Sony NW-HD5 coming June - maybe?
Apr 23, 2005 at 9:45 PM Post #151 of 203

Originally Posted by dosun
Does anybody know if the HD5's battery will be the same as the ones used in the the HD1/3? I like the idea of a replacable battery but I can find anywhere that sells it.

I don't think so.look at this thread
Apr 24, 2005 at 7:26 PM Post #153 of 203

Originally Posted by notnormal
In Japanese 4 translates to both "shi" and "yon". However, "shi" also means death in japanese. Hence the number is considered bad luck.

also mean death in chinese
Apr 24, 2005 at 7:30 PM Post #154 of 203

Originally Posted by Electric_Mofo
Im really confused because on sony's site it states that the nw5 can store jpeg and mpeg files. Does this mean that it can play clips and images on the screen or is it just for storage

Id assume it means you can use it as an external HD for storing those files, not the HD1 and HD3

Its just giving examples of what can be stored
Apr 24, 2005 at 9:52 PM Post #156 of 203

Originally Posted by diabloii
also mean death in chinese

You know there's gotta be someone in China that was born on 4/4/1944, that no one hangs out with.
Apr 25, 2005 at 4:38 AM Post #157 of 203

Originally Posted by Cyclone
You know there's gotta be someone in China that was born on 4/4/1944, that no one hangs out with.

at 4:44 and 44 seconds
Apr 25, 2005 at 3:40 PM Post #158 of 203
Sup all....
The hd5 looks pretty tasty, but sonicstage is still putting me off. Are there any major improvments from 2.3? I installed it and then uninstalled it within about an hour of utter frustration from the slowness and general crappiness.

Apr 29, 2005 at 12:22 PM Post #160 of 203

Originally Posted by Electric_Mofo
Thats a shame, if it has colour screen it would be almost perfect. Looks like I will have to settle for the x5

most likelly it will be OLED. As for pictures on your player, it is pretty useless, I mean I can store pictures on my color cellphone, but how often do I do that?

The latest trend of making a device do 10 useless things, and doing them mediocre at best, should die.

I want my player to play music, and do that well. If they can add a useless functionality, then it is ok I guess, as long as it is not at the expense of sacrificing the main functionality.

OLED = greater battery life
Color LCD For picture viewing = less battery life, more useless circuitry, that will be taking up precious space in my already gigantic DAP. (if it is visible to naked human eye, then it is too big
Apr 29, 2005 at 3:00 PM Post #161 of 203

Originally Posted by t10
most likelly it will be OLED. As for pictures on your player, it is pretty useless, I mean I can store pictures on my color cellphone, but how often do I do that?

The latest trend of making a device do 10 useless things, and doing them mediocre at best, should die.

I want my player to play music, and do that well. If they can add a useless functionality, then it is ok I guess, as long as it is not at the expense of sacrificing the main functionality.

OLED = greater battery life
Color LCD For picture viewing = less battery life, more useless circuitry, that will be taking up precious space in my already gigantic DAP. (if it is visible to naked human eye, then it is too big

What he said!
Apr 29, 2005 at 5:43 PM Post #162 of 203
Exactly. Sony should have put OLED on HD5. Now I'm waiting for the good news that you can buy a removable battery for HD5 and put that in HD3. Anyones looked inside a HD3. Is this possible? Is battery type/size compatible?
Apr 29, 2005 at 6:42 PM Post #163 of 203

Originally Posted by LFC_SL
Exactly. Sony should have put OLED on HD5. Now I'm waiting for the good news that you can buy a removable battery for HD5 and put that in HD3. Anyones looked inside a HD3. Is this possible? Is battery type/size compatible?

Nope, I'm afraid it won't be. They're different batteries altogether. Look at the batteries from these 2 pics.


(from: )

(from: )

Apr 29, 2005 at 6:52 PM Post #164 of 203
Although I think that OLED display is more convinient, I also think that all the next gen DAP's will feature colour screen as a standard feature just like what happened with cellphones a few years back. Im sure that there are people that will say "who needs colour screen, I'm only listening to music" but colour screen opens up so many more options. It opens the door to things like video capabilities, photo viewing, album art etc etc. And with the ipods, iriver's, cowan using colour screen function as standards I can see Sony releasing another similar HD5 model but with colour screen by the end of the year realising that they are behind in technology. And if their going to compete with apple there gonna have to make the colour screen a standard feature in the already feature lacking HD5
Apr 29, 2005 at 8:03 PM Post #165 of 203

Originally Posted by Electric_Mofo
Although I think that OLED display is more convinient, I also think that all the next gen DAP's will feature colour screen as a standard feature just like what happened with cellphones a few years back. Im sure that there are people that will say "who needs colour screen, I'm only listening to music" but colour screen opens up so many more options. It opens the door to things like video capabilities, photo viewing, album art etc etc. And with the ipods, iriver's, cowan using colour screen function as standards I can see Sony releasing another similar HD5 model but with colour screen by the end of the year realising that they are behind in technology. And if their going to compete with apple there gonna have to make the colour screen a standard feature in the already feature lacking HD5

Shame about incompatible batteries....
Anyway, yes but battery tech for HD DAPs is still relatively poor. OK HD5 upto 40hrs, but what is it for DAPs with colour screen. 15hrs? But in a couple of years, it should be better. I mean I read a press release for a new Panasonic MP3 CD player 120hrs+

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