Southern CanFEST 2009
Feb 24, 2009 at 12:47 AM Post #121 of 243

Originally Posted by DannyB /img/forum/go_quote.gif
It was not my intent to suggest I am the original initiator of the ideas you suggested. I don't believe I stated that anywhere and if it was somehow implied, that was not my intent.

Regarding your statement,
" really have no idea what HF is or has been"
perhaps you are correct.
However, I am beginning to get a more clear understanding of some of the people on this site.

If you are suggesting something relative to me, why not share with the rest of the class, I have a thick skin.
Feb 24, 2009 at 12:52 AM Post #122 of 243

Originally Posted by DannyB /img/forum/go_quote.gif
It was not my intent to suggest I am the original initiator of the ideas you suggested. I don't believe I stated that anywhere and if it was somehow implied, that was not my intent.

I also thought it was implied.


Originally Posted by DannyB
Another goal I had in doing this was that I was trying to help pass the torch and bring young people into this hobby because if we don't it soon dies when we do. And guess what, mission accomplished. Several young people attended who were in their teens and early twenties. It was a thrill seeing a teenager talk with Joe Grado. What better representation could there be of passing the torch than that? One day, this youngster will hopefully know much more about Joe and what he contributed to this hobby. At least he had the opportunity to meet and talk with Joe. Few, if any "meets" accomplish this concept since they have such a narrow focus, which is fine for the hard core participants, but will not likely attract new people to help perpetuate the hobby.

Feb 24, 2009 at 12:57 AM Post #123 of 243
^^^ good point. I left it alone because I thought that part was obvious from what he wrote.

My original intent was merely to help ingwe explain what he was getting at in case it wasn't clear to some. However, that last post just rubbed me the wrong way.
Feb 24, 2009 at 1:13 AM Post #125 of 243

Originally Posted by Packgrog /img/forum/go_quote.gif

-dissapointing commentary-

If I ever meet you sir, I will stand you a pint.
Feb 24, 2009 at 1:14 AM Post #126 of 243
It's a trap!

Feb 24, 2009 at 1:26 AM Post #127 of 243
Could we go back to "Meet Impressions"?
I know these comments can be technically construed as meet impressions, but where are the pictures and critiques on the equipment that was there?

We can start another thread dedicated to why and how a meet should be held.

...or is it too late?
Feb 24, 2009 at 1:45 AM Post #128 of 243
The lambda pros were my favorite electrostat I tried.

The K240 off of Fitz's Total Eclipse DIY amplifier was amazing.

I felt like the soundstage of the Jade was off for me, I may have not been getting a proper fit, it sounded like everything was placed farther behind my head then it should have been.

Ingwe's setup had the HD600 sounding great playing some of his own needle drops that he had remastered and was playing back using custom break out cables and Apogee duet.

I only briefly heard the apache at Ray's table, it was properly busy.

The recabled K702 on alwayswantmore's setup did sound better then I remember the K701 sounding in the past. It was not as bright and had better bass.

The Woo Audio GE6 sounded really great.

I don't see the G1000 or D2000 in my future, I am glad I got to hear them.

I can't give anything in depth really though, I really am glad I got to try so many of the greats.
Feb 24, 2009 at 1:51 AM Post #129 of 243
Of the 100/150 people who showed up, I seems a few very vocal people did not have their expectations met. That’s unfortunate, but still, a small percentage.

The tone of some of the criticism in this thread has been less than constructive, bordering on personal in several instances. That’s not good. Civility and constructive criticism presented in a helpful tone is what I’ve come to expect on this forum. It’s unfortunate this thread has deteriorated to it’s current state. It’s very un-Head-Fi like.
Feb 24, 2009 at 2:08 AM Post #130 of 243
Being new at this, having all the vendors there was a big plus for me. I got a chance to listen to a whole bunch of equipment that I wouldn't otherwise have a chance to. Now when someone mentions a particular headphone, amp, etc. I can somewhat relate to it. It also gave me a chance to put a face to a vendor that I have either done business with or will possibly do so in the future. I also got to put a face to a name of some people on this forum.

I did get quite a few chances to compare notes with people while we were listening so I apprecate that also. The main regret I have is that I didn't get to spend quite as much time with equipment as I would have liked but I guess that's always going to be the case.

All in all I had a fantastic time, and got to compare notes with some great people.

Let's do it again
Feb 24, 2009 at 2:15 AM Post #131 of 243

Without getting into the debate as to, "the worth, or lack of worth", of the event this past weekend at Charlotte; I felt the attached image sort of summed up one of the things which motivated Joe Grado to attend. In his words, Joe mentioned he hoped to talk with and pass along some of his life experiences to the next generation. On the same occasion, he wanted to introduce what he hopes to be another lasting contribution to an industry he has helped found and which has been very good to him.

Personally, I enjoyed meeting everyone I came in contact with there, both old friends from around the industry who came to Charlotte as well as many new faces. Thanks to the organizers, the industry members as well as the rest of my fellow attendees for getting me out of housework and some of my “Honey-do’s” this past Saturday (:wink:)

Feb 24, 2009 at 2:25 AM Post #132 of 243

Originally Posted by Packgrog /img/forum/go_quote.gif
*shrug* I was the long-haired bearded guy who did the walk of shame out of the door around 11:30 or noon. I don't remember the last time I was that embarrassed. Ah well.

Your comments above and your experience leads me to believe strongly that the meet was a failure in the true spirit of a head-fi meet, and not aligned with the vision that the HEADFI community has for what meets are supposed to be. Whoever hosted this meet should be ashamed of themselves for allowing someone to feel and go through what you did. What you are describing is what I may have last seen and experienced in a high school cafeteria or hallway.

