Stax SR-X9000
Feb 12, 2023 at 12:45 PM Post #2,266 of 3,227
I am convinced that having a quality dac is indispensable and necessary when I get to have headphones and a total amp at home, for this reason I use a Merging Nadac with separate power supply, both for the dac part and for the pc part which is preceded by a transformer of isolation.
I also use a dedicated power line exclusively for the hifi system, I remodeled my house 3 years ago and wired all the hifi separately, a Merging recommended Cisco router and exclusive data network.
I also use excellent audio and power cables, and I'm sure that all this has a huge impact on performance, black is much blacker and the dynamic contrasts are perceived even at low volume, only after a certain time your ear gets used to it and would you like even more performance.
Feb 12, 2023 at 2:57 PM Post #2,267 of 3,227
Online searches and in-person testing hasn't convinced me of the difference between a Node and (for example) a Linn or Naim, and I haven't gotten a clear answer about differences in SQ, perceived or actual.
The most important part of the chain is the source
the main difference will be in the clocking and D to A conversion

To add to the numerous (fantastic) inputs above.

I just watched Rob Watts interview with Soundview from about a week ago, a wonderfully knoweledgable developer (I had the pleasure of spending a couple of hours chatting with him pre CanJam Chicago and learned a ton). He is discussing specifically his view on where the DAC, clock, and streamer come into play in affecting sound quality.

Relevant part is between minute 9:41-11:30, and then minutes 45:15-51:50:

The full interview is about an hour, and a very enjoyable listen.
Feb 12, 2023 at 6:59 PM Post #2,268 of 3,227
To add to the insightful inputs there, Rob watt is just one designer with his opinion that he couldn’t design a streamer to increase the sound quality over his years of trial which doesn’t mean other designers can’t. If you watch the interview of more designers, the majority of designers in the Industry will definitely tell different stories than Rob. Just like not everyone prefer or use Chord product.

Jitter and phase noise are nothing new which I already mentioned before in expanding sound stage at Susvara thread. There are pros and cons in every design and ways to address and alleviate that.

With the overwhelming amount of questionable beliefs already on the forum making people confused and clueless, I personally think more valuable input shall be built on user experience as what master clock and streamers you tried to contribute to the community at this topic or “belief”?

Im not saying one brand of streamer and server is definitely going to increase the sound of every system as it is always about synergy. Just like the popular wa33 is not the best pairing amp to SUS for sure and the amazing T2 might not the best pairing amp to Shang SR with better choice synergistically speaking. They are more a matter of system mismatch rather than diminishing returns. It is never about the quantity of power but quality.

I’m not forcing anyone to buy any certain product, I just think it is further misleading the public to make conclusions based on beliefs and even “common sense”, rather than on at least personal empirical experience. Especially these who diligently take the responsibilities and “expert” roles of “hosting” multiple threads on the daily basis, representing “we” and make conclusions for us. More of than not, they are the one with the least experience. I’m not against different opinions, I’m only against their unfounded imaginary BS misleading folks as I was once victim.
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Feb 12, 2023 at 9:09 PM Post #2,269 of 3,227
Even so many owners of MSB Select II with their most advanced Femto 33 Clock featuring a custom oven controlled dual crystal design would use external Aurender streamers for reasons beyond these “belief” and “common sense” brought up by some engineers who are just like audiophiles at different point in their audiophile/ engineer journey.
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Feb 13, 2023 at 10:01 AM Post #2,270 of 3,227
@hifixman have you tried one of the Rendu streamers? Sure this is not the best place to go on with such discussion, but well.. I used the very revealing X9000 with a mjolnir carbon and a modded 007T to try and perceive differences between streaming with the ultra/optical Rendu and the cambridge CXN as streamer only, and most of the time found very little to no difference between them, and little to no difference between using more stock to better USB and eternet cables and power suplies to the streamers. However, between any of the streamers and the USB out coming from good ($500) full size motherboards from both my PCs, there were quite noticable differences all the time.
So yeah, be it the power supply, the cleaner usb out, etc, my experience is you should invest on your streamer of choice if using a PC "as part of the source".

