions and discussion thread

Which headphones do you want Pro 82 to be compared with?

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Jan 4, 2018 at 10:51 PM Post #826 of 4,538
Alright...Against my better judgement I shall order a pair and see for myself how they stack up against mt M50X's and MDR1A's. I'll bet pounds to pence they come nowhere near my Focal Classics. And I guess if I'm left disappointed it has something to do with my "chain".

I hope the hype is real because if it's not and is just hype and confirmation bias I'm going to be pissed at you lot and if they are the hidden gem I shall eat humble pie.

Or your ears have different preferences, or we're wrong -- definitely possible. :beyersmile:

Earlier in the thread, I expressed serious skepticism at @BenF's contention that the B&O H6 are muddy and just bad compared to the Pro 82's, and after having received my Pro 82's and comparing them (briefly but just a few hours ago) to my H6, I still don't agree entirely with him (the H6 still sound right to me), but I was surprised listening to Daft Punk's "Fragments of Time" (good recording with real instruments) that I did think that the Pro 82 bested the H6 for clarity although not by a huge amount, and mostly discernible when quickly A/B'ing them.

I've not A/B'ed them with my HE-4XX, but listening to the same song right now with my HE-500, I think the HE-500 have substantially better timbre, but honestly clarity is pretty close. I also find the Pro 82 thin sounding comparatively when A/B'ing quickly between the HE-500 and Pro 82, and the only way I can get a little more satisfying, full sound is to go from the neutral position on the bass port (totally closed) to open one notch, but then a little detail gets lost that way.

However, if I'm listening to the Pro 82 for a longer listening session, my brain adjusts to the thinner sound and it doesn't sound so thin to me -- in fact, come to think of it, it's the same experience I had with the Beyerdynamic DT 1350, which sounded "small" and somewhat thin after coming from bigger and fuller-sounding cans, but which, like the Pro 82, began to sound bigger and fuller after my brain adjusted to them.

In any case, I won't be putting my HE-500 into storage anytime soon, let's say that. :) But then, I honestly begin with a bias for open / against closed cans, as a matter of preference anyway.
Jan 4, 2018 at 11:12 PM Post #828 of 4,538
I think I'm going crazy because going back and forth between this thread and this one;


I see that they are identical including comments.

Can somebody else confirm this for me please. Start at the beginning of the other thread.
Just Hifi has always been a mirror of Head-fi. I don't know what the purpose of it, it doesn't seem to be an archive site either, everything that gets deleted here also disappears on that site too.
Jan 4, 2018 at 11:32 PM Post #830 of 4,538
Jan 5, 2018 at 2:03 AM Post #832 of 4,538
I was on the same page with most of us here. I just thought that this could be another hype train. Two reasons why I ended buying this headphone in the first place were:

1) @Ben F compared this headphone with TH900. I was like.. REALLY!? This cheap headphone will not stand a chance against a $1499 headphone. I am curious and decided to get one since it'll only cost me 80 bucks.
2) Well, it only cost me $80. I have nothing to lose even if it doesn't live up to the hype. And if it does not, I would rather stay away from this thread. Not even bother to comment or ranting about the headphone.

