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    • flyer1
      flyer1 reacted to Kobe4ever's post in the thread SONY NW-WM1Z M2 / WM1A M2 with Like Like.
      I made the opposite choice to yours, selling all my DAPs (neutral, transparent, etc.) to buy the WM1ZM2, which for me can give me a...
    • flyer1
      flyer1 reacted to MudEnjoyer's post in the thread Sony IER-M9 impressions thread with Like Like.
      The bass on the Z1R is definitely better (best I’ve heard) but it is minmaxing. Sometimes I get too triggered at how thin it sounds...
    • flyer1
      flyer1 reacted to surfgeorge's post in the thread Sony IER-M9 impressions thread with Like Like.
      I have both, and they are quite different. M9 has a rich and warm mid bass with good texture, but rolls off in sub bass. Z1R has a...
    • flyer1
      flyer1 reacted to osiris1's post in the thread SONY IER-Z1R with Like Like.
      Brise Audio BSEP for IER-Z1R. Fits well. Testing still. First impressions after 30 hours: imaging feels more centered, mids a bit more...
    • flyer1
      flyer1 reacted to ttt123's post in the thread SONY NW-WM1Z M2 / WM1A M2 with Like Like.
      Thinking of the statement that there is no difference between high gain and low gain, as proven by measurements.... Similarly, I can...
    • flyer1
      flyer1 reacted to Redcarmoose's post in the thread SONY IER-Z1R with Like Like.
      This is just my personal opinion on burn-in. It’s a question that will maybe never be totally proven. Each person needs to decide on...
    • flyer1
      flyer1 reacted to Redcarmoose's post in the thread SONY IER-Z1R with Like Like.
      Right out of the box the IER-Z1R is more bass heavy. After 100 hours the bass gets detailed and trimmed back. 200 hours and it’s perfected.
    • flyer1
      flyer1 reacted to Doug2507's post in the thread SONY IER-Z1R with Like Like.
      Agree, BSEP holds them in snugly.
    • flyer1
      flyer1 reacted to Jarlaxle's review on item SONY IER-Z1R with Like Like.
      Sony needs no introduction. Being an electronics giant, they have some consumer level audio products, but also they are audio...
    • flyer1
      flyer1 reacted to WAmadeusM's post in the thread SONY NW-WM1Z M2 / WM1A M2 with Like Like.
      Yes. I have 1z & 1a. Reviews in signature. The 1ZM2 is light years better than the og 1Z. It has a euphonic quality BUT with detail...
    • flyer1
      flyer1 reacted to cosplayerkyo's post in the thread SONY NW-WM1Z M2 / WM1A M2 with Like Like.
      Yeah much bigger to my ears. I spent a good solid week at e-earphone comparing the two and every time the soundstage and imaging...
    • flyer1
      flyer1 reacted to nc8000's post in the thread Sony MDR-MV1 with Like Like.
      After having sold my MDR-Z1R to my son as I hardly ever used them any longer (use the IER-Z1R 99% of the time) I have bought a set of...
    • flyer1
      flyer1 reacted to PeacockObscura's post in the thread SONY NW-ZX700 with Like Like.
      As the owner of 20 different DAPs I'm very impressed by the Zx707 the uncapped version from Japan is plenty powerful enough for all my...
    • flyer1
      flyer1 reacted to Sp12er3's post in the thread Sony Z1R....listening impressions only with Like Like.
      It's closer to the Z1R than both version of MDR Z7 is. All while being way smaller and more comfortable than Z1R and Z7 mk1&2s.
    • flyer1
      flyer1 reacted to sp33ls's post in the thread Sony Z1R....listening impressions only with Like Like.
      Speaking of, I recently picked up a pair of MV1. These things are tuned incredibly well. Can definitely tell they share the same...
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