Sony's New 2014 flagship IEM - XBA Z5
Mar 8, 2016 at 9:47 PM Post #2,943 of 5,812
By the way, is there any balanced-to-single-ended adapter out there? Is it technically possible? I'm thinking of getting the PHA-3 and the balanced cable. But I do not want to swap cables whenever I do not have the PHA-3 with me.
Mar 9, 2016 at 12:16 AM Post #2,944 of 5,812
By the way, is there any balanced-to-single-ended adapter out there? Is it technically possible? I'm thinking of getting the PHA-3 and the balanced cable. But I do not want to swap cables whenever I do not have the PHA-3 with me.

That could be what the doctor ordered.
Mar 9, 2016 at 8:25 PM Post #2,949 of 5,812
To me A3 is different than z5, A3's bass, although tight for the most part, is more prominent in the mid and low bass but not sub bass, the Z5 has more bass which goes deeper and doesn't bleed into mids that much. I also seem to get a bit wider soundstage with Z5 than A3, but that could be just my perception. I would say the mids and treble are comparable although Z5 seems to have less prominent treble spikes.
Mar 10, 2016 at 4:54 AM Post #2,950 of 5,812
To me A3 is different than z5, A3's bass, although tight for the most part, is more prominent in the mid and low bass but not sub bass, the Z5 has more bass which goes deeper and doesn't bleed into mids that much. I also seem to get a bit wider soundstage with Z5 than A3, but that could be just my perception. I would say the mids and treble are comparable although Z5 seems to have less prominent treble spikes.

Pretty spot on, in balanced mode however the Z5 tends to break away from the A3's a bit more in terms of soundstage and overall SQ. Otherwise the A3 is leaps and bounds closer to Z5's than the A2 is to the Z5's
Mar 10, 2016 at 9:22 AM Post #2,951 of 5,812
Just started listening to the z5 and I would have to agree with @rlukash. My take, I'm left impressed how good the A3 is. The A3 gets you close to the top while the z5 gets you there and over. I hope to hear the z5 in balanced mode.
Mar 10, 2016 at 9:37 AM Post #2,953 of 5,812
Balanced mode really took the Z5 over the top for me. I was glad I avoided cable upgrades so I could afford a Pono player.
Mar 11, 2016 at 8:15 AM Post #2,954 of 5,812
Well the z5 passed the ultimate test, my wife loves them. She asked "are those your new earphones". I said "yeah try them". She quickly started moving her head to the songs rhythm. She said "wow these are really good, they don't sound like earphones". I guess my z5's will be missing from time to time haha.
Mar 11, 2016 at 12:12 PM Post #2,955 of 5,812
Anyone knows if the Z5 can be reshelled? I love them so much that I want to turn then into CIEMs.

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