Aug 18, 2015 at 2:36 AM Post #7,051 of 14,773
In a word, no...

Using LDAC (connecting the X99 speaker admittedly, but this rings true also when connecting to Hugo via regular bluetooth) you lose coherency, treble detail suffers, and the sound becomes a little 'blurry' when compared to a wired connection...

Don't get me wrong, LDAC has more potential than regular APT-X or otherwise, but - the technology still needs to mature before you can say that this is a viable option to carrying around a wired setup.

Thank you ! Exactly what I thought :D. I really wish one day such technology would become available. But seeing how ripen the market is for wired audiophile high-end headphones and iems are, I don't think big companies will do such for a few more years. Unless, someone started a kick starter camp. even then it would take a couples years....
Aug 18, 2015 at 2:55 AM Post #7,052 of 14,773
It's easy! Stick a ZX2 or some other DAP on the top of your headphone's headband. All the convenience of cable-less and no loss in bluetooth transmission!
edit: something like the AK100 could be recessed into the casing of some of the huge cans out there, and then get AK's remote controller and off you go! #kickstarteridea
Aug 18, 2015 at 6:07 AM Post #7,054 of 14,773
I have to say the most impressive thing about the zx2 is its battery life. Mix file type of dsd, flac, MP3 yielded me 20 hrs of play time with 14hrs of standby and still have 29%.

My ak jr barely make it pass 7 hrs lol. Even a external battery pack with the weight difference of the zx2 slap to it probably won't yield the same amount of play time.

I'm only sad it has no aptx when their z1 compact which is older has them
Aug 18, 2015 at 7:36 AM Post #7,055 of 14,773
I have to say the most impressive thing about the zx2 is its battery life. Mix file type of dsd, flac, MP3 yielded me 20 hrs of play time with 14hrs of standby and still have 29%.

My ak jr barely make it pass 7 hrs lol. Even a external battery pack with the weight difference of the zx2 slap to it probably won't yield the same amount of play time.

I'm only sad it has no aptx when their z1 compact which is older has them

It has LDAC instead :D !
Aug 18, 2015 at 7:47 AM Post #7,056 of 14,773
But my bluetooth speakers dont play nice with that =/ And the implementation of SBC on the ZX2 is even lousier then the iPhone. My speaker crackles with it shucks.
The Z1 compact phone on the other hand streams like a champ. Same sony, different output. 
Aug 18, 2015 at 7:49 AM Post #7,057 of 14,773
  But my bluetooth speakers dont play nice with that =/ And the implementation of SBC on the ZX2 is even lousier then the iPhone. My speaker crackles with it shucks.
The Z1 compact phone on the other hand streams like a champ. Same sony, different output. 

if you didn't try this,
access bluetooth connection options on zx2 and choose sound quality priority
Aug 18, 2015 at 8:18 AM Post #7,058 of 14,773
if you didn't try this,
access bluetooth connection options on zx2 and choose sound quality priority

Tried that. Doesnt seem to play well still. Oh well I run it through cable else ill stream through other devices. Other then this blue tooth issue, the ZX2 is pretty much a champ. 
Aug 18, 2015 at 8:32 AM Post #7,059 of 14,773
Thank you, that's really helpful. I think I will pick a pair up

You are welcome!  Hope you enjoy yours as much as I do!
On a separate note does anyone know how to edit/move files on the external SD card from within the player?  I can't seem to even rename folders, files, etc. using ES File Explorer. Is this a limitation of Android 4.2.2?
Aug 18, 2015 at 9:12 AM Post #7,060 of 14,773
  You are welcome!  Hope you enjoy yours as much as I do!
On a separate note does anyone know how to edit/move files on the external SD card from within the player?  I can't seem to even rename folders, files, etc. using ES File Explorer. Is this a limitation of Android 4.2.2?

You know, I never tried moving files on the ZX2. However, I believe most Android-based devices don't really give you full control over the file system.
In such an event, I'd suggest getting Astro File Manager from the Play Store.
Not only does it allow you to see every drive and directory in order to move and delete things, but it also allows you to side load apps, without the need to go through the Play Store itself.
Aug 18, 2015 at 11:01 AM Post #7,061 of 14,773
Reading you guys, looks like a log of comparisons are made between ZX1, ZX2 and the AKs. However, not a lot of comparison are made with the Cowon Plenue 1 which is about the same price range. I owe one but also new to the forum so anyone can tell me why? Is it because P1 is marginally less bought than the other ones or what?

Reason of this question is I got my P1 and Shure SE846 stolen and looking to rebuy a P1 or something else depending on your wise advices...

i am also very curious how these 2 daps compare with each other , sound-wise
Aug 18, 2015 at 11:44 AM Post #7,062 of 14,773
please help 
my freind is going to turkey tomorrow and i wa sinterested to buy the zx2 for a long time
and i was set to give him the money to buy it for me in turkey until i learned about cap volume, which now is preventing me for making this purchase, is the european version lower in volume than the japanese model, and by how much, and to what extent is the volume cap affecting the volume level compared to the japanese model
please help,
Aug 18, 2015 at 11:54 AM Post #7,063 of 14,773
please help 

my freind is going to turkey tomorrow and i wa sinterested to buy the zx2 for a long time

and i was set to give him the money to buy it for me in turkey until i learned about cap volume, which now is preventing me for making this purchase, is the european version lower in volume than the japanese model, and by how much, and to what extent is the volume cap affecting the volume level compared to the japanese model

please help,

I don't know exactly how much, but mine is Japan version and I pair with Z7 super fine. I took a video, and is up streaming. I will link asap


Judge for yourself. Video taken by iPad Air 2
Aug 18, 2015 at 11:56 AM Post #7,064 of 14,773
I did some testing on the output and ZX2 really has a low powered port that even gets outpaced by the AK Jr in songs thats very dynamic and alot of bass. With a K701, if the song is purely vocal, it produces a really clear and wide sound stage feel. But the moment the song is dynamic and alot of bass, it feels alittle hollow vs the AK Jr and congested. Its as expected base on all the reviews before though so I am still really happy since for its purpose its still darn good. 
On a side note, volume wise its more then enough for me. The ZX2 at full is a little too loud but the similar output on the AK Jr is only 65/75.

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