Stolen Sennheisers...Need Help
Sep 22, 2005 at 2:20 AM Post #32 of 77
I'll do just that, ask for compensation for the PX200 for damaging them. I'll include the $69.99 list price from Sennheiser.

He actually Stole them from me by being the last to leave the class before break, so he went through my backpack and took them because I found the pocket I keep them open without anything, Including my tinted Oakley safety Glasses.

Now I plan to carry my iAudio and E4's wherever I go...

And yes... The guy is a complete dee dee dee!! (See Mind of Mencia). He's probably the dumbest guy in there.
Sep 22, 2005 at 2:28 AM Post #33 of 77
yea, I carry my audio around with me at all times when I'm in school, as well as my DS, unfortunately the only way you can protect yourself from idiotic thieves
Sep 22, 2005 at 8:18 AM Post #34 of 77

Originally Posted by Estilo
And yes... The guy is a complete dee dee dee!! (See Mind of Mencia). He's probably the dumbest guy in there.

I've known lots of dee dee dee!!!'s in my lifetime (I'm a Mencia fan too
), and all of them need to get cigars put out on their foreheads, for starters. And I've had my stuff stolen too, back in my first three weeks of high school, back in 1998.

I had a bunch of anime, rare DBZ stuff (back when no one watched the show but me
), and all my work for all my classes. It was in my backpack, and the PE teachers refused to allow me to put my backpack in a gym locker. So, lo and ****ing behold, a gen-u-iiiine dee dee dee!!! comes along during the class and steals it behind some bleachers, the only place I could put them since my regular locker was on the other side of the building

Well, after a week of not being able to do my work because my supplies are gone and the people in charge don't do anything to help replace them because I can't afford to buy them (I'm considered lower middle class white trash at my school, full of dee dee dee!!!'s), my backpack mysteriously shows up, with my binder full of crap gone, but my textbooks mysteriously were still in it.

I found it in the gym's lost and found, after being notified about it, and no one gave a sh**. Well, to put blame where I think it deserves, because of the results of that incident, my outlook on getting through high school was dead, and I never graduated. Thanks, you inactive dee dee dee!!!'s, I will one day become famous by way of my novels, and buy away your financial futures and slander you all into oblivion so you can taste the hell I've been through

I hate North Salem High School(in Oregon). Not the people, just the system and those that keep it that way to this day.
/end of rant. Sorry if I got out of line, but it frustrates the crap out of me sometimes.

Sep 22, 2005 at 8:54 AM Post #35 of 77
For shure, I would beat his ass (unless he is a lot bigger
Don't want to encourage violent use so you maybe just have to steal the px200 back and say that you found your px200 back.
Or is he garding his like a dog?
Good luck,

Maybe we need to organize an head-fi angry mob to convince him to give the px200's back
Sep 22, 2005 at 9:46 AM Post #36 of 77
i'd get the money for them (full list price) and then beat his ass down. Why be civil with someone who steals from you? There's nothing wrong with a bit of violence. might teach him to think before he acts in the future, and will mean people are less likely to steal from you in the future.
Sep 22, 2005 at 11:03 AM Post #38 of 77

Originally Posted by muckshot
hehe, HF-What?!

I know the answer to this!

Grado are making special headphones, the HF-1, just for head-fi users, i.e. you have to be registered here.
They're a limited number being made and each one had a specific number on it, so stealing one would be a bit stupid.

edit - Oh yeah, forgot to ask, whats the dealie with the tape on the PX200s?
Sep 22, 2005 at 11:12 AM Post #39 of 77

Originally Posted by Chri5peed
I know the answer to this!

Grado are making special headphones, the HF-1, just for head-fi users, i.e. you have to be registered here.
They're a limited number being made and each one had a specific number on it, so stealing one would be a bit stupid.

Sep 22, 2005 at 11:27 AM Post #40 of 77

Originally Posted by Estilo
I think I'd be a little careful about the HF-1's, I pretty much wouldn't carry those headphones around. I carry my E4's until I couldn't stand the distortion of my iPod, and Everyone though that they were hearing aids.... Uh? Ok!

Isnt that good?? I dont think anyone would want to steal your hearing aids....
Sep 22, 2005 at 11:41 AM Post #41 of 77
Estilo, you sound like the rational kind judging from your choice of taking the matter to the school authority. Any form of violence may actually scar him permanently and he may learn his lesson or he may not. It may actually backfire and he may even resort to gangter tactics etc... His thinking may be "Hey, I only stole a little headphone and he bashed me for that? That's too much. I'm going to get my revenge." We'll never know how the violence may affect him so it's best not to take the physical path. Well done!

I guess a full proof & evidence 'show down' infront of his parents and principal is the way to go.

1. Bring the original packaging. Bring the receipt if you have it.
2. Present your reason for taping the headphone versus "his friend's" reason for taping it to the wall.
3. Tell them how much you know about your headphone(nominal impedance) and where you bought it and etc...
4. Finally, the big bang: Get him to telephone call his 'friend who sold it to him' in front of the principal and get the principal to listen in on the conversation. Get him to ask his 'friend' how much he knows about the headphone too.

I think that as overkill though!
Sep 22, 2005 at 8:51 PM Post #42 of 77
Sorry - Open up a large can of whoop-ass on this mofo
Thats just low... Hope you get your cans back, F*$k that turn the other cheek lark - Revenge is a dish best served cold...
Sep 22, 2005 at 9:04 PM Post #43 of 77
I'm also onto the idea of stealing it back if the administration doesn't help you. If the guy ruined your PX200's then he deserves to get his ass beat. I cant stand people who clearly stole it and pretend that their friend gave it to them.

Get a couple of your buddies and punk this guy. He'll probably be smart enough to give back what he stole and repay all the damages he caused.
Sep 22, 2005 at 9:04 PM Post #44 of 77
It has been a day. Have you gotten any resolution through campus security?

With you able to describe the unique aspects of your phones, as well as produce receipt and original packaging, you should be able to get cash for a new purchase, as well as the original phones back.

Good Luck!
Sep 22, 2005 at 9:39 PM Post #45 of 77

Originally Posted by Flea Bag
I guess a full proof & evidence 'show down' infront of his parents and principal is the way to go.

1. Bring the original packaging. Bring the receipt if you have it.
2. Present your reason for taping the headphone versus "his friend's" reason for taping it to the wall.
3. Tell them how much you know about your headphone(nominal impedance) and where you bought it and etc...
4. Finally, the big bang: Get him to telephone call his 'friend who sold it to him' in front of the principal and get the principal to listen in on the conversation. Get him to ask his 'friend' how much he knows about the headphone too.

I think that as overkill though!

Not at all overkill, sounds like the perfectly rational thing to do.

And while you're at it, remind the kid before going in that he can give up the phones and reimburse the 70$, or he will get expelled and basically ruin his life.

Ignorant people make me sick.

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