again, sure this discussion should be going to a long overdue "battle of the streamers" topic, but maybe those investing in totl HPs like the X9000 are more prone to consider adding a dedicated streamer and should benefit from the small detour here
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Feb 13, 2023 at 1:44 PM Post #2,272 of 3,227
Modified Stax srm-212s for X9K and it sounds just great.
Capacitors Audio Note Kaisei non polar 22u-350V. Removed resistors R1 and R2. Removed C1 and C2 caps. Tried different filter capacitors on C7 and C8 but ended up not to use any filter capacitors. Power supply DC ultra -low noise linear 12V. Had to build a wider case because AN Kaisei doesn't fit in old case, now it has 60's style on it, and looks good. Use this amp with turntable and find it to be a very good match with X9K. Super transparency with musicality and good bass.
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Feb 13, 2023 at 6:11 PM Post #2,273 of 3,227
Had the chance to demo a lot of amps with the x9000 so thought I’d make a nice little list with quick thoughts:

Best to worst

1. Mjolnir Novem - best synergy I’ve heard so far. Bass is bloomed and mids come forward. Love this combo. 8/10

2. BHSE - enjoyable but missing the magic 7/10

3. Carbon - improved the soundstage and separation but has a weird effect on the midrange that makes it feel recessed 6/10

4. T8000 - drives it okay 5/10
5. KgssHV - worse version of carbon 4/10
6. Hev90 / headamp aristaeus - 3/10 not enough juice here
7. Srm-313 upgraded by Mjolnir - 3/10 really flat had some bass distortion at over 85db.
8. Srm -252 - 1/10 - better off spending money the other way around (cheap lambda and expensive driver energizer)

Other notes:
lambda nova signature seems to scale really well with more power. Carbon sounds best

Lambda signature (80s) is pretty agnostic to energizer used

L300 sounded better with Novem than kgssHV to the three people I was with

Excited to hear megatron / t2 soon as I imagine those might be another click better than Novem.
Feb 14, 2023 at 4:35 PM Post #2,275 of 3,227
here is my list from best to worse for driving X9K, i have owned all amps and tested them with different sources

1.Stax SRM-212S modified with AN Kaisei NP + linear power supply ultra low noise and with some other modifications
2. Energon amp with KT-66 tubes
3. Novem
4.High-amp sirius v9
6.Stax 700S
8.Stax SRM-212S

The modefied 212S, i tried many different options and lastly made my decision purely by my ears .For me this is the best available amp for X9K.
Not heard T2 yet. Add a good powercord for the supply it's a fine tuned chain, i use Audioquest
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Feb 14, 2023 at 5:29 PM Post #2,276 of 3,227
No one has tried the RSA A-10? Extremely transparent and quiet.
Feb 14, 2023 at 10:57 PM Post #2,278 of 3,227
here is my list from best to worse for driving X9K, i have owned all amps and tested them with different sources

1.Stax SRM-212S modified with AN Kasei NP + linear power supply ultra low noise and with some other modifications
2. Energon amp with KT-66 tubes
3. Novem
4.High-amp sirius v9
6.Stax 700S
8.Stax SRM-212S

The modefied 212S, i tried many different options and lastly made my decision purely by my ears .For me this is the best available amp for X9K.
Not heard T2 yet
Wonder if the Airbow 253s will replicate your results with the 212 haha would be great value if so!

Feb 14, 2023 at 11:50 PM Post #2,279 of 3,227
Wonder if the Airbow 253s will replicate your results with the 212 haha would be great value if so!

I’ve never heard of this thing before whoa
Feb 14, 2023 at 11:58 PM Post #2,280 of 3,227
I haven't broken down yet and ordered the X9000 for my A-10. I hope to get up to hear the setup in next month or so.
I look forward to your impressions. I know Ray really like the 9000. After the update to my A 10, it seemed to take a long time to burn in but sounding great now. Very enjoyable with the HE90, more so than even a couple of months ago. Would be nice to hear the X9000 with it.

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