But, here I am. Still amazed by how good this $80 headphone is :ksc75smile:
Jan 5, 2018 at 2:19 AM Post #833 of 4,538
In my current economic condition I would never ever buy a pair of headphones that cost more than $200. So listening to headphones that cost $200-6000 is a dream. But now I can get a glimpse of what higher end headphones sound like through this humble $77 pair, thanks to the hype starter, BenF
Jan 5, 2018 at 3:53 AM Post #834 of 4,538
Sure is. Still searching for reviews on these cans but there is very little apart from Head.Fi.
I think there is no one actually. Certainly not the scientifically oriented like innerfidelity or here. Manufacturer provided measurements should be handled with a bit of salt. Yesterday for fun I watched Z review during dinner and I guess the guy was on drugs or something. So no info here either.
I came across this thread by a pure coincidence, than, frustrated by buying process on Ali (again by coincidence) I bought MDR-1A and received Pro 82 afterwards. Would be happy with either one, but Pro 82 are much closer to my listening preferences. Interesting experience for 80 bucks (I paid 63, actually) and cheap enough for anyone. Won't go into any deeper comparision, my time is precious and overall info here is much better than mine.
Note that monitoring headphones should (has to) be true to the source thus provide the engineer with feedback as best as possible, revealing all the details and nuances across the spectrum. I love my DT-1350, which says something, but might not be everyone's cup of tea with its forward mids. Moreover, without Hidizs or similar source the decision is harder. Sony are easy and nice listening from almost all sources I tried, this is not the case with Takstars. So try with a music you love and sources you find and share your (brief) impressions. Just please be honest as much as possible and keep this thread informative since it's currently the only source of knowledge, and a good one, I have to say.
Jan 5, 2018 at 4:10 AM Post #835 of 4,538
I am so glad of this thread and the so called hype, I see it as speople loving the sound and if we try it then that is up to us.

Still buzzing here can not wait to get home and get some 360 audio cue's going on while gaming, oh the imaging with Dolby surround :)
Jan 5, 2018 at 5:54 AM Post #837 of 4,538
...Are these perfect? No, there's no such thing. They have a well understood sound signature, people need to consider what they want. But are they great for their price? Absolutely. And they even scale properly, to sweeten the deal. So I'd say that these are great starter headphones. They sound better than most sub 100$ cans, while still providing the chance to output even better SQ with proper investment, all while not requiring thousands of dollars in the process. 250$ and you get amazing SQ, and a chain that can actually take other headphones on top of it if you want to move up? That's proper starter material to me :) ...
I fully understand your desire to give the people who start their audio journey the best sound straight away, but let me ask you this - if Pro 82 is someone's "starter" headphone - what's their next step?
Going straight to the 1500$ Fostex TH900MK2? Even that is half an upgrade and half a side-grade (depending on the SS preferences). It's not even fully closed (semi-closed), and there is nothing you can do about its total lack of isolation.
Even if we do assume that TH900MK2 is an upgrade, they'd still need to buy 3rd party pads and spend at least 300$ on a better DAC (Idea doesn't cut it with the Fostex).
So the next step from a 250$ setup would cost nearly 2000$ - most people would just end their journey with Pro 82, it's too big a leap.

I've started my journey 5 years ago, and spent a 5-digit amount on my collection.
I regret many of my purchases - I've made many mistakes. But I'm glad I took this long and expensive journey, as it turned out to be about music - and not headphones/DACs/amps.
Going through different sound signatures allowed my to discover a lot of music. Some of the music I discovered with my first headphone (Klipsch S4A), my first amp (FIIO E6) and my fist DAC (EL-D01), I still enjoy today. Some I can't listen to anymore - it just doesn't sound very good anymore to me.
My musical tastes have changed dramatically, and I'm glad I went through all the different phases to get where I am today - a clarity/timbre "whore".

On a daily basis, I get transported in space and time to the greatest performances , many of which I couldn't attend even theoretically.

Others don't need to make as many mistakes as I've made, or pay as much, but starting at the end of the headphones journey will prevent them from discovering great music.

P.S. If I still had the musical preferences from 5 years ago, I wouldn't like Pro as much or at all.
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Jan 5, 2018 at 5:56 AM Post #838 of 4,538
98% of the time I listen to Pro 82 stock, as the Idea+O2 already improves the mids enough for me (and has other benefits).
Sometimes I put the thin foams in, when the song really benefits from the mid-forward presentation.
I asked because more or less the same happens to me when I compare the w/ and w/o foams configurations with the HA-2 and with the Mojo. Also, I think I probably ended up getting different foam disks than yours. In my case, the most porous one among all four is the thin oval foam (TOF), which is the one that changes sound more subtly. The effects on sound of the thin round foam (TRF), being denser, are more noticeable.

