Mar 17, 2024 at 3:38 PM Post #14,926 of 15,952
Uncapped WM1ZM2 received — love it — more, and write-up, on it later.

Edit: btw, the WM1ZM2 has a stunning synergy with the Nightjar Acoustics Singularity… a match made in heaven both visually and sonically.
Running singularity as well. I think both Singularity and XE6 pair well with 1Z
Mar 17, 2024 at 4:53 PM Post #14,932 of 15,952
@andrewski, @boodi ,@flyer1 @ttt123

Seems like even for Audiophiles using Raspberry Pi , they have discovered that the Swissbit microsd makes a difference to the sound quality of their hardware:

Joined: July 11, 2007
There's absolutely a difference. I had my doubts though.
However. Since many of us "flexible" minds over here are well aware of the "Everything Matters" principle in audio, it would have been a shame
not to try it.
No matter if it makes sense or not on the first glance. Fact is, nobody knows if you don't try it.
A friend of mine sent me over a Swissbit 8Gig uSD card. Swissbit focuses on industrial solutions. At that point I had never heard of Swissbit.
I didn't ask what he paid for it.
Just dumped the OS image on that card and booted it up. Wow. The card really made a difference. Subtle. But that obvious that it had to stay.
I've been using Samsung EVOs before that.
Fact is. It wasn't just me experiencing it. It was already known to quite some audiophiles out there.

What works best for me nowadays is a RPI4 with 2TB SSD attached on USB 3
running my own OS and entire audio environment and collection on it.
A standalone audio server. It's another step up.
Yep. A standalone audio server. Running LMS and squeezelite on one system.
In my experience (home) network based audio services, seperated client/server and net-file services (NFS/Samba/NAS) simply degrade the sound on my RPi4 installations.
Since I consider myself a "Full RamPlayback" dinosaur and designer,
I can say - Full RamPlayback is not enough. Even CPU isolation, another very important factor, is not enough.
All I am saying. If you're after the best sound from a RPi, give SSD a try.

What you need is a RPI4, a quality - trim-capable - USB-SATA adapter and optional a USB filter e.g. an iSilencer+. Optional you could play around with external supply for the SSD. These SSDs are little suckers. Using an Allo Shanti for powering RPI and the SSD separately could be a nice option.
I do run mine without external supply, just a filter, and use the 2nd Shanti output to power and isolate the USB audio interface with an iDefender instead.
Yep. All the tweaking never stops. No tweaks, no fun. Happy tweaking.

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Mar 17, 2024 at 4:55 PM Post #14,933 of 15,952
Does the battery go down while normal listening via Apple Music as well or only when you do download ?
Keep the screen off to save battery. I do use Apple Music from time to time and although it does drain the battery faster but we should get 10+ hrs of battery .
Only when streaming, the battery usage when listening to Apple Music while on airplane mode seems on par with the Music app, maybe a little worse but not a huge difference.
Mar 17, 2024 at 7:32 PM Post #14,934 of 15,952

PC Engine Emulation fans discovering buzzing noise differences between microSD cards!? Bits are bits? How could there be noises coming from these cards?! I hope this buzzing noises doesn't affect the walkman! Oh wait. I already knew that.

SSDS3: Ditch your Sandisk cards!
17 Oct 2019
An SSDS3 owner and youtuber "HobbyForever" recently discovered switching from Sandisk to Transcend 300S microSD cards virtually eliminated the SD card access buzzing on his setup. The results in his video demonstration were quite impressive, so I decided to investigate this myself with a little OCD direct capture of audio tests between the two cards.

Now to be clear, I don't have a PCE or Core Grafx on hand, but instead I have my Super Grafx and the "Rev B" SSDS3 that incorporates Voultar's video circuit and my improved audio circuit. As such, the SD Access noise was already VERY subdued, so I had to amplify the background noise by 300 times in both recordings to make the difference more easily heard. I then applied a bandstop filter to isolate the SD access noise as much as I could. The result? The Transcend card definitely reduced the SD access noise!

Here's the 300X volume-boosted and filtered comparison, with the first 5 seconds using the Transcend 256GB 300S card, and the last 5 seconds using the Sandisk card:

You can definitely hear the SD access spikes when it switches to Sandisk, and this is on the most quietest setup you can possibly have for the SSDS3. Again, keep in mind the volume of this noise is boosted by 300X, and the difference on a PCE will be much more extreme.

On the MegaSD, I did the same test, but was unable to really pick up SD access noise on my Mini Mega-modded Genesis console. The difference between the two cards in that scenario was negligible, which is a testament to the vast improvement the MegaSD is over the SSDS3 in power filtering.

Long story short (too late): Definitely give Transcend cards a try on your SSDS3 setup. Even on my dream setup using the Super Grafx, there was no denying the improvement.


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Mar 17, 2024 at 11:07 PM Post #14,935 of 15,952
This all sounds exactly how regular people describe the likes of us:

Normal people use their equipment to listen to music. Audiophiles use music to listen to their equipment.

This Sony ad caused quite a big(negative) reaction on twitter back in 2015.

I guess it only help to add to the stigma of audiophiles being wackos/jerks.
Mar 18, 2024 at 5:26 AM Post #14,936 of 15,952
I am not in a shame to admit I listen to audio gears , it happens when I need to decide which one fits my personal and hearing needs

In a same way , I am not in a shame to understand or admit or tell that a Stainway&Sons sounds different then a Yamaha, and to tell the differences

I listen to a variety of music genres too😛🤪
Mar 18, 2024 at 6:03 AM Post #14,937 of 15,952
I am not in a shame to admit I listen to audio gears , it happens when I need to decide which one fits my personal and hearing needs

In a same way , I am not in a shame to understand or admit or tell that a Stainway&Sons sounds different then a Yamaha, and to tell the differences

I listen to a variety of music genres too😛🤪
Must learn not to judge what others do for their hobbies, because some coffee aficionados have been sourcing exotic(expensive) coffee beans from animal 💩 because it tasted better to them. Although it is technically not wrong to say they have been drinking expensive 💩 coffee.

Also on the topic of piano, does price of piano matter more or does the technique of the pianist matter more?
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Mar 18, 2024 at 9:37 AM Post #14,939 of 15,952
How are folks updating to 1.08 firmware that don’t have a PC? Talking to the Mac community here :)
you can update the firmware directly via android settings using WIFI connection.

Do ensure that the Wi-Fi you are connected to has strong signal strength and stable connection for problem free updating.
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