SoundMAGIC HP100/HP150 Review and Impressions Thread
Nov 24, 2013 at 12:29 PM Post #691 of 1,386
Probably a dumb question...

While I had the HP100 I noticed a lack of body in certain songs. After fiddling with the EQ I managed to "fix" this by increasing the 125Hz and 250Hz bands a few steps (I think it was 4 and 3 steps). However, by doing this I noticed the gorgeous sub-bass fade away unfavourably.

So the dumb question: Is this because of a lack of proper amping? (I was powering the headphones straight from a smartphone). A potentially poor DAC? (Again, smartphone). Or because that's just how sound, frequencies and, thus, EQs work?
Nov 25, 2013 at 11:01 AM Post #693 of 1,386
I know this may be a really really random question but can anybody let me know the dimensions of the box? 
Nov 25, 2013 at 7:06 PM Post #695 of 1,386
Open them, I'm not actually a fan of the HD650.

I wasn't that amazed by the HD650 to be honest. It was good but I prefer the MA900 which has a more liquid sound and bigger soundstage.

Thanks guys. I like the HP100 better than the 650s, although the 650s are more comfortable. Either way, I'm glad I opened them up.
  I know this may be a really really random question but can anybody let me know the dimensions of the box? 

I can tell you when I get home from work. I would estimate about 12x8x6 if I had to guess
Nov 26, 2013 at 4:48 AM Post #698 of 1,386
  actual box dimensions are 6.75in L x 4.75in W x 9.0in H

Awesome thanks alot! 
Also, does anybody have any suggestions for where to get these for a good price in the UK? I see a couple of sellers on eBay from China selling it for cheaper even with shipping, has anyone bought from them also?
Thanks once again :p
Nov 27, 2013 at 7:59 PM Post #699 of 1,386
I love my HP 100's
but would like to change them up with something with a much larger sound stage. can anyone recommend some headphones that are as much fun to listen to as the HP100's with a big sound stage? my budget is around 300$ and am using a vintage pioneer sx828 receiver
as a amp.
Nov 27, 2013 at 9:57 PM Post #700 of 1,386
  I love my HP 100's
but would like to change them up with something with a much larger sound stage. can anyone recommend some headphones that are as much fun to listen to as the HP100's with a big sound stage? my budget is around 300$ and am using a vintage pioneer sx828 receiver
as a amp.

AKG Q701 with the bass mod detailed in the appreciation thread.  You should also buy a DAC if you don't have one, I'd recommend the Schiit Modi since you would have some money left over.
Nov 27, 2013 at 10:43 PM Post #701 of 1,386
Thanks for the tip on the Q701 with the bass mod I will check it out. I'm using a PC with creative Sound Blaster X-FI Titanium HD Sound Card jacked into the pioneer sx828. listen mostly CD's and high bit rate MP3's  sounds pretty detailed.
Nov 28, 2013 at 12:01 AM Post #702 of 1,386
Thanks for the tip on the Q701 with the bass mod I will check it out. I'm using a PC with creative Sound Blaster X-FI Titanium HD Sound Card jacked into the pioneer sx828. listen mostly CD's and high bit rate MP3's  sounds pretty detailed.

Lol bass mod... skip the akg an get a Dt 880 Pro. Sonically its like a definate upgrade to the hp 100. N yes i owned the hp 100 n the 880 at the same time !
Trust me ull like it very much n no mods required
Nov 28, 2013 at 12:04 AM Post #703 of 1,386
Lol bass mod... skip the akg an get a Dt 880 Pro. Sonically its like a definate upgrade to the hp 100. N yes i owned the hp 100 n the 880 at the same time !
Trust me ull like it very much n no mods required

They are both improvements but neither is definitively better than the other so both should be considered.  The "bass mod" is as simple as removing a small sticker from the driver.
Nov 29, 2013 at 2:38 AM Post #704 of 1,386
  I love my HP 100's
but would like to change them up with something with a much larger sound stage. can anyone recommend some headphones that are as much fun to listen to as the HP100's with a big sound stage? my budget is around 300$ and am using a vintage pioneer sx828 receiver
as a amp.

Philips Fidelio X1... FTW!
Nov 29, 2013 at 3:15 AM Post #705 of 1,386
They are both improvements but neither is definitively better than the other so both should be considered.  The "bass mod" is as simple as removing a small sticker from the driver.

Yea... a Modded AKG sounds as good as a stock Beyer.... and it may b simple to you, but opening the headphone to remove a sticker voids the warrenty. So for some users mods are out of the question, hence  if you buying new the Stock Beyer is a nice choice, how ever if your buying used then and ONLY then are both equal. Oh and aren't AKG headphones know for those uncomfortable head bands? I think Beyer is know for well awesome comfort! So... yea.... 
But I have never heard an open Akg, and I'm a DIE HARD Beyer fan so you know... take my points with a grain of salt <3 [I did own a K550 an AKG does make a nice... well nice when they fit comfrotably] 
Philips Fidelio X1... FTW!

Actually... I've not heard that BUT that is a good suggestion! THere are from my undersatnding like 2 [maybe 3] versions of the HP 100
The orignal with >100 Serial Numbers, the first batch which are VERY neutral and have a VERY linear Sub bass with a smidge of reccesed Mid bass. I had that version of teh hp 100
but I hear there are new HP 100's which have more of a mid bass hump or rather linear sub bass and a slight hump to mid bass, which sound a little less balanced over the "sucked out" early model
That said, depending on which HP 100 you have, the newer "warmer" one or the older "sterile" one will depend on weather you want something warm like the X1 or something more sterile like the Akg or the DT 880 

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