With the Mojo, that TOF is the one that I would use (if ever), otherwise the smooth, superb bass presentation, the fabulous accuracy in the transients and the overall dynamics, begin to worsen (i.e., I wouldn't use the TRF with the Mojo). With the HA-2, which in comparison is noticeable brighter overall, the insertion of the porous TOF really helps. It doesn't hurt the low frequencies that much because to me the bass in the HA-2 is already less refined (not as perfect as in the Mojo). Here I can go up and use the TRF those times I want a more mid-forward picture.
Jan 5, 2018 at 6:05 AM Post #839 of 4,538
Hello, im new here and read about this headphone. I ordered one but the left side is silent ;( (where the connection is). Does this come from the cable or is the headphone damaged?
Have you tried confirming that the cable is properly inserted, both in the headphones and your sound source? I'm asking because, for example, if I don't fully insert the 3.5mm male in my mobile phone, the sound will only be heard in one side. If everything is properly in, then I'd bet more on an headphone issue, but you can always try to quickly buy a 2.5mm / 3.5mm cable somewhere close to you and test it, before sending the headphones back. You know, clear all the possibilities before having to wait for a longer replacement / RMA process.

I fully understand your desire to give the people who start their audio journey the best sound straight away, but let me ask you this - if Pro 82 is someone's "starter" headphone - what's their next step?
Going straight to the 1500$ Fostex TH900MK2? Even that is half an upgrade and half a side-grade (depending on the SS preferences). It's not even fully closed (semi-closed), and there is nothing you can do about its total lack of isolation.
Even if we do assume that TH900MK2 is an upgrade, they'd still need to buy 3rd party pads and spend at least 300$ on a better DAC (Idea doesn't cut it with the Fostex).
So the next step from a 250$ setup would cost nearly 2000$ - most people would just end their journey with Pro 82, it's too big a leap.

I've started my journey 5 years ago, and spent a 5-digit amount on my collection.
I regret many of my purchases - I've made many mistakes. But I'm glad I took this long and expensive journey, as it turned out to be about music - and not headphones/DACs/amps.
Going through different sound signatures allowed my to discover a lot of music. Some of the music I discovered with my first headphone (Klipsch S4A), my first amp (FIIO E6) and my fist DAC (EL-D01), I still enjoy today. Some I can't listen to anymore - it just doesn't sound very good anymore to me.
My musical tastes have changed dramatically, and I'm glad I went through all the different phases to get where I am today - a clarity/timbre "whore".

On a daily basis, I get transported in space and time to the greatest performances , many of which I couldn't attend even theoretically.

Others don't need to make as many mistakes as I've made, or pay as much, but starting at the end of the headphones journey will prevent them from discovering great music.

P.S. If I still had the musical preferences from 5 years ago, I wouldn't like Pro as much or at all.

I also understand your side, if one wants to know and explore the audiophile side of technology, then sure, there are a lot of headphones to try. It can be a great journey. But for those that want something good and stop worrying about it, or that already know they want that sound signature, then it's what I'd advise. I'm a good example of that. You think I'd want a 5-digit journey on audio equipment? Not even in a million years, unless I had copious amounts of money of course :p I value my money differently, I'd rather take those figures and invest in something more important. And to someone with that mentality, then these are definitely worth it.

Like in everything in life, it's a question of knowing where you are and what you want :)
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Jan 5, 2018 at 6:21 AM Post #840 of 4,538
In my current economic condition I would never ever buy a pair of headphones that cost more than $200. So listening to headphones that cost $200-6000 is a dream. But now I can get a glimpse of what higher end headphones sound like through this humble $77 pair, thanks to the hype starter, BenF

So if you have never heard $200 headphones or more how would you know you are getting a glimpse??

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