Suyama FitEar new IEM for coming headphone show

May 11, 2014 at 12:10 PM Post #17 of 35
Fitear Gatling nearing production? 

May 11, 2014 at 4:13 PM Post #20 of 35
It looks like a flagship universal iem, with the special housing design and all. It doesn't look like a demo version of a ciem.
Also, 335DW or any other FitEar ciem is not a flagship. They have different signatures and different styles. Each league has its own leader rather than just 1 flagship to rule them all system.
May 25, 2014 at 11:46 AM Post #26 of 35

Just tried this new fitear yesterday. First impression sounds neutral-ish from top to bottom. Somehow I feel it has faster bass decay compared to TG334. Better treble extensions too, even to the C435 (i bet Jaben's Singapore 435 demo unit has issue, sounds worst among 334, 335 and this new fitear).

The vocal is not as polished as 334 though. But take note this is not a finalized product yet. A little discussion with Jaben folks, we have an assumption this could be based on triple driver 333, attributed by its flat sound sig and smaller housing. No official details from Fitear yet.

Personally I kinda like it! Good balanced sound which need a little tweak on vocal clarity and it fits better than TG334 in my ears.

One can only have a dream that this new universal will be packed in Gatling/Gundam housing. Then Fitear will have a winner.
Jun 28, 2014 at 1:28 AM Post #27 of 35
It looks like a few of our Chinese friends who attended the Audio Event in Beijing last week was holding back on some information from us. We've heard of the Final Audio AKR02, JH Audio AKR03 but how about a a FitEar AKR08?

I just heard about it from the iRiver Japan folks who attended the show and FitEar made very few pieces of the FitEar fitear (yes those white ones) but coloured black with gold lettering & comes with a 2.5mm TRRS balanced cable for the new AK series. I asked the iRiver Japan folks if there's more AKR08's but sadly none left as they were truly limited edition.

Here are some pix I found from the web (source:

Jun 28, 2014 at 2:37 AM Post #30 of 35
So where are the ARK04, ARK05, ARK06, ARK07?
Apparently the 8 was much more for Chinese superstition however with a 0 in front doesn't that mean "no money"?

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