Feb 23, 2015 at 6:21 PM Post #1,756 of 14,773
Can the PHA-3 take a feed from an iPhone 6 ?

Also where is the best place to get a NW-ZX2 from

Accessory Jack don't have them yet and I'm a bit scared to buy one from one of these Japanese shop forwarding companies.
(I'm in the UK)
Feb 23, 2015 at 7:34 PM Post #1,759 of 14,773
  For what it's worth
I finally tried a Micro SD card and I have a cheapo 16GB Kingston lying around - works fine and sound quality is fine....
Insert microSD (pins facing up) in and the player should create new folders. After that just dump your albums (folder by folder) into the Music folder
Only had 16GB to play with but scanning by the player only took a couple of seconds.

Don't let 'Trance' read this or you will get yourself in trouble. I have a theory which relates that because Sony was 'forced' to implement a microSD card and thereby vastly increasing the user lifespan of the ZX2 that they (Sony) have introduced this vastly overpriced non-sequential memory card to compensate themselves.
Feb 23, 2015 at 7:36 PM Post #1,760 of 14,773
Don't let 'Trance' read this or you will get yourself in trouble. I have a theory which relates that because Sony was 'forced' to implement a microSD card and thereby vastly increasing the user lifespan of the ZX2 that they (Sony) have introduced this vastly overpriced non-sequential memory card to compensate themselves.

Not ruling it out and willing to keep and open mind. However right now an inexpensive card seems fine. So interesting to hear results when it does come out. Sometime you don't know what you are missing until you see it
Feb 23, 2015 at 7:39 PM Post #1,761 of 14,773
I've already stated before that smaller capacity micro SD usually sound better than higher capacity, I can agree that a 16gb sd can sound good. But if he was to say he had directly compared 16gb to 64gb and not heard any difference then I would not agree.
Feb 23, 2015 at 7:49 PM Post #1,762 of 14,773
Not ruling it out and willing to keep and open mind. However right now an inexpensive card seems fine. So interesting to hear results when it does come out. Sometime you don't know what you are missing until you see it

So far your listening tells you it's fine, that there is no difference in SQ between the so called cheapo microSD card and inbuilt storehouse. If what you propose above is true regards the 'new stuff' then the Sony card would be technically superior to the inbulit storage memory and therefore offer a superior listening experience. You would have a situation were when playing music stored on the inbuilt storehouse would sound inferior compared to music stored on the new Sony card. What a disaster that would be!!
Feb 23, 2015 at 8:10 PM Post #1,763 of 14,773
So far your listening tells you it's fine, that there is no difference in SQ between the so called cheapo microSD card and inbuilt storehouse. If what you propose above is true regards the 'new stuff' then the Sony card would be technically superior to the inbulit storage memory and therefore offer a superior listening experience. You would have a situation were when playing music stored on the inbuilt storehouse would sound inferior compared to music stored on the new Sony card. What a disaster that would be!!

Actually I didn't compare the same files. I just ran out of memory onboard and started loading other albums onto the card. Certainly no hiss and pops.
Feb 24, 2015 at 12:59 AM Post #1,767 of 14,773
So far your listening tells you it's fine, that there is no difference in SQ between the so called cheapo microSD card and inbuilt storehouse. If what you propose above is true regards the 'new stuff' then the Sony card would be technically superior to the inbulit storage memory and therefore offer a superior listening experience. You would have a situation were when playing music stored on the inbuilt storehouse would sound inferior compared to music stored on the new Sony card. What a disaster that would be!!

I agree with what you are saying here.  This whole thing about one microSD being better than another brand can be true but one will be hard to discern the difference in a portable application IMO.  I doubt Sony actually use Sony very own upper highend microSD on its internal storage.  Should we all ignore all the internal storage all together and get *slightly* better sound on the ultra expensive card?  I think that money is better spend on better pair of earphones rather than a memory card.  I'll take highspeed 128 and soon to be released 256gb version over the Sony card any day of the week.  Just my opinion really.    
Feb 24, 2015 at 5:48 AM Post #1,768 of 14,773
Yes, follow the links. You will find 17 vs ZX 1 there...I found a17 to perform better than ZX1....while the Zx2 is leap and bound away from both. That was the way he rated it, and I will take it

Click on the pictures for larger and better resolution. The second one is NW ZX2

Hi everyone and sorry for the late reply to this thread. Generally have been busy so not much participation here on Head-Fi (which I love btw and Michael Mercer links to here within his excellent writings for As for my ratings, calling it as I hear them and yes with the Noble K-10 custom the ratings are as I hear it.
Note that the Pono and the older two Sony units I used the UE 18 Pro. Will bring this up within my follow-up review of the NW-ZX2. This past week I've been enjoying store samples with MANY hours on them (200+). Also, just bought a NW-ZX2 here at Sony's Singapore retail store today because, frankly, it really is that good imho. Yes the Noble K-10 is world's better than the UE 18 pro  and have accounted for that, yet I also used the JH Audio Roxanne custom and yesterday add the new JH Audio Angie and Layla to the mix (again, review forthcoming). Am right now loading up music on the new NW-ZX2 and will have it playing music 24/7 to expedite burn in. Am working as fast as I can can, yet want to ensure the NEW UNIT here has MANY hours, thus is why I used store samples. 
As for burn-in time, Sony very clearly states 100 hours, yet we all know 200 or more can't hurt :) 
Wish I had more time to participate here on head-fi and LOVE this awesome community. You guys are head and shoulders above all others for PMP :)  Alas, have so many other tasks on my proverbial plate....
BTW, was hoping to online live stream CanJam in SoCal like we're doing with AXPONA, THE Show, RMAF, etc, yet Jude seems to have not gotten back with me on that :frowning2:  Guess will ship the TV studio to AXPONA and you can always catch up with me there to hear the new Sony and talk about it, the AK240, Noble K-10, JH Audio Roxanne... the good ol' days when we used cassette Walkmans and Sony D-5/D-25/D-555, etc.
If anyone needs a hotel room at SoCal CanJam I'm going to give up the one I have reserved. PM me if you need it.
As always, in the end what really matters is that you....  Enjoy the Music  ♫♪♫♫♪  d[-_-]b  ♪♫♫♪
Feb 24, 2015 at 6:04 AM Post #1,769 of 14,773
  For what it's worth
I finally tried a Micro SD card and I have a cheapo 16GB Kingston lying around - works fine and sound quality is fine....
Insert microSD (pins facing up) in and the player should create new folders. After that just dump your albums (folder by folder) into the Music folder
Only had 16GB to play with but scanning by the player only took a couple of seconds.

Just to let you know those cheapo Kingston are made by Toshiba, although I can tell you there are many fakes of these going around.
Even those cheap Kingston should give you reasonable quality.

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