Meets are supposed to be about welcoming everyone and respecting the gear and input with people of different backgrounds. It appears not only did you feel embarassed that all you had was your setup, but it seems you were given the impression of not even feeling welcome. Shame on whoever facilitated this "meet".


True head-fi meets, while exciting and sometimes intense, should also be welcoming, laid back, with plenty of space to move around and talk, but listen to gear relatively background noise free. No one should feel like what the above poster felt, and I know that when I hosted meets, I bent over backwards to ensure that EVERYONE was treated fairly and respected, both their gear and time. Meets are not a place to hawk your personal gear. You have advertised this meet all over the place and internet, on other forums, I believe you even went into the Singlepower thread when we had a lot of hurt headfiers, to divert attention to your meet and that everyone should go because Mikhail would not be there. For the past month you have advertised that you had 100+ people showing up, knowing that you did not have the space to accomodate such a load. All I can say is I hope you were able to sell all your gear, and that the CAS had a nice fundraising event, maybe the 5% to headfi was a decent amount as well.
Feb 24, 2009 at 2:27 AM Post #133 of 243
While only recently having met Danny, I am proud to consider him a new friend. He has done so much to try to help move the relatively small audio scene in Charlotte forward.

So not everything came off perfectly. And yes, in hindsight there are things that could or even should have been done differently. This was after all first time effort.

Thanks again for those who took the time to share their music, equipment and thoughts during the meet.

Happy listening, Kent
Feb 24, 2009 at 2:31 AM Post #134 of 243
I would say after hearing some of the hurt and feelings of isolation that some of the members received, that the Joe Grado presence was a highlight (for those that were there, hopefully). I have been talking to Joe for the past month or so regarding my recent HP-1000 repair. He has been great to talk to and work with, and just a pleasure to have on the phone. He has been very generous with his time with me, and has even taken extra time to ensure that my phones arrive in excellent condition. I called him today to check on my cans, and he answer the phone by calling my name immediately, and telling me that "I sound like someone who cares deeply about these headphones...and I want to let you know that I care deeply about them too..." What a wonderful thing, and I am glad to have made that connection to him.


Originally Posted by unkamartin /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Without getting into the debate as to, "the worth, or lack of worth", of the event this past weekend at Charlotte; I felt the attached image sort of summed up one of the things which motivated Joe Grado to attend. In his words, Joe mentioned he hoped to talk with and pass along some of his life experiences to the next generation. On the same occasion, he wanted to introduce what he hopes to be another lasting contribution to an industry he has helped found and which has been very good to him.

Personally, I enjoyed meeting everyone I came in contact with there, both old friends from around the industry who came to Charlotte as well as many new faces. Thanks to the organizers, the industry members as well as the rest of my fellow attendees for getting me out of housework and some of my “Honey-do’s” this past Saturday (:wink:)


Feb 24, 2009 at 2:35 AM Post #135 of 243
This was my first heaphone event, so I had no idea what to expect. Since it was over a 4 hour drive one way, I asked my wife to come along, which she reluctantly agreed. I figured if she liked any of the equipment, it might help my cause.

Anyway, I took along my Lisa III/LLP, iMod hooked up to an ALO V-Cap dock with custom PSU made by Vinnie at RWA, and an RS-1 along with a pair of updated SR-325is. They did make room for my modest set-up, but I didn't want to stand near it because we were blocking the aisle. My stuff didn't get very much attention either.

I admit that I didn't socialize much with many Head-Fi'ers. Between being like a kid in a toy store checking out all the awesome gear, and wanting to keep my better half involved, I didn't introduce myself around like I should have done. So shame on me.

As for some of the highlights for me, I have to say that Drew's recabled PS-1s playing through the Cary Audio Xciter DAC>Xciter tube amp absolutely knocked my socks off. If I had the funds, I would have been all over that! I admit to being a Grado fanboy, and to me the PS-1s are now the Holy Grail.

I also fell for the ALO/RWA Amphora amp, it was very impressive. Kent let me compare some ALO recabled K702s hooked to it, against a pair of K1000 connected to the Isabella. It was hard to believe especially since I bought some 701s and sent them back within the 30 day period, they just weren' my cup of tea. I can now see a pair of the 702s in my collection down the road. I definitely think the Amphora is a real winner!

Another eye opener was Ray's balanced HD600s playing out of the Raptor. I also had owned a set of 600s and sold them soon after, they were too laid back for this Grado lover. But these had lots of punch and I couldn't ever call them laid back. I don't know if it was because they were balanced or if it was the Raptor, or the combination of the two; but it changed my mind about the Senns. Actually, I got to hear a pair of HD650s with a stock cable through a Woo Audio WA6, and liked them just as well. I think I might have liked the bass in them just a bit better than the 600s.

Over the short time that I've been on HF, I've heard over and over how the source and amp can affect the sound of high end headphones. Now I'm a believer, I've seen the light.
The right components can make all the difference.

All in all, I'm very glad that I attended this event. Not only did I get to hear some very high-end equipment, I also learned a lot. Even my wife enjoyed herself, my hat's off to her for going along.

So, thanks to all who organized this meet, the vendors and of course, Joe Grado for being there. Especially the vendors, it was great to meet Drew, Fang, Jack Woo and his father, and of course Ray Samuels.

So if this event was more of a trade show than a HF meet, then I can hardly wait for the next real HF meet. I think Atlanta is planning one, I hope I can make it.

Happy Motoring!

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