Surprise TDK MT-300: $4.97 of AWESOME...
Jan 8, 2013 at 9:10 PM Post #181 of 371
Try out the MH1C tips and get yourself a good seal, these things go very low and expose  a fair bit of sub-bass. Try lightly pressing them into your ears a bit to see if you do get that seal you'll be able to tell right away. Stock tips are not all that great at all. I found the MH1C to be lacking somewhat after these. Just my experience at this point though obviously.
The only XSCargo outlet I have here has dwindled way down in stock ( <10 ) and I may not be able to get out again to snag one or two backups before it dries up, even at the $10 it's a no brainer for me.
 As far as durability, after yarding on them 3 or 4 times they are still rolling along though, so hopes are high. I'd still grab a set at the ebay price if i had to later on though. ( maybe you can mod that plug up with some metal tubing
Atomiknoob, just post away ,any impressions are good , especially after running them through the ringer with all your favourite tracks for a while. Maybe they are to your tastes, maybe not :)
 After letting them settle in , go back and do a direct A/B with the MH1C and see what you notice. I sort of hate posting reviews about anything myself, but everything is subject to change anyhow.
keep it fun.
Jan 8, 2013 at 10:05 PM Post #183 of 371
So far, I'm loving the Comply memory foam tips with the MT-300s.  The tips would stay on the ear bud posts for a bit over a day, then they started to slip off.  I used a small, single layer of electrical tape to wrap around the post.  Then, I installed the Comply tips and they seem to be holding in place quite well.
With the Comply memory foam tips, the biggest advantage in my case has to be the improved isolation over the medium-sized silicone tips that came in the package that I used for the first few days.  I can't claim that there were any remarkable sound changes - basically just the comfort and isolation were the biggest improvement.
To me, these get better with each listening session.  Very good stuff.
Jan 8, 2013 at 10:11 PM Post #184 of 371
Excellent news.
It may be my imagination , and it has been a while since i tried some foam tips, but I took them off for a reason. I would like to think that it was a valid reason at the time, hopefully you will find the same thing as I did: that the foams tended to drop down some of the highs on these a bit, even though the isolation was excellent.
I'd be curious to see further on here what you find.
Which model #Comply are you using?
Maybe you can round up some cheapo silicone tips somewhere to try out besides the stock ones.
 I certainly agree they do get better and better.
Jan 8, 2013 at 10:23 PM Post #185 of 371
I'm using one of the "400" series of Comply tips.  I didn't notice any real roll off regarding upper frequencies.  If anything, I think the foam tips slightly opened up the mid frequencies though.  Plus, no suffer to the bass either.
Jan 8, 2013 at 10:26 PM Post #186 of 371
hmm I have the 500 series, I wonder maybe the openings are different sizes. I'll go check then mill it over in my head about retrying them . Thanks for the foam reminder :)
I'm sort of confused as the what the difference is, the density of the foam itself?
Jan 9, 2013 at 12:58 AM Post #187 of 371
And why haven't you looked out for me, oh buddy oh pal? lol ... Glad you're enjoying them. I'll try them one day. The $20 pair sold out in states.

Hey ericp10 shoot me a pm, I'll be in Chicago in 2 weeks and can bring you one from my stockpile... if WAYNENUMM can vouch for you... or you can just buy me a Portillos... mmm Portillos.
Jan 9, 2013 at 1:57 AM Post #188 of 371
Hey ericp10 shoot me a pm, I'll be in Chicago in 2 weeks and can bring you one from my stockpile... if WAYNENUMM can vouch for you... or you can just buy me a Portillos... mmm Portillos.

You're the man inline! No problem vouching for eric - he's one of the good ones. It's just that sfwalcer dude that you have to watch out for lol!

Jan 9, 2013 at 10:23 AM Post #191 of 371
Hey ericp10 shoot me a pm, I'll be in Chicago in 2 weeks and can bring you one from my stockpile... if WAYNENUMM can vouch for you... or you can just buy me a Portillos... mmm Portillos.

That's mighty kind of you inline! You have a deal. So you know about Portillos? We can arrange that (there's one not too far from my office). Thanks for the offer. I accept! 

Jan 9, 2013 at 10:23 AM Post #192 of 371
You're the man inline! No problem vouching for eric - he's one of the good ones. It's just that sfwalcer dude that you have to watch out for lol!

Thanks for the vote of confidence WAYNENUMM!! 
Jan 9, 2013 at 8:57 PM Post #193 of 371
So thanks to this thread I think I may have finally found "my" phones. I'm seriously contemplating sending them off for a re-cable.

Please post that up if you decide to do that recable.
Jan 9, 2013 at 11:05 PM Post #194 of 371
ok. I don't think I can give these a critical listen.
On more than several occasions I've thought: "this song has a bassline?"
well. not exactly. I've know there's a bassline but it was something I could forego and still enjoy the song.
now the bassline is soooo sexy and seductive I can't listen to the sames songs without it.
I'm most impressed by two aspects of this little diamond.
1. the bass is more elevated than that on my gr07 (as expected) yet somehow it's as clean as the gr07. a tad bit slow in comparison, yes. but clean. It's seriously like a clean separate subwoofer is producing the bass. something the mh1c cannot accomplish.
2. SPACE. space is so good backup vocals actually sound like they're backing up.
One thing I wish would improve:
1. timbre. it sounds artificial to my ears. especially the highs. but I expected as much for 5 bux.
Like I said though, I can't really give these a good critical listening. I enjoy them.
I pick these up all of the time now (instead of the mh1c or r1) for on the go listening and even just doing normal tasks (because I know the gr07 will suck me into the music instead of doing what I want to do).
also. quick fix in case you think the bass is overwhelming is a shallow insertion.
oh yeah. mids are basically flat. If you're looking for an upfront presentation, these won't do. However, they are in no way recessed. AT ALL. just flat.
Jan 9, 2013 at 11:46 PM Post #195 of 371
ok. I don't think I can give these a critical listen.
On more than several occasions I've thought: "this song has a bassline?"
well. not exactly. I've know there's a bassline but it was something I could forego and still enjoy the song.
now the bassline is soooo sexy and seductive I can't listen to the sames songs without it.

yeah I found they tend to ruin my appreciation of other IEM's that don't expose what these do, after all they aren't exactly making it up because the basslines are actually there in the tracks. But other IEM's often don't show/expose what these do. Sometimes this changes the whole track itself when you listen to it as you mentioned.
It takes a fair bit of mental adjustment and/or time now for me when switching out to something else.  Funny what your hearing can get used to either way.
I like how you described that in a few words, would have taken me  far longer .
Did you try the MH1C tips on them yet?
I really like how you described all that.

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